Another One Gone, Cartwright in Administration

Wont be the last a few more waiting in the wings

One of their drivers jumped the gun and was talking about it on FB on Friday, which was not really appropriate (I thought). Ironically it was only earlier this year they were featured in Motor Transport in celebration of their 80 year history, now they’re featured again

There’ll be another one or two companies announcing the end of the road next week I’m sure.

EDIT: removed link that was out of date and referring to problems for Cartwright trailers

Posted in the gazette today so it’s 100% certain

This is what the directors had to say.

Its a shame when a well respected company like Cartwrights go under. I’ve been in the transport industry for 35 years and Cartwrights always looked a weĺl run business.

I ran lorries through the 90s and thought it was tough then, i dread to think what it is like now.

Done lots of stuff for cartwrights over the years ( agency) they always seemed to be hanging on by the finger tips i cant say wheather it was a well run company or not as i dont know the details but from a drivers perspective they seemed to have a high turn over of staff/drivers vehicles while not great were serviceable personally i would never wanted to work there as an employee

They cite driver shortages? When will this myth simply die?

A shortage of willing drivers perhaps.

when you hear the words driver shortage just think shortage of drivers working 60 70 80 hours a week for minimum wage with two or more tacho cards each because they can earn better money else where and get home for the weekend.

Bear in mind what you read was written by a journalist, probably tweaked by a sub-editor too; the company may not have actually said that.

So when you see “driver shortage” you automatically go to “people beaking the law”?

I don’t, my thoughts go to “a shortage of drivers I’m happy to hand a set of keys to”.

as happened to me the other week… because of poa i ended up working (getting paid) for 68 hours. when i was using my adr in a van going from southampton to brighton 5 days a week then saturday mornings and my other duties i was regularly doing 80+ hours a week. flip side of that was if i wanted a day off i got it. if i needed an early finish i got it when i had a personal issue they helped me with it and gave me the support and time to sort it.

How does that link to the alleged (but mythical) “driver shortage”? Are you saying that drivers are expected to work longer hours because there’s a belief there aren’t enough drivers to go around?

just that most local drivers arent prepared to work those sort of hours.

Soon as brexit was announced they started this driver shortage rubbish posters everywhere about how everything will collapse with out the supply of workers all to support the layer of crap at the top

The driver shortage was a bigger myth than the fuel shortage.
The fuel shortage was created by the fuel companies so that they could get rid of the old stockpile of unleaded before the E10/E5 deadline. Which Joe Public took hook line and sinker, queueing up around the block to top up their tanks with an egg cup full

And rightly so. If this is how operators round your way are behaving, DVSA should be paying calls on them

Not true, in the case of Motor Transport. Neither they nor CM make up quotes.

But that’s not what I said: “making up quotes” is not equivalent to “written by a journalist, probably tweaked by a sub-editor too; the company may not have actually said that”.

Having been interviewed by journalists (including The Times) as well as working with editors and sub-editors for a national scuba magazine, I’ve seen things I’ve said and written wrongly presented in their publications.
