Are my moving banners becoming annoying?

Got to say that it does get a bit annoying seeing the same ■■■■ pictures floating round the screen on every single topic in this forum :stuck_out_tongue: But I guess these things “do it” for ROG :unamused:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
Much more of this crap and i am sure people will leave this place … Give it a rest Rog

Are my moving banners becoming annoying :question:

nah man its just those guys being a bit petty, even lucy aint that bothered by them

was funny in the chat when she told 26 that if it bothered him that he was tot urn his graphics off.

i personally dont have a problem with you though ROG


I have to say ROG your moving banners are not becoming annoying to me - they have been for some time!

They also make your posts large and I do get fed up of having to scroll down ever such a lot to get to the next post.

I suppose some of the new members and those who pass a test may like it - indeed some look forward to it, but personally I would be pleased if they were gone.

3 against
1 in favour

so far…

Hang on - i’ll add a poll to this thread

Are my moving banners becoming annoying :question:

They certainly don’t annoy me, they do seem to have got a bit larger lately but as long as they don’t take up the entire page … :wink:

Having said that I believe the new site won’t have HTML enabled so no more marquees, so not really any point in a poll :wink:


Are my moving banners becoming annoying :question:

They certainly don’t annoy me, they do seem to have got a bit larger lately but as long as they don’t take up the entire page … :wink:

Having said that I believe the new site won’t have HTML enabled so no more marquees, so not really any point in a poll :wink:

ERR - there is the BBcode marquee as opposed to the HTML <marquee

ERR - there is the BBcode marquee as opposed to the HTML <marquee

which idiot told ROG how to use BBcode : :open_mouth: :cry:



Are my moving banners becoming annoying :question:

They certainly don’t annoy me, they do seem to have got a bit larger lately but as long as they don’t take up the entire page … :wink:

Having said that I believe the new site won’t have HTML enabled so no more marquees, so not really any point in a poll :wink:

ERR - there is the BBcode marquee as opposed to the HTML <marquee

Perhaps you could post a link to this information ROG as I’m not aware on any marquee in BB code :confused:

replacing < > with will do nothing at all I’m afraid.

Think you just made that up mate :wink:


ERR - there is the BBcode marquee as opposed to the HTML <marquee
which idiot told ROG how to use BBcode : :open_mouth: :cry:

Would you own up ?

Let him be, he has a lot of time on his hands and needs the exercise :stuck_out_tongue:

It was my fly that caused the problem as the claim for replacing broken monitors was getting too expensive.

Anyway the fly has been on holiday.

Spanish Fly :stuck_out_tongue:

What really is annoying is the size of some of the photographs that really screw the forum pages up. Can a maximum ratio of 640 be written into the new forums gearbox?

you 3 are really petty btw, seriously

its only the bloody internet




Are my moving banners becoming annoying :question:

They certainly don’t annoy me, they do seem to have got a bit larger lately but as long as they don’t take up the entire page … :wink:

Having said that I believe the new site won’t have HTML enabled so no more marquees, so not really any point in a poll :wink:

ERR - there is the BBcode marquee as opposed to the HTML <marquee
Perhaps you could post a link to this information ROG as I’m not aware on any marquee in BB code :confused:

replacing < > with will do nothing at all I’m afraid.

Think you just made that up mate :wink:

Sadly, that tag does exist in BBCode… Link here :imp: :unamused:

It has to be added to the board as “allowed” first, though…And Rik has far too many other things to be worrying about to do that! :unamused:

No ROG they are not annoying, I like them… :sunglasses:

:smiley: Who cares anyway:smiley:

:smiley: Sorry had to be done:smiley:

Perhaps you could post a link to this information ROG as I’m not aware on any marquee in BB code :confused:

replacing < > with will do nothing at all I’m afraid.

Think you just made that up mate :wink:






I think that’s enough :wink: :laughing: :laughing:


:smiley: Who cares anyway:smiley:

:smiley: Sorry had to be done:smiley:

Please try to get it right :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Fare enough ROG but I think you’ll find all of those are custom BB codes and not standard BB code.

I could be wrong though :wink: