phil the book:
Rob K:
This is what I wrote on the subject on another forum:Contemplating suicide is not a nice time, you go through hell, if your that down you really think you want to end it all the last thing you need is people taking the P**** or getting impatient with you.
It is a slow proccess getting to the point of doing something about it, whether it’s just a cry for help, a half attempt or actually commiting the deed.
You really need to feel that low to appreciate what makes someone even contemplate suicide, you feel useless, despondant, helpless, worthless, and many more adjectives all at the same time.
So what if it’s only a cry for help, maybe they have tried every other avenue trying to get the help they need to get out of the crisis they are in, and yes it is a crisis, not just a bit of a muddle.
It can take years to get to the point of suicide, it’s not a snap decission, you start off thinking your just a bit down and slowly it spirals into what is the point I can’t go on anymore.
You could start drinking heavy, or taking drugs, your everyday life becomes harder and harder, you fall out with your loved ones more and more. You want everybody to hate you, it’ll make it easier when you attempt it, you think if they don’t love you anymore they won’t miss you.
You start planning your ending, you even start to think how you will end it. tablets, jumping, drowning, hanging yourself. You go through it in your mind over and over again, you can’t talk to anyone about your thoughts, they’ll just say don’t be silly you can’t end it all, but you really want to end it all. All your problems will be gone forever, you can be at peace, no more thoughts going through your heads, no more problems.
Some potential suicidees are lucky, they have a strong willed loved one who helps you through your crisis, some are not really intending to do it, as people have said it’s a cry for help, but to get to the stage that they have to cry that loud is a long wat down the line from when they started the journey to where they are sitting atop a bridge threatening to jump off.
The ones who succeed, we will never really know what they wanted to happen, it is to late for them.
Deppression is not a nice thing, especially in todays world, where we want everything yesterday, just to keep the rich, richer and the poor wanting more.Everybody is intent on chasing the yankkeee dollar, we have forgotten about our fellow human beings, not everybody has the lifeskills to cope with chasing the dollar and being content with our secular lives, some just don’t get it, all the rules and regulations surrounding the persual of the dollar. why some people are allowed to do things that give them the edge when it comes to obtaining the dollar and others are not.
So next time your sat in a queue because some poor sod is sat atop a motorway bridge, just think how did he get to where he is today. Don’t call him selfish, because my friend, your the selfish one for not giving a [zb]
I can’t believe people like you and Del try to justify the suiciders actions. PATHETIC.
Fact is there are [zb] thousands of disused quarries/bridges over ravines where an old railway line used to be etc etc etc, where they could go and do their [zb] jumping in peace without affecting anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyone else, BUT OH NO, that’s not good enough for them is it■■? They’ve got to choose the bridge over the busiest motorway and not only cause havoc and misery for every normal person just going about their business, but also cause businesses to lose thousands in lost revenue and then there’s the poor [zb]ers who end up end driving over them when they jump. But yet you have gall to call US selfish for not giving a [zb] about them!!! Un[zb]real.
They’re just a load of scum attention seekers that need to get their [zb] [zb] together instead of crying like a bunch of babies when stuff don’t go their way. The rest of us manage to deal with the [zb] that life throws at us and so should they. If you can’t they get yourself off to the quarry and get jumping.
I dont think you should hold back Rob tell them like it is you smooth talker you.
Well fella’s got laid off on Friday Got a holiday booked for Xmas & New Year and a new car ordered for when I come back but don’t how I’m going to pay for any of it
Then there’s the all the other normal everyday outgoing’s
ARGH no that’s it can’t take it anymore
ROB K will meet you at Scammonden Bridge at 0730 tomorrow if yous’e got a few min’s to spare
Dave Penn;