I will be doing. But having voted Labour for many Years, and once Conservative, I now find myself hoping that we have a UKIP Candidate standing in my ward here in Southport.
Failing that, no vote.
yorkshire terrier:
Yes ukip for me,even the local Pakistani shop keeper to me was playing hell about Romanians and poles that are not working and he is voting ukip.
Next the Asians will be saying send all the Anglo Saxons back home to Germany to keep Britain for the British.
You are a “Star man” CF,you may be wrong on all things related to decent motors (I’m thinking of 8LXB’s here )but you are sure spot on as regards UKIP,I would defo vote for you if you were a UKIP candidate,could I count on your vote if the reverse were true? Anyway lets hope Nige sweeps the board on Thursday and teaches the “London Political class” a lesson they will never forget!! Cheers Bewick.
Rat67, you have passed a comment perhaps you would care to explain in simple terms who you would vote for,why and why not UKIP or perhaps your
not voting in which case you should not pass any comment.
Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realise this was your personal private forum. I won’t vote UKIP for the same reason I didn’t vote BNP, NF or any other knuckle-dragging neanderthal fascist. I will vote for whoever I see fit, but if I didn’t wish to vote, I certainly wouldn’t need your permission to comment here, so sorry to burst your bubble ■■■■, but you are not the be all and end all of TN
More investment in renewable energy = less reliance on Russia for gas supplies.
More investment in public transport = less cars on the road = less hassle for us truck drivers.
I personally don’t have a problem with immigration, as long as it is managed to sustainable numbers. Don’t forget, a large number of British workers emigrate to foreign climes every year, abroad and in Europe.
Milk Man to answer your question… apart from immigration why vote UKIP.For as many years as I can remember our ‘elected representatives’ have done
pretty well as they pleased,throwing us peasants a few groats to keep us quiet now and again, a real alternative has never really been available till now.
I mentioned before, it’s like a car, we have all just stuck with the Labour or Conservative model no matter how crap then along comes this new model,
the UKIP, not sure how it’s going to go but we do know how the other models performed so we try the UKIP model for a few years if it doesn’t work we
go back to the Labour or Conservative model again unless another new model comes out.Sticking with the same car for years gets boring might as well
have a bit of fun in our life and try the UKIP model.Bit like British lorry manufacturing[Liblabcon],kept turning out dross when the Swedes[UKIP] were
providing what we actually wanted.
Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realise this was your personal private forum. I won’t vote UKIP for the same reason I didn’t vote BNP, NF or any other knuckle-dragging neanderthal fascist.
So when the results come in on Sunday, your conclusion will be that the majority of voters are knuckle-dragging neanderthal fascists?
So you will all be taking out private health care insurance then will you?,I take you have read ukip policy on the NHS then?which is to privatise it,load of ex Tory‘s who cant have there own way milk the Brussels gravy train like it is going out of fashion,and farage is an ex Tory of the most nastiest era of the conservative party,yep crack on lads might be an idea to fully read Thier manifesto first and not just stop at the immigration bit!!.
this time I will be voting for Nigel…
how are you lot voting if you do vote at all ■■?
I must admit that I am not a regular voter,
it’s just at the point where I am so peeved off with the other idiots. they need a shake.
NO because there is NO UKIP Candiate in my ward !!!
Milk Man:
For the ukip voters, without mentioning immigration what else makes you want to vote ukip?
Being old enough to have gone to grammar school where there was a real education and they taught genuine critical thinking rather than the dumbed down comprehensive Orwellian brainwashing of today.
If UKIP sweep the board and follow up with a strong showing in the general election, it will probably trigger the destruction of the present Tory party as people will realise the Tories, in their present liberal leftie don’t a bloody clue who we are any more mode, will be unable to gain a working majority ever again in their present form and people simply stop voting for them…we are seeing this happening now.
This can only be a good thing, the Conservative Party is no longer fit for purpose and doesn’t deserve to hold office, it needs to be culled and to start again from scratch with patriotic Conservative values, at present there is almost no difference between them and the other two cheeks.
Unforgivable is the fact it was a Conservative traitor who led us into the Common Market in the first place, under false pretences and knowing full well that political and monetary union were ultimate goals even then, and another well known Conservative called Thatcher and Cronies who pushed hard for a Yes vote to stay in when the then Labour Government gave us a referendum on the matter…i voted NO by the way and have met very few people who will admit to voting Yes.
Irony being that as Thatcher changed her mind, too late and knifed in the back for that by tory EU stooges within, the bloody Labour party which until then was anti EU, changed sides and became pro EU too.
If UKIP do nothing other than to trigger the long overdue self destruction of the Conservative Party, it will have done well.
If the Conservative Party is destroyed and a new real party rises from the ashes, then there’s every chance the Labour party will disintegrate too and go back to its roots…the present cabal of 2.3 parties is not healthy for our country or its politics or future, we have no strong government (hence all licking the EU’s arse and vying for future cushy jobs there, Cleggy is that you?) and we have an opposition as scary as a womens institute sewing circle…and worse of all with them all occupying the same centre ground voters only have the choice of the worse of the three to vote for, negative politics, and not someone they WANT to vote for real reasons, positive politics.