Another driver killed by stone thrower

This afternoon at about 1400 a van driver on merseyside his been killed after losing control of his van when a rock was thrown from overhead.Some lawyer/social worker/psychologist is going to defend this piece of garbage and tell us all he didn’t do it/it’s not his fault etc.Lock the scumbag up FOREVER.The last one got off with 9 years and will serve about half of that,it’s just not ENOUGH.My thoughts and sympathies are with the victims family

DOTTO… string the git up and flog him


Ditto again… :cry: :cry: :cry:

Condolences to the family… RIP buddy…
:frowning: :frowning:


Ditto again, a damned good flogging and life in the nick. I swear to god if I see one of these ■■■■■■■■ in the act, I’ll beat the living daylights out of them if I can catch them. This stuff make me bloody angry.


here is the press release

Driver dies after object hits van

A driver has died after he lost control when his van was hit by an object thrown from a bridge in Merseyside.
Police said the man’s blue Mercedes van overturned after it was struck by the object as it was being driven along the A41 bypass in Wirral.

The incident took place at about 1400 BST on Monday. The driver is thought to have been in his 20s.

Witnesses told police they saw a teenager throwing the object from the bridge over the road at New Ferry.

Merseyside Police confirmed they were searching for a teenager in connection with the death of the man, who has not been identified.

“Witnesses reported seeing a teenage boy throwing an object off the bridge on to the carriageway below,” said a spokesman.

"The object hit the blue Mercedes van which was travelling along the carriageway causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle which then turned on its roof.

“The driver was pronounced dead at the scene.”

On Monday evening the road was closed and drivers were being urged to use an alternative route.


god only knows what these arse holes think they are doing when chucking things from bridges■■?
my thoughts are with the lads family right now, what a tragic and unnessesary end to a fine bank holiday for the lads family. it doesnt bear thinking about does it .good luck to the old bill in finding this scumbag and i hope the book gets chucked at him… from a great hight i really do. like mal says, if i saw any one doing this knd of thing you would (i hope) be setting up the free terry fund, as i would swing for the gits…

Terry, the worst thing about it is, as Tartan raider says, therell be some bleeding do gooder making excuses. Where do these folk come from? Didnt they ever have a childhood? Any kid that thinks they can get away with stuff will for christs sake! And I hate to say this, but after the last ■■■■■■■ got in the paper and 9 years, theres fools that will want the same “fame” theres some parts of humanity that are pure ■■■■■■ and we all know it really!

I hope the Drivers family members catch him before the law get him, that way he may get the punishment he deserves, cuz like others have already said, the culprit will get off lightly thanks to the bleeding heart do gooder system :imp:

my sympathies to the lads family and friends.words can’t discribe these sort of people who think chucking things from height towards a vehicle is fun.there sick and as said already i hope the family get the scum 1st,as the justice system will fail them. :angry: :frowning:

A driver has died after he lost control when his van was hit by an object thrown from a bridge in Merseyside.
Police said the man’s blue Mercedes van overturned after it was struck by the object as it was being driven along the A41 bypass in Wirral.

The incident took place at about 1400 BST on Monday. The driver is thought to have been in his 20s.

Witnesses told police they saw a teenager throwing the object from the bridge over the road at New Ferry.

Merseyside Police confirmed they were searching for a teenager in connection with the death of the man, who has not been identified.

“Witnesses reported seeing a teenage boy throwing an object off the bridge on to the carriageway below,” said a spokesman.

"The object hit the blue Mercedes van which was travelling along the carriageway causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle which then turned on its roof.

“The driver was pronounced dead at the scene.”

On Monday evening the road was closed and drivers were being urged to use an alternative route.

A 15 year old boy has been arrested in connection with Murder this evening!

and if he is 15 it will be a case of there there, you didnt mean it… have 2 years probation and dont do it again theres a good lad… MAKES ME SICK :angry:

i hope the barsteward gets whats coming to him

i got a small stone thrown at me today on the A1south of markham moor,it was only a small stone that missed but that is not the point,i was going to ring the police but had second thoughs as they are useless.
two kids where there one as a spotter the other chucked it hidden behind the bridge.
whats worse is i waved at them before he chucked it
if i found my lads chucking stuff at traffic they would not be able to sit down for a week

jonboy although it was a small stone next time you might not be lucky,you should have called the plods.they have to action on you might not be you next time.and how guilty would you feel mate. :wink:

jonboy although it was a small stone next time you might not be lucky,you should have called the plods.they have to action on you might not be you next time.and how guilty would you feel mate. :wink:

the main problem is that i did not no the exact location or get a description.
as for the guilt no,they threw it not me :wink:

I realy feel for the van drivers family but at least the plods picked someone up pretty quick. Good work for them even though he wont get a harsh enough punishment if he’s only 15
Send him to Perpignan for 10 years and he’ll know about it



Hang him by his ankles for a day, from a busy motorway bridge, lane 1, head just 2 inches clear of the tallest trailers.

Cost to tax payer: 1 length of rope

Lesson learned? I think so.