Another bloody bridge jumper




i really cant believe what im reading[seriously].would you have those same feelings if it was your son/daughter/mum/dad/sister/brother,just imagine ,your son was on a bridge ,about to jump,would you really want someone to shoot them so you could get to your tip quicker. :open_mouth:

If a relative of mine was stupid enough to pull a stunt like that I’d pull the [zb]ing trigger myself. Not bothered about getting to a tip quicker, paid by the hour, but I might be going somewhere important like football or to catch a flight.

Gotta make allowance for all the strong talk on here, it’s easy when you’re sat at home.
I don’t for a minute believe that all these posters actually mean what they post, just doing the macho thing!

I can assure you I mean it 100%, zero sympathy for these [zb]wits.

But, the point is that these fellators don’t actually want to kill themselves, if they did they would just do it somewhere quiet and with no fuss, so the warning shot would have them backing down in a second as they really don’t want to die. The odd one who does want to go out in a blaze of publicity, while causing as much disruption to others as possible, get there wish. Either way, road open, problem solved.

thank god im not like you then,my family and espcially my daughter means the world to me,and if she ever got in the sitution that she felt she needed to jump id hope theyd save her and give me the chance of sorting things out,which is what normal parents do,care and help there kids in anyway they can,they dont shoot them,well normal ones dont[seriously i think your on a wind up]

Just to put your mind at rest ady1, my son just came round and I showed him this thread. He said, and I quote, "If I am ever stupid enough to do something like that please shoot me and put me out of my misery." So It’s all good.

I bet that made you feel so proud, :smiley: knowing all your years of fatherhood weren’t wasted, when you realise your son has grown up to be a chip off the old block. :laughing:



thank god im not like you then,my family and espcially my daughter means the world to me,and if she ever got in the sitution that she felt she needed to jump id hope theyd save her and give me the chance of sorting things out,which is what normal parents do,care and help there kids in anyway they can,they dont shoot them,well normal ones dont[seriously i think your on a wind up]

Just to put your mind at rest ady1, my son just came round and I showed him this thread. He said, and I quote, "If I am ever stupid enough to do something like that please shoot me and put me out of my misery." So It’s all good.

I bet that made you feel so proud, :smiley: knowing all your years of fatherhood weren’t wasted, when you realise your son has grown up to be a chip off the old block. :laughing:

It made me moist in all three eyes. :wink:




I watched a guy jump off the Humber Bridge onto the A63 on Monday. Not nice.

why didnt you look away?..

I did when he actually jumped. But then they let the trapped traffic go so we all had to weave around the various bits of mess that were what was left of him. :frowning:

Incosiderate zb he could have at least jumped into the river.

maybe he couldnt swim :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry, I didn’t realise we were discussing Fathers for their Children etc,I thought the thread was about people who can’t help how they are.
But, if it helps you to justify your stand…

Sorry, I didn’t realise we were discussing Fathers for their Children etc,I thought the thread was about people who can’t help how they are.
But, if it helps you to justify your stand…

They are all nut jobs who climb onto things and disrupt other peoples lives while causing roads to be closed for hours, which is what the thread is about.

This is what I wrote on the subject on another forum:

Contemplating suicide is not a nice time, you go through hell, if your that down you really think you want to end it all the last thing you need is people taking the P**** or getting impatient with you.

It is a slow proccess getting to the point of doing something about it, whether it’s just a cry for help, a half attempt or actually commiting the deed.

You really need to feel that low to appreciate what makes someone even contemplate suicide, you feel useless, despondant, helpless, worthless, and many more adjectives all at the same time.

So what if it’s only a cry for help, maybe they have tried every other avenue trying to get the help they need to get out of the crisis they are in, and yes it is a crisis, not just a bit of a muddle.

It can take years to get to the point of suicide, it’s not a snap decission, you start off thinking your just a bit down and slowly it spirals into what is the point I can’t go on anymore.

You could start drinking heavy, or taking drugs, your everyday life becomes harder and harder, you fall out with your loved ones more and more. You want everybody to hate you, it’ll make it easier when you attempt it, you think if they don’t love you anymore they won’t miss you.

You start planning your ending, you even start to think how you will end it. tablets, jumping, drowning, hanging yourself. You go through it in your mind over and over again, you can’t talk to anyone about your thoughts, they’ll just say don’t be silly you can’t end it all, but you really want to end it all. All your problems will be gone forever, you can be at peace, no more thoughts going through your heads, no more problems.

Some potential suicidees are lucky, they have a strong willed loved one who helps you through your crisis, some are not really intending to do it, as people have said it’s a cry for help, but to get to the stage that they have to cry that loud is a long wat down the line from when they started the journey to where they are sitting atop a bridge threatening to jump off.

The ones who succeed, we will never really know what they wanted to happen, it is to late for them.
Deppression is not a nice thing, especially in todays world, where we want everything yesterday, just to keep the rich, richer and the poor wanting more.

Everybody is intent on chasing the yankkeee dollar, we have forgotten about our fellow human beings, not everybody has the lifeskills to cope with chasing the dollar and being content with our secular lives, some just don’t get it, all the rules and regulations surrounding the persual of the dollar. why some people are allowed to do things that give them the edge when it comes to obtaining the dollar and others are not.

So next time your sat in a queue because some poor sod is sat atop a motorway bridge, just think how did he get to where he is today. Don’t call him selfish, because my friend, your the selfish one for not giving a [zb]

They are all nut jobs who

Surely thats the point, they are sick.(or in your parlance, Nut jobs)

I doubt that have asked to be sick, or even wanted to be sick.

They then need someone to help and care for them.

On a personal level, my son became very unwell a few years ago but was unaware that he had any illness.
It was down to those that loved him to see that he was ill and it was up to me to take away his car keys as he was definately unsafe driving.
If he had not had the support of his family it is possible that he would have caused a serious accident, possibly resulting in the loss of some innocent lifes, but by your accounting he would have been responsible for his actions even though his brain was not working as a healthy persons brain would.

You should no more blame someone with a mental illness than you would blame someone with cancer etc.
As you claim, they are Nut Jobs.

So this was the reason the motorway was shut, I was heading for Gerrards Cross from Wickwar so I used the A40 and went across the top, only a slight delay getting through Oxford so didn’t lose alot of journey time.

Just wondering why the police etc haven’t come up with a better contingency plan for when this happens, why close a major route for hours when you could just deploy an airbag, or even call up four or five high curtain sider trucks from the queue and stick em under the bridge. Then you can either grab the zb or push em off/taser them.

If you’d been travelling Gerrards Cross to Wickwar using A40 you’ definitly have been delayed. Didn’t help that A417 at stanford in The vale was shut by an accident-probably caused by delayed motorists rushing along from Pangbourne-Streatley-Wantage-Faringdon route.


They are all nut jobs who
[/quotehealthy persons brain would.

You should no more blame someone with a mental illness than you would blame someone with cancer etc.
As you claim, they are Nut Jobs.

You have my sympathy concerning your son but please do not put cancer patients or suffers in the same light as people who have a mental illness if they choose to do these things as a cry for help so be it but people with cancer dont have a choice and i have known people who have had cancer and choose to take there own life but not by threatening to jump from a bridge and then not doing it.

phil the book:


They are all nut jobs who
[/quotehealthy persons brain would.

You should no more blame someone with a mental illness than you would blame someone with cancer etc.
As you claim, they are Nut Jobs.

You have my sympathy concerning your son but please do not put cancer patients or suffers in the same light as people who have a mental illness if they choose to do these things as a cry for help so be it but people with cancer dont have a choice and i have known people who have had cancer and choose to take there own life but not by threatening to jump from a bridge and then not doing it.

Agreed. My ex-wife is undergoing chemo at the moment for lung cancer, after having radiotherapy for breast cancer last year, but neither then or now has she considered climbing any bridges and causing disruption.

phil the book:


They are all nut jobs who
[/quotehealthy persons brain would.

You should no more blame someone with a mental illness than you would blame someone with cancer etc.
As you claim, they are Nut Jobs.

You have my sympathy concerning your son but please do not put cancer patients or suffers in the same light as people who have a mental illness if they choose to do these things as a cry for help so be it but people with cancer dont have a choice and i have known people who have had cancer and choose to take there own life but not by threatening to jump from a bridge and then not doing it.

Agree entirely. What about the results of said loon smashing through a lorrys’ windscreen, lorry goes out of control because the driver’s got a facefull of glass and takes out a family who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? I know who’d get my sympathies and wouldn’t be Mr Mental.

same light as people who have a mental illness if they choose to do these things as a cry for help s

Thats the whole point of mental illness.
People who have a mental illness. by the very fact that that they have the illness, cannot make the choices on the same basis as you or I.
Like most people you seem to give the mentally ill the same powers of logic as yourself, ythey haven’t…thats why they are ill.
its no good expecting them to think the same way as you or I.

but people with cancer dont have a choice

Neither do the mentally ill. (or if they do the choice is based on different realitiesto most of us)

The general context of the replies here seem to be that someone who is mentally ill (permanently or temporarily) is somehow responsible for their illness and should be held to blame for their actions.
There seems to be a complete lack of understanding that an ILLNESS is an ILLNESS,

Sympathy and best wishes to your wives

I understand your point, but the LOON jumping from a bridge has as much conscious decision ability making, as a a lump of ice falling from an aircraft and going through the windscreen, same results but you would define that as an accident or act of god.


same light as people who have a mental illness if they choose to do these things as a cry for help s

Thats the whole point of mental illness.
People who have a mental illness. by the very fact that that they have the illness, cannot make the choices on the same basis as you or I.
Like most people you seem to give the mentally ill the same powers of logic as yourself, ythey haven’t…thats why they are ill.
its no good expecting them to think the same way as you or I.

but people with cancer dont have a choice

In my original post i did not say that anyone suffering from mental illness had a choice mental illness is the same as any other infirmity that effects a body what i did say was they choose to do the things they do as a cry for help.People who are cancer suffers are not the same as you stated i cannot comment on different realities as i know nothing of mental illness but the realities of a cancer are most unfortunatly life or death and i cannot for the life of me equate that to a cry for help.sorry


same light as people who have a mental illness if they choose to do these things as a cry for help s

Thats the whole point of mental illness.
People who have a mental illness. by the very fact that that they have the illness, cannot make the choices on the same basis as you or I.
Like most people you seem to give the mentally ill the same powers of logic as yourself, ythey haven’t…thats why they are ill.
its no good expecting them to think the same way as you or I.

but people with cancer dont have a choice

Neither do the mentally ill. (or if they do the choice is based on different realitiesto most of us)

The general context of the replies here seem to be that someone who is mentally ill (permanently or temporarily) is somehow responsible for their illness and should be held to blame for their actions.
There seems to be a complete lack of understanding that an ILLNESS is an ILLNESS,

Sympathy and best wishes to your wives

I understand your point, but the LOON jumping from a bridge has as much conscious decision ability making, as a a lump of ice falling from an aircraft and going through the windscreen, same results but you would define that as an accident or act of god.

I can understand that argument but it is possible to override the self preservation instinct and still be sane and there’s been plenty of examples where suicides are in total control of what they’re doing but it’s just that they’ve supressed their survival instincts for any number of reasons.In just the same way that someone in the army can volunteer to go into a minefield etc…

This is what I wrote on the subject on another forum:

Contemplating suicide is not a nice time, you go through hell, if your that down you really think you want to end it all the last thing you need is people taking the P**** or getting impatient with you.

It is a slow proccess getting to the point of doing something about it, whether it’s just a cry for help, a half attempt or actually commiting the deed.

You really need to feel that low to appreciate what makes someone even contemplate suicide, you feel useless, despondant, helpless, worthless, and many more adjectives all at the same time.

So what if it’s only a cry for help, maybe they have tried every other avenue trying to get the help they need to get out of the crisis they are in, and yes it is a crisis, not just a bit of a muddle.

It can take years to get to the point of suicide, it’s not a snap decission, you start off thinking your just a bit down and slowly it spirals into what is the point I can’t go on anymore.

You could start drinking heavy, or taking drugs, your everyday life becomes harder and harder, you fall out with your loved ones more and more. You want everybody to hate you, it’ll make it easier when you attempt it, you think if they don’t love you anymore they won’t miss you.

You start planning your ending, you even start to think how you will end it. tablets, jumping, drowning, hanging yourself. You go through it in your mind over and over again, you can’t talk to anyone about your thoughts, they’ll just say don’t be silly you can’t end it all, but you really want to end it all. All your problems will be gone forever, you can be at peace, no more thoughts going through your heads, no more problems.

Some potential suicidees are lucky, they have a strong willed loved one who helps you through your crisis, some are not really intending to do it, as people have said it’s a cry for help, but to get to the stage that they have to cry that loud is a long wat down the line from when they started the journey to where they are sitting atop a bridge threatening to jump off.

The ones who succeed, we will never really know what they wanted to happen, it is to late for them.
Deppression is not a nice thing, especially in todays world, where we want everything yesterday, just to keep the rich, richer and the poor wanting more.

Everybody is intent on chasing the yankkeee dollar, we have forgotten about our fellow human beings, not everybody has the lifeskills to cope with chasing the dollar and being content with our secular lives, some just don’t get it, all the rules and regulations surrounding the persual of the dollar. why some people are allowed to do things that give them the edge when it comes to obtaining the dollar and others are not.

So next time your sat in a queue because some poor sod is sat atop a motorway bridge, just think how did he get to where he is today. Don’t call him selfish, because my friend, your the selfish one for not giving a f***.

Just read,what I consider to be a rather profound statement. Well said O-D-D. Somehow put’s things into perspective,and just goes to show,that as humans,we have become more and more insular,which has lead us into a selfish and sometimes arrogant outlook on life.

.People who are cancer suffers are not the same as you stated

I have re-read my posts and don’t understand this comment, what have I said re cancer sufferers?

I agree with you that cancer sufferers face (usually) a life or death outcome and in this respect you are correct that they cannot be compared to mental health disorders. The comparison I was trying to draw was the fact that neither group asks to be ill nor in most cases are they responsible by their own actions for contracting the illness.
However, no matter what your own point of view is , you cannot deny that the reponses by lots of posters on here shows the difference in attitude to people with mental illness and cancer sufferers. One group is described in derogatory terms (Loon, nut job etc) and the other group receives. sympathy (as they genuinley deserve).
I will admit that until I was personally affected I too had much the same point of view.

Well there was a bridge jumper this morning on the A90 just north of the forth bridge at rush hour :unamused: Both directions closed, i spent 2 hours in this farce. Tell you what if police where looking for volunteers to push him off id be in there like a shot!

This fella picked the best possible location and time to bring the east of scotland road network to a halt :angry: … e-11664170 … ad-bridge/

Resolved without injuries, what a shame :angry:

This is what I wrote on the subject on another forum:

Contemplating suicide is not a nice time, you go through hell, if your that down you really think you want to end it all the last thing you need is people taking the P**** or getting impatient with you.

It is a slow proccess getting to the point of doing something about it, whether it’s just a cry for help, a half attempt or actually commiting the deed.

You really need to feel that low to appreciate what makes someone even contemplate suicide, you feel useless, despondant, helpless, worthless, and many more adjectives all at the same time.

So what if it’s only a cry for help, maybe they have tried every other avenue trying to get the help they need to get out of the crisis they are in, and yes it is a crisis, not just a bit of a muddle.

It can take years to get to the point of suicide, it’s not a snap decission, you start off thinking your just a bit down and slowly it spirals into what is the point I can’t go on anymore.

You could start drinking heavy, or taking drugs, your everyday life becomes harder and harder, you fall out with your loved ones more and more. You want everybody to hate you, it’ll make it easier when you attempt it, you think if they don’t love you anymore they won’t miss you.

You start planning your ending, you even start to think how you will end it. tablets, jumping, drowning, hanging yourself. You go through it in your mind over and over again, you can’t talk to anyone about your thoughts, they’ll just say don’t be silly you can’t end it all, but you really want to end it all. All your problems will be gone forever, you can be at peace, no more thoughts going through your heads, no more problems.

Some potential suicidees are lucky, they have a strong willed loved one who helps you through your crisis, some are not really intending to do it, as people have said it’s a cry for help, but to get to the stage that they have to cry that loud is a long wat down the line from when they started the journey to where they are sitting atop a bridge threatening to jump off.

The ones who succeed, we will never really know what they wanted to happen, it is to late for them.
Deppression is not a nice thing, especially in todays world, where we want everything yesterday, just to keep the rich, richer and the poor wanting more.

Everybody is intent on chasing the yankkeee dollar, we have forgotten about our fellow human beings, not everybody has the lifeskills to cope with chasing the dollar and being content with our secular lives, some just don’t get it, all the rules and regulations surrounding the persual of the dollar. why some people are allowed to do things that give them the edge when it comes to obtaining the dollar and others are not.

So next time your sat in a queue because some poor sod is sat atop a motorway bridge, just think how did he get to where he is today. Don’t call him selfish, because my friend, your the selfish one for not giving a [zb]

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

WHAT A LOAD OF [ZB] BS. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I can’t believe people like you and Del try to justify the suiciders actions. PATHETIC. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Fact is there are [zb] thousands of disused quarries/bridges over ravines where an old railway line used to be etc etc etc, where they could go and do their [zb] jumping in peace without affecting anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyone else, BUT OH NO, that’s not good enough for them is it■■? They’ve got to choose the bridge over the busiest motorway and not only cause havoc and misery for every normal person just going about their business, but also cause businesses to lose thousands in lost revenue and then there’s the poor [zb]ers who end up end driving over them when they jump. But yet you have gall to call US selfish for not giving a [zb] about them!!! Un[zb]real. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

They’re just a load of scum attention seekers that need to get their [zb] [zb] together instead of crying like a bunch of babies when stuff don’t go their way. The rest of us manage to deal with the [zb] that life throws at us and so should they. If you can’t they get yourself off to the quarry and get jumping. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Rob K:

This is what I wrote on the subject on another forum:

Contemplating suicide is not a nice time, you go through hell, if your that down you really think you want to end it all the last thing you need is people taking the P**** or getting impatient with you.

It is a slow proccess getting to the point of doing something about it, whether it’s just a cry for help, a half attempt or actually commiting the deed.

You really need to feel that low to appreciate what makes someone even contemplate suicide, you feel useless, despondant, helpless, worthless, and many more adjectives all at the same time.

So what if it’s only a cry for help, maybe they have tried every other avenue trying to get the help they need to get out of the crisis they are in, and yes it is a crisis, not just a bit of a muddle.

It can take years to get to the point of suicide, it’s not a snap decission, you start off thinking your just a bit down and slowly it spirals into what is the point I can’t go on anymore.

You could start drinking heavy, or taking drugs, your everyday life becomes harder and harder, you fall out with your loved ones more and more. You want everybody to hate you, it’ll make it easier when you attempt it, you think if they don’t love you anymore they won’t miss you.

You start planning your ending, you even start to think how you will end it. tablets, jumping, drowning, hanging yourself. You go through it in your mind over and over again, you can’t talk to anyone about your thoughts, they’ll just say don’t be silly you can’t end it all, but you really want to end it all. All your problems will be gone forever, you can be at peace, no more thoughts going through your heads, no more problems.

Some potential suicidees are lucky, they have a strong willed loved one who helps you through your crisis, some are not really intending to do it, as people have said it’s a cry for help, but to get to the stage that they have to cry that loud is a long wat down the line from when they started the journey to where they are sitting atop a bridge threatening to jump off.

The ones who succeed, we will never really know what they wanted to happen, it is to late for them.
Deppression is not a nice thing, especially in todays world, where we want everything yesterday, just to keep the rich, richer and the poor wanting more.

Everybody is intent on chasing the yankkeee dollar, we have forgotten about our fellow human beings, not everybody has the lifeskills to cope with chasing the dollar and being content with our secular lives, some just don’t get it, all the rules and regulations surrounding the persual of the dollar. why some people are allowed to do things that give them the edge when it comes to obtaining the dollar and others are not.

So next time your sat in a queue because some poor sod is sat atop a motorway bridge, just think how did he get to where he is today. Don’t call him selfish, because my friend, your the selfish one for not giving a [zb]

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

WHAT A LOAD OF [ZB] BS. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I can’t believe people like you and Del try to justify the suiciders actions. PATHETIC. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Fact is there are [zb] thousands of disused quarries/bridges over ravines where an old railway line used to be etc etc etc, where they could go and do their [zb] jumping in peace without affecting anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyone else, BUT OH NO, that’s not good enough for them is it■■? They’ve got to choose the bridge over the busiest motorway and not only cause havoc and misery for every normal person just going about their business, but also cause businesses to lose thousands in lost revenue and then there’s the poor [zb]ers who end up end driving over them when they jump. But yet you have gall to call US selfish for not giving a [zb] about them!!! Un[zb]real. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

They’re just a load of scum attention seekers that need to get their [zb] [zb] together instead of crying like a bunch of babies when stuff don’t go their way. The rest of us manage to deal with the [zb] that life throws at us and so should they. If you can’t they get yourself off to the quarry and get jumping. :angry: :angry: :angry:

I dont think you should hold back Rob tell them like it is you smooth talker you.

Feel better now Rob? :slight_smile: