Another driver killed by stone thrower

Sincere condolances to the family of the victim. However, I can’t help asking myself, where were the parents of the child (and after all he or she is still only a child) when they were left to their own devices and do such a hateful thing?? This is not about a hateful child I think, but more about bad parenting. I know where my kids are tonight, and I trust that we all do!

Looks like a 15 Yr old has been arrested on suspicion of murder this morning
Lets hope if he is guilty the evidence exists to secure a conviction and that he suitably punished by a long term of porridge and transfrred to a Cat A jail on his 18th birthday… … 764525.stm

I don’t think you can blame bad parenting. When I think of some of the stupid pranks we used to pull as kids, its a wonder nobody got killed, and my parents would have kicked my ■■■ if they knew what we’d been up to! Adolescent mischief gone severely wrong… Kids don’t think of, or realize the dangers of what they do sometimes… not that it excuses it at all. You can only raise them as well as you can, and hope they retained some of it. Bottom line is that they’re going to do what they’re going to do… even if you’ve been the best parent in the world. Punishment still has to fit the crime.

Sincere condolances to the family of the victim. However, I can’t help asking myself, where were the parents of the child (and after all he or she is still only a child) when they were left to their own devices and do such a hateful thing?? This is not about a hateful child I think, but more about bad parenting. I know where my kids are tonight, and I trust that we all do!

The trouble is Tel, that this is where the do-gooders get these “kids” off with murder. I was 15 once, we all were. And I can only speak for myself, I knew damned well what I was doing when I was 15, and I admit, I wasnt a good kid, and my kids do know whats what too! (they are very good kids by the way) I think some kids are plain bad, I remember the bad apples from my youth, and I aint talking about little pranks here, I had a broken bottle drawn across the face aged 12 by an older kid who was around 13, he did it because I defied him and still have a scar, albeit faint now, so I know all about it. Luckilly most kids aint really anywhere near that bad, and some are just easily led also. OK, parenting has a big role in this, but like Kate says, you cant blame the parents for everything the kids do, they have minds of their own as well, some great parents are unlucky and the kids are bad, and vice versa. Of course, thats just my opinion anyway.

The poor victim of the bridge strike has been named.

He was Christopher McCaffrey, aged 33, a single man from Moreton in Merseyside.

Thoughts and prayers go to all his family and friends.

Sincere condolences to the McCaffrey family.