Another bloody bridge jumper

as they really don’t want to die.

Of course they mostly don’t want to die, they are usually seeking help and in their disturbed mind they think that this is the way to it.
Wether you like or not, mental illness is an ILLNESS.
If their minds were working properly then they wouldn’t do it at all. so there is no point in accusing them of being selfish etc.
Anyone who is so desperate gets my sympathy not my anger.
If you genuinley believe that which you have posted then there is no point continuing this discussion as we are in complete opposite camps and I doubt that either of us will change our views.


as they really don’t want to die.

Of course they mostly don’t want to die, they are usually seeking help and in their disturbed mind they think that this is the way to it.

And given that fact, the warning shot will have them down in a second so it works out well for everyone. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Wether you like or not, mental illness is an ILLNESS.

Yeah but it’s not something I worry or care about. It’s never going to affect me, I’m a helicopter. :wink:

If you genuinley believe that which you have posted then there is no point continuing this discussion as we are in complete opposite camps and I doubt that either of us will change our views.

I agree, we will never agree. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I worry or care about. It’s never going to affect me, I’m a helicopter.

Come on, say what you mean and stop hovering :smiley:

Whether these dicks know or care what chaos they’re causing is besides the point. Obviously something is lacking upstairs so who knows?

No, my problem is with plod who DO know what’s happening. They seriously need to sort these things out sooner. Whether by shotgun, an airbed, just grabbing them or even a bloke who can use a lasso. I don’t care.

I don’t care either if i’m late for my tip. My delay was 90mins and i was on my way home anyway. Whoopee doo. It’s forgotten. But what about the people who perhaps are rueing the delay? The bloke waiting for the ambulance in Marlborough? If he’s stll alive. Those who missed their flights at Heathrow due to being parked up for 3 hours and are now seriously out of pocket? Plod really need to look at the bigger picture instead of pussyfooting around.

Whether these dicks know or care what chaos they’re causing is besides the point. Obviously something is lacking upstairs so who knows?

No, my problem is with plod who DO know what’s happening. They seriously need to sort these things out sooner. Whether by shotgun, an airbed, just grabbing them or even a bloke who can use a lasso. I don’t care.

I don’t care either if i’m late for my tip. My delay was 90mins and i was on my way home anyway. Whoopee doo. It’s forgotten. But what about the people who perhaps are rueing the delay? The bloke waiting for the ambulance in Marlborough? If he’s stll alive. Those who missed their flights at Heathrow due to being parked up for 3 hours and are now seriously out of pocket? Plod really need to look at the bigger picture instead of pussyfooting around.

lets hope the coppers dont start heeding yours and coffees words of wisdom,or the MUMS on the school runs causing ques in the mornings will be being shot next,lets hope you dont get a blowout in lane 1 of a d/c and cause mr and mrs to miss there flight or youll be next for the firing squad :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:


Whether these dicks know or care what chaos they’re causing is besides the point. Obviously something is lacking upstairs so who knows?

No, my problem is with plod who DO know what’s happening. They seriously need to sort these things out sooner. Whether by shotgun, an airbed, just grabbing them or even a bloke who can use a lasso. I don’t care.

I don’t care either if i’m late for my tip. My delay was 90mins and i was on my way home anyway. Whoopee doo. It’s forgotten. But what about the people who perhaps are rueing the delay? The bloke waiting for the ambulance in Marlborough? If he’s stll alive. Those who missed their flights at Heathrow due to being parked up for 3 hours and are now seriously out of pocket? Plod really need to look at the bigger picture instead of pussyfooting around.

lets hope the coppers dont start heeding yours and coffees words of wisdom,or the MUMS on the school runs causing ques in the mornings will be being shot next,lets hope you dont get a blowout in lane 1 of a d/c and cause mr and mrs to miss there flight or youll be next for the firing squad :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Now you’re being silly, it’s just the fake suicide nut jobs that we want stopping.



Whether these dicks know or care what chaos they’re causing is besides the point. Obviously something is lacking upstairs so who knows?

No, my problem is with plod who DO know what’s happening. They seriously need to sort these things out sooner. Whether by shotgun, an airbed, just grabbing them or even a bloke who can use a lasso. I don’t care.

I don’t care either if i’m late for my tip. My delay was 90mins and i was on my way home anyway. Whoopee doo. It’s forgotten. But what about the people who perhaps are rueing the delay? The bloke waiting for the ambulance in Marlborough? If he’s stll alive. Those who missed their flights at Heathrow due to being parked up for 3 hours and are now seriously out of pocket? Plod really need to look at the bigger picture instead of pussyfooting around.

lets hope the coppers dont start heeding yours and coffees words of wisdom,or the MUMS on the school runs causing ques in the mornings will be being shot next,lets hope you dont get a blowout in lane 1 of a d/c and cause mr and mrs to miss there flight or youll be next for the firing squad :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Now you’re being silly, it’s just the fake suicide nut jobs that we want stopping.

How about giving them all free memebership to a sky diving club and leave the use of a parachute as optional.

i really cant believe what im reading[seriously].would you have those same feelings if it was your son/daughter/mum/dad/sister/brother,just imagine ,your son was on a bridge ,about to jump,would you really want someone to shoot them so you could get to your tip quicker. :open_mouth:
if it was ever my girl up there[god forbid],id hope everyone there would be doing everything in there power to save her,as i would if it was someone elses relative.

^^^^^^^^^^ thank you ady, common sense at last. :wink:

This puts me in a dilemma, my immediate thought is that they should be, as Coffee so humourously puts, shot, but then I think about the fact that they have a mental illness that causes them to do it, so shooting them is not really the thing to do, they’re obviously not the full ticket and are in need of help, but shutting the motorway for hours is also madness, so an airbag and a shove in the back is probably best, it may even scare them into sanity again :laughing:

… so an airbag and a shove in the back is probably best, it may even scare them into sanity again :laughing:

As would the warning shot, and quicker to get the road open as no airbag to clear up.

This puts me in a dilemma, my immediate thought is that they should be, as Coffee so humourously puts, shot, but then I think about the fact that they have a mental illness that causes them to do it, so shooting them is not really the thing to do, they’re obviously not the full ticket and are in need of help, but shutting the motorway for hours is also madness, so an airbag and a shove in the back is probably best, it may even scare them into sanity again :laughing:

Pretty much in agreement with you there, I’ve known somebody who did get to the point of wanting to end his life, although not by jumping, just decided not to eat or sleep. There was no way anybody could reason with him :confused: He ended up in hospital. This was some ten yeas ago. Anyway with loads of help he sorted himself out and is still around today.

But to close a motorway for hours and then there is still the risk that they’ll jump, when the most important thing is to get them out of harms way. So I’d go for the airbag option or a trampoline and catch them on the way up.

So I’d go for the airbag option or a trampoline and catch them on the way up.

That’s a TV show right there. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

How about Tasering them, it was good enough for that Raul Moat. Let’s face it plod isn’t usually squeamish about about who they use the artillery on !.

Ex Haulier:
How about Tasering them, it was good enough for that Raul Moat. Let’s face it plod isn’t usually squeamish about about who they use the artillery on !.

The bloke who supplied those Tasers also BTF this week, but at least he did it quietly at home and not on a bridge.


Ex Haulier:
How about Tasering them, it was good enough for that Raul Moat. Let’s face it plod isn’t usually squeamish about about who they use the artillery on !.

The bloke who supplied those Tasers also BTF this week, but at least he did it quietly at home and not on a bridge.

Did he Taser himself? :laughing:

It seems that Raoul Moat got the wrong person anyway, he was after the other Stobart :wink:

So this was the reason the motorway was shut, I was heading for Gerrards Cross from Wickwar so I used the A40 and went across the top, only a slight delay getting through Oxford so didn’t lose alot of journey time.

Just wondering why the police etc haven’t come up with a better contingency plan for when this happens, why close a major route for hours when you could just deploy an airbag, or even call up four or five high curtain sider trucks from the queue and stick em under the bridge. Then you can either grab the zb or push em off/taser them.

So this was the reason the motorway was shut, I was heading for Gerrards Cross from Wickwar so I used the A40 and went across the top, only a slight delay getting through Oxford so didn’t lose alot of journey time.

Just wondering why the police etc haven’t come up with a better contingency plan for when this happens, why close a major route for hours when you could just deploy an airbag, or even call up four or five high curtain sider trucks from the queue and stick em under the bridge. Then you can either grab the zb or push em off/taser them.

All of that would probably contravene elf and safety regs then you’d get prosecuted for endangering the safety of the suicidee and also all those involved would probably get sued if said suicidee got injured in the process of falling from the bridge onto the airbag or truck after being pushed off it.

In the same vein and I wonder if the same callous attitude prevails, old people shuffling across the road on their Zimmerframes.
Maybe there should be a time limit for the time needed to cross the road and anyone who can’t do it in this time should be made to stay on the one side of the road and not impede traffic flow.
… or be supplied with jet assisted zimmers :smiley:

In the same vein and I wonder if the same callous attitude prevails, old people shuffling across the road on their Zimmerframes.

Obviously not, they are legitimate road users and have as much right to be there as anyone else. That is a totally different situation to some nut job who pretends they want to top themselves or dress up in lycra and make an arse of themselves because their other half is sensible enough to keep their kids away from them. Those are the ones who need culling.



i really cant believe what im reading[seriously].would you have those same feelings if it was your son/daughter/mum/dad/sister/brother,just imagine ,your son was on a bridge ,about to jump,would you really want someone to shoot them so you could get to your tip quicker. :open_mouth:

If a relative of mine was stupid enough to pull a stunt like that I’d pull the [zb]ing trigger myself. Not bothered about getting to a tip quicker, paid by the hour, but I might be going somewhere important like football or to catch a flight.

Gotta make allowance for all the strong talk on here, it’s easy when you’re sat at home.
I don’t for a minute believe that all these posters actually mean what they post, just doing the macho thing!

I can assure you I mean it 100%, zero sympathy for these [zb]wits.

But, the point is that these fellators don’t actually want to kill themselves, if they did they would just do it somewhere quiet and with no fuss, so the warning shot would have them backing down in a second as they really don’t want to die. The odd one who does want to go out in a blaze of publicity, while causing as much disruption to others as possible, get there wish. Either way, road open, problem solved.

thank god im not like you then,my family and espcially my daughter means the world to me,and if she ever got in the sitution that she felt she needed to jump id hope theyd save her and give me the chance of sorting things out,which is what normal parents do,care and help there kids in anyway they can,they dont shoot them,well normal ones dont[seriously i think your on a wind up]

Just to put your mind at rest ady1, my son just came round and I showed him this thread. He said, and I quote, “If I am ever stupid enough to do something like that please shoot me and put me out of my misery.” So It’s all good.