Anyone else been sacked on xmas eve?


sounds like it was time to move on anyway and good riddance. Who are they by the way, so I can avoid applying sometime in the future?

Iv worked properly an average of 70 hours a week for 6 months with five nights out and get moaned at for taking a 30 min break.
Iv seen myself working 82 hours one week and having pull my card out in yard to wash down truck or would have been over my spread over on the Saturday.
Took my card out to was a truck down for two hours ever week. Iv seen myself washing a truck down at midnight on a Friday night after 15 hour shift.
All for £500 a week.

Really don’t think you need to know the company name, any company that is paying £500 per week for a 5/6 day tramper isn’t going to be getting applications off experienced drivers is it? :open_mouth:

You would be surprised mate.
Iv not got much experience but there lads with a hell of a lot of experience.

They’ve exploited the fact you are a newbie.
■■■■ em…you are better off out of it.

They’ve exploited the fact you are a newbie.
[zb] em…you are better off out of it.

I would not moan and say I was exploited.
I was grateful for a start in the industry
I thought they were doing me a favour as newbie.
so done what I was told as that what everyone else was doing.
Iv gained 6 months valuable driving experience and had few f–k ups on the way.

But I just thought enough is enough and said no.


They’ve exploited the fact you are a newbie.
[zb] em…you are better off out of it.

I would not moan and say I was exploited.
I was grateful for a start in the industry
I thought they were doing me a favour as newbie.
so done what I was told as that what everyone else was doing.
Iv gained 6 months valuable driving experience and had few [zb] ups on the way.

But I just thought enough is enough and said no.

We appear to be going round in circles mate, you have been advised by a lot of good sensible lads on here, you have been ridiculed, insulted and patronised and you still come back with the same answers and comments like you are on some kind of mental block.
‘IF’ all this cack is genuine the next step is to prove it by putting your money where your gob is and name them, what is there to lose if it is actually true, they ain’t gonna sue you as you can prove it by your printouts etc.
The next move is gather all incriminating evidence and hit them for unfair dismissal, and/or lack of proper disciplinary procedure. Are you in a Union?
Next move is sit back and let the legal procedure take it’s course and look for another job. When you get said job learn by your mistakes, stop being a ■■■■ and stand up for yourself.
Time to show us you ain’t on a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ up mate (still not convinced asI’m working on the theory that nobody could be genuinely so stupid) so stop coming out with the same old crap, and put up or shut up.
Also if you say which area you are in somebody on here could put you in the direction of a potential job

New driver huh,? so much for the farking CPC then eh.


New driver huh,? so much for the farking CPC then eh.


Nothing to do with the CPC … The OP knew he was in the wrong …


They’ve exploited the fact you are a newbie.
[zb] em…you are better off out of it.

I would not moan and say I was exploited.
I was grateful for a start in the industry
I thought they were doing me a favour as newbie.
so done what I was told as that what everyone else was doing.
Iv gained 6 months valuable driving experience and had few [zb] ups on the way.

But I just thought enough is enough and said no.

Not so much exploited, more brainwashed with a splash of bending over and lubing yourself up (no doubt whilst your card was pulled).

The experience you have gained may not be the best but your well rid by the sounds of it.



They’ve exploited the fact you are a newbie.
[zb] em…you are better off out of it.

I would not moan and say I was exploited.
I was grateful for a start in the industry
I thought they were doing me a favour as newbie.
so done what I was told as that what everyone else was doing.
Iv gained 6 months valuable driving experience and had few [zb] ups on the way.

But I just thought enough is enough and said no.

We appear to be going round in circles mate, you have been advised by a lot of good sensible lads on here, you have been ridiculed, insulted and patronised and you still come back with the same answers and comments like you are on some kind of mental block.
‘IF’ all this cack is genuine the next step is to prove it by putting your money where your gob is and name them, what is there to lose if it is actually true, they ain’t gonna sue you as you can prove it by your printouts etc.
The next move is gather all incriminating evidence and hit them for unfair dismissal, and/or lack of proper disciplinary procedure. Are you in a Union?
Next move is sit back and let the legal procedure take it’s course and look for another job. When you get said job learn by your mistakes, stop being a ■■■■ and stand up for yourself.
Time to show us you ain’t on a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ up mate (still not convinced asI’m working on the theory that nobody could be genuinely so stupid) so stop coming out with the same old crap, and put up or shut up.
Also if you say which area you are in somebody on here could put you in the direction of a potential job

He hasn’t got a leg to stand on Robroy as regards unfair dismissal, there’s a two year qualifying period to do before he can claim

Now I don’t know your thoughts on this and call me Mr sceptical but by reading his posts I wouldn’t have thought he has been employed by this company for more than two years

This all sounds like a firm it’s better to be away from.

None of us should aid and abet any yard TM that orders us to break the law - for their own sake.
Jobs might be thin on the ground, but it’s better surely to be looking for a job and grabbing what work you can get elsewhere via agency - than placing “gold dust” value on said job, and being prepared to risk licence, livelihood, and even life and limb each and every day you decide to aid and abet crooked and unsafe practices that involve tacho fiddles… :bulb:

Shafted with the open end of a rag man’s trumpet springs to mind.

80+ hours weeks, breaks while loading and 2 hours washing a truck off the card for a £500 salary.

You must be mad to put up with that for any amount of time. I took one for team when I was a noob by working for Stobfarts for £8.50 an hour straight through but jeez, what you’ve been subjected to is scandalous.

But, if folk’ll do it then the managers will keep on getting rich off em :unamused:



They’ve exploited the fact you are a newbie.
[zb] em…you are better off out of it.

I would not moan and say I was exploited.
I was grateful for a start in the industry
I thought they were doing me a favour as newbie.
so done what I was told as that what everyone else was doing.
Iv gained 6 months valuable driving experience and had few [zb] ups on the way.

But I just thought enough is enough and said no.

We appear to be going round in circles mate, you have been advised by a lot of good sensible lads on here, you have been ridiculed, insulted and patronised and you still come back with the same answers and comments like you are on some kind of mental block.
‘IF’ all this cack is genuine the next step is to prove it by putting your money where your gob is and name them, what is there to lose if it is actually true, they ain’t gonna sue you as you can prove it by your printouts etc.
The next move is gather all incriminating evidence and hit them for unfair dismissal, and/or lack of proper disciplinary procedure. Are you in a Union?
Next move is sit back and let the legal procedure take it’s course and look for another job. When you get said job learn by your mistakes, stop being a ■■■■ and stand up for yourself.
Time to show us you ain’t on a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ up mate (still not convinced asI’m working on the theory that nobody could be genuinely so stupid) so stop coming out with the same old crap, and put up or shut up.
Also if you say which area you are in somebody on here could put you in the direction of a potential job

Mate I never come on here or posted to have a domestic with guys.
I just wanted to know what other guys opions where on the situation I found myself in.
I’m not interested in unfair dissmissals and tribunals.
All I want to do is earn a living so me and my family are comfortable.
That was only job that was going to put £500 in my bank every week as I have no commercial driving experience.
But as times gone on Iv relised it ain’t worth it.
On xmas eve I had enough and wasn’t sure if I was in the wrong or if other guys would have happily gone and done the job.

I done the exams in March and passed first time.
I done a two week course with the FTA.

You did? :open_mouth:

I knew the drivers hours and WTD and licensing inside out as that is my job.

Maybe you should learn to abide by them then.

I think you should be begging for your job back, after all, you enjoy bending over for a good shafting.

by Themoocher » Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:34 am

Banging a ladyboy bare back in the land of Thai! Themoocher

Posts: 79
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isaac hunt:
I think you should be begging for your job back, after all, you enjoy bending over for a good shafting.

by Themoocher » Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:34 am

Banging a ladyboy bare back in the land of Thai! Themoocher

Posts: 79
Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:40 pm
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If he admits to that, admitting to fiddling his tachos is easy. :laughing:
He doesn’t come across as the sharpest knife in the drawer, so do you think somebody should tell him what a ladyboy actually is?.. or leave him in ignorant bliss :unamused: :laughing:

Mate I never come on here or posted to have a domestic with guys.
I just wanted to know what other guys opions where on the situation I found myself in.
I’m not interested in unfair dissmissals and tribunals.
All I want to do is earn a living so me and my family are comfortable.
That was only job that was going to put £500 in my bank every week as I have no commercial driving experience.
But as times gone on Iv relised it ain’t worth it.
On xmas eve I had enough and wasn’t sure if I was in the wrong or if other guys would have happily gone and done the job.

Well thats all fair enough I suppose. It can be hard for guys with experience to remember how hard it is to get a start with no experience and if you dont know anyone to give you a chance you sometimes do need to just bend over and take what you can get. The first job I got was as a cash in hand two man job. On the way back up we got stopped by VOSA south of Carlisle and it was revealed he didnt even possess a class 1 license! That’s the kind of cowboys newbies are sometimes subjected too.
But to answer your original question,IF everything you say is true then I too would have refused. Three hours sitting in yard for a jet wash,only to then get sent out again at 1600? No chance. I would have been diplomatic and came up with an excuse and been polite about it,but I would not have went on a 2-3 hr job and then spent another hour washing the unit.

Potential new Operator questions - #12 by themoocher - OWNER AND FLEET OPERATORS FORUM (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

I done the exams in March and passed first time.
I done a two week course with the FTA.

You did? :open_mouth:

I knew the drivers hours and WTD and licensing inside out as that is my job.

Maybe you should learn to abide by them then.

Iv never claimed not to know the rules.


Mate I never come on here or posted to have a domestic with guys.
I just wanted to know what other guys opions where on the situation I found myself in.
I’m not interested in unfair dissmissals and tribunals.
All I want to do is earn a living so me and my family are comfortable.
That was only job that was going to put £500 in my bank every week as I have no commercial driving experience.
But as times gone on Iv relised it ain’t worth it.
On xmas eve I had enough and wasn’t sure if I was in the wrong or if other guys would have happily gone and done the job.

Well thats all fair enough I suppose. It can be hard for guys with experience to remember how hard it is to get a start with no experience and if you dont know anyone to give you a chance you sometimes do need to just bend over and take what you can get. The first job I got was as a cash in hand two man job. On the way back up we got stopped by VOSA south of Carlisle and it was revealed he didnt even possess a class 1 license! That’s the kind of cowboys newbies are sometimes subjected too.
But to answer your original question,IF everything you say is true then I too would have refused. Three hours sitting in yard for a jet wash,only to then get sent out again at 1600? No chance. I would have been diplomatic and came up with an excuse and been polite about it,but I would not have went on a 2-3 hr job and then spent another hour washing the unit.

Iv never worked in haulage before and have just got on with the job and not winged or moaned. I hate wingers and moaners or the I’m not doing that brigade. But I’m learning that’s the way you have got to be on civy street and you have the option to say ■■■■ off.

I did offer to go and do the job if I could leave the truck dirty till I was back in.

If you can clean a bulker gleaming in an hour that’s been used on Sugar beet all week your better than me.

I was going to pm but cus I’m ■■■■■■ - sod it.

You did right in this instance, I’m salaried and love it. Family firm and swings and roundabouts for me. I’ve been driving a few years and know what’s what, you are new and will learn.

Learn from the experience (ignore most posts on here :unamused: ) and crack on.

Don’t disregard all posts as…a wise man learns by his mistakes but a wiser man learns by other peoples mistakes. :wink:

If you can clean a bulker gleaming in an hour that’s been used on Sugar beet all week your better than me.

It usually takes me 45 mins without breaking into a sweat.

It can be done in less than 30 mins though.


Potential new Operator questions - #12 by themoocher - OWNER AND FLEET OPERATORS FORUM (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

I done the exams in March and passed first time.
I done a two week course with the FTA.

You did? :open_mouth:

I knew the drivers hours and WTD and licensing inside out as that is my job.

Maybe you should learn to abide by them then.

Iv never claimed not to know the rules.

Exactly! how much of the operator CPC is about compliance and penalties for not doing so?