Anybody had a "time slip"

I presume you took the shots?
Oh well never mind.

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I did, and funnily enough the only adverse side effect I’ve had afterwards is the presence of folk like you online spouting irrational fantasy.

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I used not to bother with flu jabs even though I’m old. But when Covid struck, I started taking regular flu jabs to protect other people around me. I’m fit & healthy but if I’m carrying flu I can infect the vulnerable. We’re not islands: we live in communities.


The scamdemic was an IQ test and unfortunately 75 % of the population failed miserably.
You want to argue with the statistics from the ONS and other nations data go ahead.
Anybody who believed that if you walked into a pub you had to wear a mask yet when sat down you were “safe” from a virus must have an IQ the same as their shoe size. And the idiocy of screaming that the “unvaccinated” were endangering the “vaccinated” is right off the stupidity scale.
An aquaintence of mine said to me at the height of this ■■■■■■■■ he was glad he had took the third “booster” because he caught covid .WTF! How do you account for this absolute mind ■■.
My sister God rest her soul caught “covid” in hospital.She had broken her hip.I was told I could not go in to see her. I told the nurse I was going in to see her.She said I had to wear a visor, mask,and apron but I could take it off once in the room .Jesus wept. She was “ended” with medazolam and morphine (used on death row in the USA where its called remdesavire). On her death certificate she died of acute kidney failure a side effect of medazolam poisoning.

The efficacy of facemasks and the immunity of vaccines are two totally separate issues.

Immunisation is not pseudo-science: vax-denial is.

They lied about the masks.
They lied about “social distancing”
They never isolated the “virus”
They lied about the efficacy of the “vaccine”
They lied about the “vaccine” stopping transmission
They tried to hide the side effects data for 75 years.
They lied about the excess deaths after the roll out of the “vaccine”
There were no “excess” deaths till the vaccines were rolled out.
They lied about cause of death on death certificates. Eg you died of “covid” if you got run over by a bus or in a motor bike accident but had had a positive “test” a month before.
They lied about the pcr tests.
All a matter of public record yet millions rolled up their sleeves and still believe this crap?
But the biggest crime was that they stuck this poison into innocent children.
They should ■■■■■■■ hang .

Addendum Now RFK jr has been appointed health minister in the USA hopefully we will see a lot of these ■■■■■■■■ from Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zenica and government puppets in jail or better still on the gallows.These SOBs are responsible for millions of deaths worldwide. I want to see those POS Mat Hancock and Boris get their necks stretched

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I was reading a thread today on Trucknet about an engine design (DD 60), but instead of the expected input from one of our regular contributors, the talk was instead about his unexplained absence. It turned out that instead of a parallel universe it was just an aged thread brought over to the new site!