Appreciation For ROG's invaluable help

Hi all,

I just wanted to post this to say thank you to ROG for all his help he has provided, he has produced various article’s and resources for all the newbies to help them get through training plus helped all the old hats as well.

He always goes the extra mile to help - for instance I asked a question relating to my Dad renewing his license after it had lapsed for over 25 years and he took the time to call DVLA to find out, which I think is more than most people would have done.

I’m right in saying that he has helped lots of people on here and his help has been invaluable so it amazes me that I have just heard from him and been told that he can no longer post anything here on Trucknet because the admin team have decided in all their wisdom that he has been calling people experts and etc.

I’m not being funny but I would rather listen to ROG’s advice than anyone else’s - he has already proved himself to be one of the top contributors and I’m sure if you ask anyone they will tell you that ROG has helped them in some way. I consider him to be one of the experts on here and am always reading his various posts to help me prepare for training and be a better driver.

I strongly believe that the admin team should reconsider their actions and would appreciate it if anyone else could post their objections as well please.

Any sanctions taken against a member are private between the member and the TruckNet UK website team. We will not enter into public discussion about those actions.

I also dont think ROG should be stopped from posting his advice has helped me many times aswell as many other newbies,

I hope the nurses give you your key board back soon ROG

Im sorry to hear this Rog`s advice has been easy to understand I know you wont enter into a discussion on here and can understand why but i would like to publically say thanks Rog and hope you sort out with admin soon and help us again on here :cry: jennie x

Just to clarify, No-one has been stopped from posting here recently.

it amazes me that I have just heard from him and been told that he can no longer post anything here on Trucknet because the admin team have decided in all their wisdom that he has been calling people experts and etc.

As far as I know ROG has not been stopped from posting so presumably it’s his choice not to.

It’s true that he was told that if he kept taking quotes from threads and using them as definitive answers to other similar questions he would be put on pre-mod, but I’ve no way of knowing if he was in fact put on pre-mod.

I think you’ll find that most people here appreciate the help ROG has given to people in the “New and Wannabe Drivers Forum”, but on the other side of the coin a lot of threads in the “Safety, Law and Working Time Directive Forum” have had relatively simple questions complicated almost beyond belief because ROG regularly does not understand what the question is about but insists on answering anyway, and then when his replies are corrected the thread is often basically hijacked sometimes resulting in the thread starter being no wiser about the answer to his question.

I know of at least two mods who have suggested to ROG that he should stick to answering questions on subjects that he knows about but I’m afraid he seems to totally disregard the advise and continue to post what is often best described as incorrect answers.
I’m sure most people would agree that ROG is a valued member of these forums, but he should really stick to what he knows or at least take the trouble to check the facts he posts, we all get things wrong sometimes and in my opinion no-one has the right to expect otherwise but when people take what often appear to be guesses and post as if it’s a definitive answer it can cause problems.

Well as I have no clue what is going on I am just going to say thank you to ROG for the advise I have recieved from him and leave the speculation etc out of it.

I hope the situation can be resolved and other newbies can benefit from his advise in the future

… it amazes me that I have just heard from him and been told that he can no longer post anything here on Trucknet …

Yes mate, and I would be amazed if what you’ve written is actually true, so why not check out the part I’ve quoted and let us know?


… it amazes me that I have just heard from him and been told that he can no longer post anything here on Trucknet …

Yes mate, and I would be amazed if what you’ve written is actually true,

So would I.

mayby he broke his internet :smiley:

ROG has been banned from posting on TN ■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: There is a God after all. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: Poor Neil will be devasted though, as he won’t have anything to do anymore :cry: .

I misinterpreted what he actually said, below is a copy of his e-mails to me:

Although it was nice to see people supporting him and not getting stupid remarks from stupid people on here who had nothing better to do.

Also Coffeeholic and dieseldave I think you better clarify exactly what you mean as from my point of view it seems you are accusing me of lying!! Are you suggesting I just decided to ficticously create this story for a laugh or something??

Edited to remove contents of emails. Please check Rule 8 in the rules you agreed to when you joined. Emails and PM’s are private and must remain so.

ohhhh the drama :laughing: hope things allround get sorted he does offer some good advice we all make mistakes and cant be right all the time…hope it doesnt turn into handbags at dawn :slight_smile:

Rob K:
ROG has been banned from posting on TN ■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Just to clarify, No-one has been stopped from posting here recently.

I misinterpreted what he actually said, …

That’s it thanks mate, it’s sorted now that you’ve said that.

Also Coffeeholic and dieseldave I think you better clarify exactly what you mean as from my point of view it seems you are accusing me of lying!!

How does a simple suggestion to check something need clarifying?
Clearly, you have checked and been good enough to give an honest answer above, so thanks for that.
If I meant something else, I would have said so.

Are you suggesting I just decided to ficticously create this story for a laugh or something??

No mate, nobody is suggesting for one moment that this story is fictitious.
Again, if I thought that, I would have said so.

Also Coffeeholic and dieseldave I think you better clarify exactly what you mean as from my point of view it seems you are accusing me of lying!! Are you suggesting I just decided to ficticously create this story for a laugh or something??

Not accusing you of lying. Just either being given wrong information or misinterpreting it. ROG is free to post on TN any time he wants to. He has obviously chosen not to.

Rob K:
Poor Neil will be devasted though, as he won’t have anything to do anymore :cry: .

I’ll live. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Rob K:
Poor Neil will be devasted though, as he won’t have anything to do anymore :cry: .

I’ll live. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like sales of will be down for a while then. :frowning:


Also Coffeeholic and dieseldave I think you better clarify exactly what you mean as from my point of view it seems you are accusing me of lying!! Are you suggesting I just decided to ficticously create this story for a laugh or something??

Not accusing you of lying. Just either being given wrong information or misinterpreting it. ROG is free to post on TN any time he wants to. He has obviously chosen not to and we must make the most of this peace and quiet.


I have in the past asked Rog for help, and help has been freely given. I am not intrested in site politics ,I hope that he comes back soon.