Appreciation For ROG's invaluable help

Rob K:


Also Coffeeholic and dieseldave I think you better clarify exactly what you mean as from my point of view it seems you are accusing me of lying!! Are you suggesting I just decided to ficticously create this story for a laugh or something??

Not accusing you of lying. Just either being given wrong information or misinterpreting it. ROG is free to post on TN any time he wants to. He has obviously chosen not to and we must make the most of this peace and quiet.


:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

as i understand Rog has not been stopped from postin but i will stand corrected think he is on what you call pre mod ( not the 1st & poss wont be the last ) so sorry Rob K someone will have to read all his post before goin on here as has been said he has been warned several times

he has given a lot of help & support to a lot of people myself included but has also given out a lot of wrong info especially on driver hours & will never back down he just keeps changin his story

why dont you go back & read all of his post

as i understand Rog has not been stopped from postin but i will stand corrected think he is on what you call pre mod ( not the 1st & poss wont be the last ) so sorry Rob K someone will have to read all his post before goin on here as has been said he has been warned several times

he has given a lot of help & support to a lot of people myself included but has also given out a lot of wrong info especially on driver hours & will never back down he just keeps changin his story

why dont you go back & read all of his post

If ROG is on pre-mod then I think that’s a bit harsh tbh. As much as he does infuriate me sometimes with his do-gooder style ridiculous posts, he does post a lot of useful info for newbies on training and he deserves credit for that. He’s obviously happy to be made a fool of by Neil whenever he posts something factually incorrect so is he really causing anyone any harm?

Remember that while he’s not working, this site is probably his ‘lifeline’ and also his hobby, so taking that away from him because of some incorrect posts is a bit out of order imho. That said, maybe restricting his access could be a blessing in disguise and prompt him to get off his arse and find himself a job! :bulb: :wink:

Rob K:
That said, maybe restricting his access could be a blessing in disguise and prompt him to get off his arse and find himself a job! :bulb: :wink:

I said exactly that just yesterday to someone. :wink:

There are quite a few reliable members to call on on here Rog was one of them. Seemingly an expert in newbies with him being an ex-instructor. I owe him a lot of thanks, I think he gets a rough ride sometimes but that is life I think a lot of what is said on here “if said in the yard” would be laughed off and told to shut the ■■■■ up etc :smiley:
Basically some folk on here are just too serious and need to lighten up(in my opinion), he will be missed by the non-ego’s like myself though. I am sure there is plenty of folk glad he wont be posting but I think the site will miss him badly in some sections!!


There are quite a few reliable members to call on on here Rog was one of them. Seemingly an expert in newbies with him being an ex-instructor. I owe him a lot of thanks, I think he gets a rough ride sometimes but that is life I think a lot of what is said on here “if said in the yard” would be laughed off and told to shut the [zb] up etc :smiley:
Basically some folk on here are just too serious and need to lighten up(in my opinion), he will be missed by the non-ego’s like myself though. I am sure there is plenty of folk glad he wont be posting but I think the site will miss him badly in some sections!!

yes hes good for the newbies but tbh when he gets onto drivers hours etc he thinks hes right all the time when hes not and when somebody puts him right he doesnt back down, if he learnt to back down a lil and understand hes not so up on his driver hours etc then mayby he wouldnt get such a hard time.

There are quite a few reliable members to call on on here Rog was one of them. Seemingly an expert in newbies with him being an ex-instructor. I owe him a lot of thanks, I think he gets a rough ride sometimes but that is life I think a lot of what is said on here “if said in the yard” would be laughed off and told to shut the [zb] up etc :smiley:
Basically some folk on here are just too serious and need to lighten up(in my opinion), he will be missed by the non-ego’s like myself though. I am sure there is plenty of folk glad he wont be posting but I think the site will miss him badly in some sections!!

Hi OllieNotts,

Maybe it’s the way I’ve read your post, so I hope I’m wrong, but ROG has NOT been stopped from posting. Rikki said so above.
The way I’m reading your post, it’s as if ROG’s account has been deleted and he’s been sent to Siberia, again this isn’t true.

Just for the record, ROG IS allowed to post, because Rikki has very clearly said that “no-one has been stopped from posting here recently,” so the fact that it looks like ROG has chosen not to post is absolutely ROG’s choice to make.
:bulb: There may also be technical reasons for any member not posting for a while.


There are quite a few reliable members to call on on here Rog was one of them. Seemingly an expert in newbies with him being an ex-instructor. I owe him a lot of thanks, I think he gets a rough ride sometimes but that is life I think a lot of what is said on here “if said in the yard” would be laughed off and told to shut the [zb] up etc :smiley:
Basically some folk on here are just too serious and need to lighten up(in my opinion), he will be missed by the non-ego’s like myself though. I am sure there is plenty of folk glad he wont be posting but I think the site will miss him badly in some sections!!

Hi OllieNotts,

Maybe it’s the way I’ve read your post, so I hope I’m wrong, but ROG has NOT been stopped from posting. Rikki said so above.
The way I’m reading your post, it’s as if ROG’s account has been deleted and he’s been sent to Siberia, again this isn’t true.

Just for the record, ROG IS allowed to post, because Rikki has very clearly said that “no-one has been stopped from posting here recently,” so the fact that it looks like ROG has chosen not to post is absolutely ROG’s choice to make.
:bulb: There may also be technical reasons for any member not posting for a while.

or he may have a job

try saying that without laughing though

maybe you have mis read, mis understood, mis lead a little

all that pre mod does is a mod has to read his post before goin on here so he hasnt been stopped from postin he s choosing not to


There are quite a few reliable members to call on on here Rog was one of them. Seemingly an expert in newbies with him being an ex-instructor. I owe him a lot of thanks, I think he gets a rough ride sometimes but that is life I think a lot of what is said on here “if said in the yard” would be laughed off and told to shut the [zb] up etc :smiley:
Basically some folk on here are just too serious and need to lighten up(in my opinion), he will be missed by the non-ego’s like myself though. I am sure there is plenty of folk glad he wont be posting but I think the site will miss him badly in some sections!!

Hi OllieNotts,

Maybe it’s the way I’ve read your post, so I hope I’m wrong, but ROG has NOT been stopped from posting. Rikki said so above.
The way I’m reading your post, it’s as if ROG’s account has been deleted and he’s been sent to Siberia, again this isn’t true.

Just for the record, ROG IS allowed to post, because Rikki has very clearly said that “no-one has been stopped from posting here recently,” so the fact that it looks like ROG has chosen not to post is absolutely ROG’s choice to make.
:bulb: There may also be technical reasons for any member not posting for a while.

You mis read it/I am crap at getting my point across :smiley:
I know ROG is still here I pm’ed him with a matter on Monday and he responded quite promptly so he still comes on maybe uses invisible mode.

All I was saying is that he will be missed especially in the area he knew the most about, the way that folk used to gang up on him sometimes and the way they got their point across to him was pathetic. I do understand the reasons mentioned for why folk were wound up but they get away with the crap way they get away with speaking to him so it is no wonder he has stopped. Typical for cetain members to jump on his back at every single chance they got to.

Anyway I am not wanting to get into any arguements about him and his reasons or start another :stuck_out_tongue:

I think Rog was the first person I ‘met’ on here, I’d found this site through a Google search that pulled up one of his posts. ■■■■ me I think it was on reversing.
Rog, where are you? Put the record straight and get back to posting. I like to see all your ‘Welcome and Congratulations’ posts.

Anyone having a go at Rog is completely out of order. Saying that there is no such thing as a wrong opinion.

To those people who commented about him working or otherwise, you should take a long hard look at your own sad lives and leave the guy alone. (Rob K)

They would never allow me to conduct a poll on this site but if they would I would ask just 1 simple question.-

“Is this board a better place with or without ROG”. My guess is that in your hearts you know he makes this place tick.

The purpose of this site is for new drivers to find answers to questions. Tell me anyone that offers more in that respect.

I would urge the admin to apologise for any embarrasement caused to Rog and offer him a place in your team.


Flair Training

Anyone having a go at Rog is completely out of order. Saying that there is no such thing as a wrong opinion.

Unfortunately ROG brings a lot of it on himself.

They would never allow me to conduct a poll on this site but if they would I would ask just 1 simple question.-
“Is this board a better place with or without ROG”. My guess is that in your hearts you know he makes this place tick.

This place is what it is because of the members and ROG is certainly an active and helpful member in some area’s.
To say any individual member makes this place tick is nonsense and OTT.

The purpose of this site is for new drivers to find answers to questions. Tell me anyone that offers more in that respect.

If you take the blinkers off you’ll find that it’s a bit more than just helping new drivers.

Of cause you could always offer him a job :smiley:

let us all remember that he has not been banned or anything like that he can still post just now all his post are read by a mod before goin on here

as i have said he has give a lot of help to many ppl myself included but he has also given out a lot of wrong info

he has been warned many times about it also callin ppl “expert” tbh there are not many of those around as nobody know everything & you can still learn

maybe he will stop postin for postin sake

no have nowt against Rog as he has given me help & info but if he stick to what he knows it would be a lot better

And you Mr Tachograph could do far better than make accusations about me, something you know sod all about.

The point of my post was to defend someone who is being berated by certain poeple who find it easy hiding behind their keyboards when they know nothing about the person they are commenting about.

if I was to open in Leicester there is no doubt I would offer ROG a job. You however…Probably best left unsaid x


Flair Training

Why can’t Rog reply to PMs?
Something isn’t right, what’s going on?

I would urge the admin to apologise for any embarrasement caused to Rog

there would be no embarrament or issue at all If Rog had not e-mailed various members asking them to post on his behalf.

The forum team did not bring any issues to the public forum , Rog can still use the forums as much as he wants.

I’d decided not to get involved in this thread - but it’s beginning to get out of hand. If not slanderous/libellous some posts are still bad-mannered and downright rude. Character assisination is not what this forum is about - so far as I know.

I believe Rog has been a valued contributor and, for the best part, has given a great deal of help to readers. OK, there may have been errors - and Rog has held his hands up to this - but no-one’s perfect. He and I agree to disagree from time to time; it doesn’t make anyone right or wrong all the time.

I would like to see Rog carry on posting. Folk just need to realise that responses would be a lot slower than they have been. I’m happy to help - and have done my best several times - but I’m not as available as Rog. So, come on Rog. Do your stuff, go through the pre-mod bit, and provide the service that is, generally, much appreciated.

And, to everyone else, can we try to behave! :laughing: :laughing:

I agree Peter, an also believe that its topic is more suited to the feeedabck forum than the newbies and have moved it.