Are my moving banners becoming annoying?

Fare enough ROG but I think you’ll find all of those are custom BB codes and not standard BB code.

I could be wrong though :wink:

One of those links is for a phpBB3code forum but, as Lucy stated, it has to be ‘enabled’ by the site programmers

you 3 are really petty btw, seriously

its only the bloody internet

nice pics gogzy

Not annoying at all!!

Please do not stop at least until I get my C+E!!

I want my banner!


Are my moving banners becoming annoying?

YES 18 56%
NO 14 44%

Total votes : 32

As of 13:25 sunday 1st feb 2009

It’s just the whole page seems to get used.

As you are a valued member :wink:

I am sure that once is enough for most of your post’s In the Frequently asked questions page.

Are my moving banners becoming annoying :question:

Not any more. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


Are my moving banners becoming annoying :question:

Not any more. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Click onto the link in my signature and see the MESS :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:



Are my moving banners becoming annoying :question:

Not any more. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Click onto the link in my signature and see the MESS :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Best get busy tidying it up then ROG :laughing:

Shouldn’t take long :wink:

How do I make an animated gif and store it in my pics on my PC :question:

I could tell you, but then I would have to look at your 500,000 animated pictures bouncing round the screen. I think I’ll keep my knowledge to myself :smiley: :unamused:

I could tell you, but then I would have to look at your 500,000 animated pictures bouncing round the screen. I think I’ll keep my knowledge to myself :smiley: :unamused:

Phew i was about to slap you Lycanthorpe but now ill give you a


Got to say that it does get a bit annoying seeing the same ■■■■ pictures floating round the screen on every single topic in this forum :stuck_out_tongue: But I guess these things “do it” for ROG :unamused:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
Much more of this crap and i am sure people will leave this place … Give it a rest Rog

Are my moving banners becoming annoying :question:

Hi Rog

if you have to ask the question then you should know the answer :laughing:

the only reason i dont like them is due to the fact they slowdown my connection and ■■■■ up my band width

I think its the size of the banners that are causing the slow loading, maybe make them a bit smaller, please don’t stop using them Rog they are becoming the equivalent of the scouts merit badges

Is the vote complete. ?

Do we have a result ?

I dont think this particular forum would be the same without your banners Rog.So.


I dont think this particular forum would be the same without your banners Rog.So.


Hi Rog,

I know you’re busy (and from next week will be really busy instructing again!) :sunglasses:

but I must confess that I really love your banners and I was chuffed to bits when you posted mine! I was dying to get them - all cool street cred out the window now! :blush:

So if you could mend them and perhaps have them moving again, I for one would be very glad.

Please… :cry:

There, I’ve begged!

The only way I could get them moving again is for the programmers of this new board to install & active the BB codes necessary for me to do so.
I could then use BB code instead of the old HTML to ‘get things moving’.

I think they have more pressing problems to deal with at the moment though.

When things settle down I’ll ask Rikki what, if anything, he can do to help.

I have made a note that too many moving banners are annoying to many members ( about 50%) and their size is also an issue so if/when they do get moving again I shall reduce the size of them and reserve them for test passes only

they hould be treated as national treasures :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Sorry to seem sad but the thought of having my name in one of rog’s congratulations banners was very matorvating for me when I was learning. After seeing others pass I was determined to see my name on one… :smiley:

Warren T. Claim:
Sorry to seem sad but the thought of having my name in one of rog’s congratulations banners was very matorvating for me when I was learning. After seeing others pass I was determined to see my name on one… :smiley:

Agreed, good feeling seeing your name going past.

They are fun, some sound and some different colours would be nice. :slight_smile:

Everyone likes a reward when they have achieved something important.