why pull your card…and then do a printout to show you pulled your card
Print out then pull card
what do you show on the printout
Your working day
And you can still put your card back in after you pulled it out and do a manual entry AFAIR
If I put an entry in i would be over my spread every week
What’s wrong with being out of hours when on salary?
Nuffing mate.
But if vosa pulled you and you have done 16 hours on a day or 14 when you have used your 3 x 15 hr days then your in the [zb] I believe.
If VOSA catch up with this company and they do an investigation you will be in a bigger pile of crap than just being a couple of hours over. Over hours and it’s a fine. Falsifying records, which is what you and the other drivers are doing by pulling the card, can be a jail sentence.
Going over your hours they don’t generally go back more than 6 months due to the time bar statute. Falsifying records they will go back a lot longer than that so worse case scenario this could come back to bite you in a couple of years.
I done a job first thing in morning. Then went done my second job tipped in yard at half one.
Went to office and asked what happening over xmas and they says come back at 07.00 on Monday.
So I waited till after 16.00hrs to get on a wash point to wash down the truck, as the yard was packed with trucks.
I started washing down my truck and then got told to go do another job after been in the yard for 3 hours.
The job would have took a few hours then would have had come back then wash my truck down for another few hours.
Am I been out of order or would anyone else kindly refused?
What time did you start?
If I put an entry in i would be over my spread every week
When was your weekly spread up?
You could haver done the job, and truck would not be that dirty after 3 hours?
It ain’t just me everyone does that with the company.
So if you don’t your the odd one out.
I think I can count how many times on one hand I have had the luxury of having a 30 min rest period. That isn’t involving loading and tipping.
So all the rest of them are [zb] idiots also then
You allow them to show you no respect by letting them make an absolute [zb] out of you on a daily basis and come bleating on here when they give you the tin tack ffs.
It’s tough getting the boot but you made a rod for your own back man.
Sorry to be harsh but if you behave like a ■■■■ you sure as hell will get treated like one, so learn by your mistakes in your next job and don’t be so willing to be dry annaled
I don’t behave like a ■■■■ or haven’t been bleating all I asked was a question if I was been un reasonable for refusing todo a job.
It’s my first driving job and pretty much my first job.I have been doing what everyone else does.
Yes Iv had a few ■■■■ ups as I haven’t got 20 years driving experience.
But I’m learning the hard way as Iv been finding out.
I done a job first thing in morning. Then went done my second job tipped in yard at half one.
Went to office and asked what happening over xmas and they says come back at 07.00 on Monday.
So I waited till after 16.00hrs to get on a wash point to wash down the truck, as the yard was packed with trucks.
I started washing down my truck and then got told to go do another job after been in the yard for 3 hours.
The job would have took a few hours then would have had come back then wash my truck down for another few hours.
Am I been out of order or would anyone else kindly refused?
What time did you start?
If I put an entry in i would be over my spread every week
When was your weekly spread up?
You could haver done the job, and truck would not be that dirty after 3 hours?
I could have done the job on xmas eve and been in my hours.
The reason I didn’t do the job is the waited till after 1600hrs to tell me to go and do the job.
When I could have been over there done the job and been back.
The office messed up and I was paying the price so I refused to go and do it.
I was saying I would be over my daily hours nearly every week if I kept my card in to wash my truck down.
I do tramping where I’m out for 5 nights and by the time I get back on Friday and sat night if I didn’t take my card out I would be over my daily spread nearly every week.
I was saying I would be over my daily hours nearly every week if I kept my card in to wash my truck down.
I do tramping where I’m out for 5 nights and by the time I get back on Friday and sat night if I didn’t take my card out I would be over my daily spread nearly every week.
The irony in all this is that you quite happily go along with being made to look like a fool and willingly pull your card at the yard because you’d be out of hours, only to carry on and wash your truck totally unpaid. Yet when you can actually do a job legally and not break the law, you refuse to do so. Get your priorities right and move on to your next job with a bit more self respect. If you don’t respect yourself and stand up for yourself in this game, you’ll be treat like an idiot and that’s exactly whats happened here.
Yes I’m sure most of us can sympathise with you about why you refused, but when you’ve been carrying on like you have with all this “off card” washing of the truck at the end of the week, do you really expect to be treat fairly by such a company when it comes to the crunch, as it did on Christmas Eve?
It ain’t just me everyone does that with the company.
So if you don’t your the odd one out.
I think I can count how many times on one hand I have had the luxury of having a 30 min rest period. That isn’t involving loading and tipping.
So all the rest of them are [zb] idiots also then
You allow them to show you no respect by letting them make an absolute [zb] out of you on a daily basis and come bleating on here when they give you the tin tack ffs.
It’s tough getting the boot but you made a rod for your own back man.
Sorry to be harsh but if you behave like a ■■■■ you sure as hell will get treated like one, so learn by your mistakes in your next job and don’t be so willing to be dry annaled
I don’t behave like a ■■■■ or haven’t been bleating all I asked was a question if I was been un reasonable for refusing todo a job.
It’s my first driving job and pretty much my first job.I have been doing what everyone else does.
Yes Iv had a few [zb] ups as I haven’t got 20 years driving experience.
But I’m learning the hard way as Iv been finding out.
On the contrary mate, you worked off card ,aka falsifying records, that sort of thing in transport today, given that you are risking at the least a heavy fine, and at the most going to jail is behaving EXACTLY like a ■■■■.
You haven’t got 20 years exp, but I assume you have got a brain to tell you what is wrong and what is risky.
The fact that everybody else is also a bit dim and doing the same thing, is no defence in a court of law.
However, the bit that you have got right is you have learned the hard way.
It ain’t just me everyone does that with the company.
So if you don’t your the odd one out.
I think I can count how many times on one hand I have had the luxury of having a 30 min rest period. That isn’t involving loading and tipping.
So all the rest of them are [zb] idiots also then
You allow them to show you no respect by letting them make an absolute [zb] out of you on a daily basis and come bleating on here when they give you the tin tack ffs.
It’s tough getting the boot but you made a rod for your own back man.
Sorry to be harsh but if you behave like a ■■■■ you sure as hell will get treated like one, so learn by your mistakes in your next job and don’t be so willing to be dry annaled
I don’t behave like a ■■■■ or haven’t been bleating all I asked was a question if I was been un reasonable for refusing todo a job.
It’s my first driving job and pretty much my first job.I have been doing what everyone else does.
Yes Iv had a few [zb] ups as I haven’t got 20 years driving experience.
But I’m learning the hard way as Iv been finding out.
On the contrary mate, you worked off card ,aka falsifying records, that sort of thing in transport today, given that you are risking at the least a heavy fine, and at the most going to jail is behaving EXACTLY like a ■■■■.
You haven’t got 20 years exp, but I assume you have got a brain to tell you what is wrong and what is risky.
The fact that everybody else is also a bit dim and doing the same thing, is no defence in a court of law.
However, the bit that you have got right is you have learned the hard way.
As I said I haven’t got any experience.
I thought that’s what everyone done as everyone else in the coy does it.
The only thing I was interested in to offer my view on your question was
1/time you started
2/drive time used
3/what you were told regarding finish time.
1/ Start of duty time - I got “first thing in morning” from your post. Say even 0900 start. They allocate a job at 1600 that will take “a few hours”. Can’t see reference to drive time you’ve used. Forgetting obligation to clean lorry. If you did the job would it have you back and finished within a (11 hour within 24 hour rest period) 13 hour spread? If not then you would be right to be firm given the day. Regarding the cleaning thing. That’s not for you to worry about- if they were desperate and the job was doable duty wise you could’ve said that you won’t be able to clean unit due lack of duty time and the rest would be their choice. As for doing this off card on a normal day - what in the hell are you doing that for?
2/ Can’t see mention of drive time used. Again, if you think you’d go over - another reasonable ground to refuse despatch from “base” if planned trip takes you over.
3/ What you were told regarding time you would finish on Christmas eve. Well that’s down to reasonable behaviour. Unless in contract/writing, anything you may or may not have been told is down to discussing it with the person that indicated your finish. I can’t see any mention in your post of reference to an early finish (notwithstanding legal limits) being indicated by your employer.
It sounds harsh but you’re down to what your contract says and legal limits. Just because it’s Christmas eve and you personally thought it unreasonable is down to what you think personally. It’s hard to back up though if you want to challenge as they could cite gross misconduct for refusing to work within your contract. It would’ve been better to have a discussion with them before Christmas eve, send it via e mail and anything in writing would’ve helped.
Sorry to be blunt, I don’t agree with it in your case on a human level. We’ve all been there, but the world of transport doesn’t actually respect Christmas very much. You and I may respect it, and in the UK it’s fortunate that in road haulage a lot of places shut down on the 25th but that’s by proxy you can expect time off. I got away with it this year but I’ve many friends stuck in some ■■■■■■ parts of the world working 24/25/26 and onwards just to make sure poxy dodgy lithium batteries come out of China to Europe so as to make the new years sales for electric goods.
O/p…You know what mate you caught me at a weak moment as I have manflu and I took you seriously. I’ve just read your post on the greatest risk thread and realized you are one big wind up merchant so goodnight and ■■■■ off.
Hello all; this is my first post on here, so go easy on me!
I refused to do a job quite recently. My shift started at 10am following a 10pm finish the previous evening. The shift comprised a few easy local jobs, finishing with a delivery to a local RDC, booked for 8pm. I arrived at 3pm, and was told that I wouldn’t be allowed on a bay until my booked time. I called my office to tell them that, and, cutting a long story short, they told me I would have to sit it out until 8. I refused on the grounds that I was in a day cab with no bunk or heating (apart from leaving the engine running all that time), no hot food or drinks, and no toilet facilities. I waited at the delivery point for over two hours while the office tried to ‘sort something out’; at 5.30 I was instructed to pull out & return to base, as the delivery had been re-booked.
Quite simply, I was not prepared to hang around, cold & hungry for five hours, because a planner in an office seemed to think it was clever to disregard a booking time, and turn up when we feel like it.
I was saying I would be over my daily hours nearly every week if I kept my card in to wash my truck down.
I do tramping where I’m out for 5 nights and by the time I get back on Friday and sat night if I didn’t take my card out I would be over my daily spread nearly every week.
The irony in all this is that you quite happily go along with being made to look like a fool and willingly pull your card at the yard because you’d be out of hours, only to carry on and wash your truck totally unpaid. Yet when you can actually do a job legally and not break the law, you refuse to do so.
THIS!! ^^
I’m not sure about the level of your ‘truth’ however. “If I don’t pull my card, I’ll be over my spread every week” - “They asked me at 1600 to do a job, this is after I’d pulled my card, but I could’ve done the job legally”
WHY did you pull your card if you would still be legal to wash your truck off?
WHY are you doing a printout - they’re for if you ■■■■ up and need to write an explanation - ie ran over by 5 mins due to accident on slip road signed
Hmm, I’m not sure what I believe and what I don’t here, but just for future information:
You start work, you put your card in, if your work starts before you’re in the truck, when you do get in the truck you do a manual entry back to your start time.
On your tacho, you record ALL working time, whether it be by the card in the machine or by manual entries.
When your time is up, then YOUR TIME IS UP, you down tools and go home / go to bed.
It’s not bloody rocket science, the laws are there to prevent exactly what you’ve been doing, 15hrs is more than enough, 4.5hrs driving is more than enough, stop and take a ■■■■■■■ break, have a coffee and a chat and relax for 45 mins, doesn’t matter if you’re late or don’t make that job today, or the truck is left dirty, that’s down to the planner / boss, not you!
Plastic chicken:
Hello all; this is my first post on here, so go easy on me!
I refused to do a job quite recently. My shift started at 10am following a 10pm finish the previous evening. The shift comprised a few easy local jobs, finishing with a delivery to a local RDC, booked for 8pm. I arrived at 3pm, and was told that I wouldn’t be allowed on a bay until my booked time. I called my office to tell them that, and, cutting a long story short, they told me I would have to sit it out until 8. I refused on the grounds that I was in a day cab with no bunk or heating (apart from leaving the engine running all that time), no hot food or drinks, and no toilet facilities. I waited at the delivery point for over two hours while the office tried to ‘sort something out’; at 5.30 I was instructed to pull out & return to base, as the delivery had been re-booked.
Quite simply, I was not prepared to hang around, cold & hungry for five hours, because a planner in an office seemed to think it was clever to disregard a booking time, and turn up when we feel like it.
Could you have pulled out and gone somewhere with facilities then returned later? You say it was a local RDC so couldn’t you have gone back to your yard and brought it back later?
You are blaming the planner but to be honest if I was turning up 5 hours early somewhere I’d make sure I had some food and drink with me in case they wouldn’t take it early so maybe the planning was a bit crap on both sides.
Plastic chicken:
Hello all; this is my first post on here, so go easy on me!
I refused to do a job quite recently. My shift started at 10am following a 10pm finish the previous evening. The shift comprised a few easy local jobs, finishing with a delivery to a local RDC, booked for 8pm. I arrived at 3pm, and was told that I wouldn’t be allowed on a bay until my booked time. I called my office to tell them that, and, cutting a long story short, they told me I would have to sit it out until 8. I refused on the grounds that I was in a day cab with no bunk or heating (apart from leaving the engine running all that time), no hot food or drinks, and no toilet facilities. I waited at the delivery point for over two hours while the office tried to ‘sort something out’; at 5.30 I was instructed to pull out & return to base, as the delivery had been re-booked.
Quite simply, I was not prepared to hang around, cold & hungry for five hours, because a planner in an office seemed to think it was clever to disregard a booking time, and turn up when we feel like it.
Could you have pulled out and gone somewhere with facilities then returned later? You say it was a local RDC so couldn’t you have gone back to your yard and brought it back later?
You are blaming the planner but to be honest if I was turning up 5 hours early somewhere I’d make sure I had some food and drink with me in case they wouldn’t take it early so maybe the planning was a bit crap on both sides.
I think, reading between the lines, he didn’t know he was 5hrs early?
O/p…You know what mate you caught me at a weak moment as I have manflu and I took you seriously. I’ve just read your post on the greatest risk thread and realized you are one big wind up merchant so goodnight and [zb] off.
I’m not a troll or a wind up merchant.
I’m telling the truth.
It’s my first ever job and first ever driving job, so I don’t really know any different.
Planner phones me up one day and told me not to take my breaks at road when I want and to take them when loading and tipping.
Everyone else that works there does the as same.
So everyone always over takes you when you pull in for a break.
Iv worked properly an average of 70 hours a week for 6 months with five nights out and get moaned at for taking a 30 min break.
Iv seen myself working 82 hours one week and having pull my card out in yard to wash down truck or would have been over my spread over on the Saturday.
Took my card out to was a truck down for two hours ever week. Iv seen myself washing a truck down at midnight on a Friday night after 15 hour shift.
All for £500 a week.
So on Xmas eve when was getting [zb] about I said enough is enough. I’m not doing it.
So you remove your tacho card before washing the truck… Hummm but thats classed as other work isn’t it… who in forces this illegal practice… you or the company you work for…
sounds like it was time to move on anyway and good riddance. Who are they by the way, so I can avoid applying sometime in the future?
Iv worked properly an average of 70 hours a week for 6 months with five nights out and get moaned at for taking a 30 min break.
Iv seen myself working 82 hours one week and having pull my card out in yard to wash down truck or would have been over my spread over on the Saturday.
Took my card out to was a truck down for two hours ever week. Iv seen myself washing a truck down at midnight on a Friday night after 15 hour shift.
All for £500 a week.
Really don’t think you need to know the company name, any company that is paying £500 per week for a 5/6 day tramper isn’t going to be getting applications off experienced drivers is it?