Appreciation For ROG's invaluable help

Thank you Peter, well put.

For some reason that perhaps Rikki could explain Rog is unable to reply to PM’s but he can still receive and send emails.

I apologise to Tachograph if I have upset him and hope he accepts that.

As a matter of interest how does somebody get onto the admin team ?



Thank you Peter, well put.


For some reason that perhaps Rikki could explain Rog is unable to reply to PM’s but he can still receive and send emails.

From the forum rules…

Forum rules:
Any sanctions taken against a member are private between the member and the TruckNet UK website team. We will not enter into public discussion about those actions

I apologise to Tachograph if I have upset him and hope he accepts that.

Thank You

As a matter of interest how does somebody get onto the admin team ?

By a nomination from a current team member, then 100% agreement of the rest of the team

Hope that clarifies your questions :wink:

Peter Smythe:
I’d decided not to get involved in this thread - but it’s beginning to get out of hand. If not slanderous/libellous some posts are still bad-mannered and downright rude. Character assisination is not what this forum is about - so far as I know.

I believe Rog has been a valued contributor and, for the best part, has given a great deal of help to readers. OK, there may have been errors - and Rog has held his hands up to this - but no-one’s perfect. He and I agree to disagree from time to time; it doesn’t make anyone right or wrong all the time.

I would like to see Rog carry on posting. Folk just need to realise that responses would be a lot slower than they have been. I’m happy to help - and have done my best several times - but I’m not as available as Rog. So, come on Rog. Do your stuff, go through the pre-mod bit, and provide the service that is, generally, much appreciated.

And, to everyone else, can we try to behave! :laughing: :laughing:

Agreed. :sunglasses:

I’ve just had an email from Rog, we all get things wrong and need help/advise at times, but to treat a very long standing and helpful member like this, is a disgrace.
I have a real problem with Bullies who throw their weight around and this is exactly what’s going on here. How is this guy going to ‘defend’ himself?

You are innocent until proven guilty, yes■■? By removing certain ‘site’ privileges you have found him guilty. Not happy I’m afraid but seeing how a long standing member is treated you ain’t gonna give a toss what we think. :angry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Thanks for the reply Rikki.

All I need then is a nomination and a few votes. At least I am guessing I get yours. LOL

It would liven things up a bit.

Dino, as has been said time and time again in this thread … but I will repeat it again…

Just to clarify, No-one has been stopped from posting here recently.

We cannot force people to post if they decide they dont wish to :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

neither can we force anyone to post within a certain manner and respect requests from the team … What we can do if ANYONE decides to ignore either the rules or requests from the team is more closely monitor their posts using the tools that this forum software provides.

I apologise to Tachograph if I have upset him and hope he accepts that.

You haven’t, but my remark was out of order and I apologise for that :wink:

Hi all,

I just wanted to post this to say thank you to ROG for all his help he has provided, he has produced various article’s and resources for all the newbies to help them get through training plus helped all the old hats as well.

He always goes the extra mile to help - for instance I asked a question relating to my Dad renewing his license after it had lapsed for over 25 years and he took the time to call DVLA to find out, which I think is more than most people would have done.

You’re right, its more than most people would have done, including yourself. I’d rate someone ringing up the DVLA for me because i couldn’t/didn’t want to/didn’t know how to as very helpfull.

I’m right in saying that he has helped lots of people on here and his help has been invaluable so it amazes me that I have just heard from him and been told that he can no longer post anything here on Trucknet because the admin team have decided in all their wisdom that he has been calling people experts and etc.

I’m not being funny but I would rather listen to ROG’s advice than anyone else’s - he has already proved himself to be one of the top contributors and I’m sure if you ask anyone they will tell you that ROG has helped them in some way. I consider him to be one of the experts on here and am always reading his various posts to help me prepare for training and be a better driver.

With all due respect to you, you may well consider him an expert but thats because you don’t know anything yet.But anyone is free to give advice and anyone is free to listen, or not. And yes he was a top contributor, and its only him thats decided to stop contributing.

I strongly believe that the admin team should reconsider their actions and would appreciate it if anyone else could post their objections as well please.

Objections? Here goes…phone calls,PM’s, emails all totally unescesary. He creates extra work unecesarily for the team and cannot abide often simple civil requests. Asks one thing and then does the opposite.

And you Mr Tachograph could do far better than make accusations about me, something you know sod all about.

The point of my post was to defend someone who is being berated by certain poeple who find it easy hiding behind their keyboards when they know nothing about the person they are commenting about.

if I was to open in Leicester there is no doubt I would offer ROG a job. You however…Probably best left unsaid x


Flair Training

When Sterling was taking money off people from Leicester why did you not employ him then?

why dont all go back and read forum rules as you agreed to adhere to them

re read all of this post

read ALL of Rog post then start askin / postin on this

Rog has NOT been stopped from postin he just has to go through a longer way round not the first wont be the last i suspect and dont we have more important things to do with are time :question:

Why can’t Rog reply to PMs?
Something isn’t right, what’s going on?

sorry but nothing to do with you this is a private matter between Rog & the team

Thanks for the reply Rikki.

All I need then is a nomination and a few votes. At least I am guessing I get yours. LOL

It would liven things up a bit.

not quite as simple as that :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Why can’t Rog reply to PMs?
Something isn’t right, what’s going on?

sorry but nothing to do with you this is a private matter between Rog & the team

are you replying as a mod?
I pmd rog to ask for his help, another member told me he couldn’t reply to pm’s and gave me Rogers email address hence the email from him.

Thanks for the reply Rikki.

All I need then is a nomination and a few votes. At least I am guessing I get yours. LOL

It would liven things up a bit.

More than a few, you would need 100% of the votes and I know for a fact you wouldn’t get 100%. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:


Thanks for the reply Rikki.

All I need then is a nomination and a few votes. At least I am guessing I get yours. LOL

It would liven things up a bit.

More than a few, you would need 100% of the votes and I know for a fact you wouldn’t get 100%. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

He wouldn’t get 0.01% never mind 100%, especially with his questionable background. :exclamation:

rogs posts are the dogs doDARS mate . no rog no trucknet .simples :smiley:

rogs posts are the dogs doDARS mate . no rog no trucknet .simples :smiley:

I can see you are new around here…

dont know wot is going on .and dont wish to get in any rows at this time .just saying hes posts for new drivers are great . anyway i am now going to slap the wifes kipper :laughing:

dont know wot is going on .and dont wish to get in any rows at this time .just saying hes posts for new drivers are great . anyway i am now going to slap the wifes kipper :laughing:

:laughing: His posts are great, you are right. It’s just a pity that 90% of them are wrong. :laughing: :smiling_imp:

rogs posts are the dogs doDARS mate . no rog no trucknet .simples :smiley:

hmm trucknet still seems to be here…lol

. no rog no trucknet .simples

If Rog decides not to post thats a shame, but am sure we will survive :slight_smile: