Are my moving banners becoming annoying?

Well I’ve said it before and I’m not too proud to say it again.

I LOVED receiving the banners for passing all my tests and I’m chuffed to bits that Rog took the time to do them (and perhaps I’ll pass my Operator’s CPC sometime, so I can look forward to a post from DieselDave! :sunglasses: )

May I politely point out to some of the wiser and more experienced members than I, that these do appear on the NEW AND WANNABE DRIVERS FORUM

It would therefore seem that this particular board is aimed primarily at new and prospective drivers, so there should be no surprises that the posts include commiserations for test fails and congratulations for test passes!

Again I can only speak personally, but I have a huge amount of respect for everyone on ALL of these forums, many of whom have been driving trucks longer than I’ve been alive (and sadly, I’m not that young! :blush: ) so it really means a lot to receive a warm welcome and congratulations from guys and gals who are out there living the dream :sunglasses: (and sometimes the nightmare! :frowning: ) on a daily basis.

Times are hard. Transport is a tough business. Very few people receive thanks or congratulations for a job well done, so I think it’s fantastic that we celebrate our members’ successes and share in their troubles.

When you consider the how much it can cost to get your licence, both in time and money, plus the sacrifices that many people (and sometimes their families) have to make to achieve their goal, taking half a second longer to scroll down a post past the moving banners seems a very small price to pay…

Let’s not spoil a newbie’s moment of triumph - the harsh realities of the transport world will hit them soon enough! :unamused:

Or if you really don’t want to see the banners, just don’t read posts on the NEW AND WANNABE DRIVERS FORUM (although this would be a shame, as the input from long-standing members is what makes this forum so enjoyable :smiley: )

It would be nice to see the more “established” members showing each other a little more support too… :wink: Lately it’s been like watching your Mum and Dad barney - not nice! :open_mouth:

(Not that mine did :wink: )

:imp: YES :imp:

Given that the so called moving banners were HTML marquees and this site no longer has HTML enabled this whole question seems a little redundant.

A bit like the moving banners in fact :laughing:


Don’t know what you mean. :smiling_imp:

Keep them rolling ROG, if you can. I like them. :smiley: :smiley:
