Annoying driver

anyone got any tips on how you can stop a driver ringing you up all the time without telling them to ■■■■ off :question: i used to work with a guy called trev years ago when we were at same co and we had stuff in common then and used to natter on the phone but now weve moved on, work for different cos and are at opposite ends of country so have nothing in common but he still rings me up several times per night but has absolutely ■■■■ all to say and when he does its nothing interesting. ive tried ignoring his calls and dropping hints etc but it just isnt working. changing my no is not an option. anyone got any tips on know how i can get rid of him in a nice way :question:

If Trevor is reading your post he would say you encourage him to ring him as you ring him too so he rings you back.

man up and just tell him too sling his hook

You must have his name or number come up on caller id?..just don’t answer it. After a while he may get the hint.

People worry too much about changing numbers! I change mine every two three years with an upgrade. Those who I want to have my number get it, those who dont I dont hear from again. Happy days!

If Trevor is reading your post he would say you encourage him to ring him as you ring him too so he rings you back.

not at all. i never ring him and only ring him back out of courtesy.

You must have his name or number come up on caller id?..just don’t answer it. After a while he may get the hint.

he just keeps ringing and then starts texting.

man up and just tell him too sling his hook

lol icant do that. hes a nice guy but just dim and wont take a hint. :frowning:

This worked for me. … list&hl=en

I’m not bothered who rings me I’m always willing to have a chat and chinwag about nothing at times,made a lot of friendships overs the years and even though in a lot of cases we’ve moved on in different directions I’d never ignore any of them,once mates always mates
I have a old hand I’ve not worked with for over 10 yrs ring me most days,lost his wife a while ago,no kids,just wants a chat,lonely,only too happy to chat to him,anytime,some drivers aren’t as lucky as a lot of us,family’s etc,15 mins,30 mins of my time isn’t going to hurt me,any .

‘…Anyone got any tips on know how i can get rid of him in a nice way :question:…’

In this season of goodwill, maybe it is just meant to be :neutral_face:

Or perhaps use the season to rabbit-on about the nause of sending Chrissy cards etc to ex-neighbours, distant rellies, and old colleagues and, in general, how they all represent an individual clinging-on through insecurity & is draining one’s will to live as well as wasting the available resource to move-on and meet new mates to chuff-off?

Perhaps it needs a smidgeon of insensitive blokiness, but making omelettes & breaking eggs comes to mind :unamused:

Otherwise, bosh-on and well done :smiley:

Tell him you love him…bet he wont ring again :laughing: :laughing:

This worked for me. … list&hl=en

The galaxy s4 has this capability already built into it. You can block numbers and spam text messages

Put him on divert to the local chinese or something :wink:

I found a driver rather annoying the other day; He reported me for “leaving early” when I’m paid a day rate and had done everything I was asked to do. Paid a day rate, did the 6 loads I was asked to do plus an extra one to help out a mate who’d broken down.
Driver in question is a tramper so doing late loads is part of their job.

I found a driver rather annoying the other day; He reported me for “leaving early” when I’m paid a day rate and had done everything I was asked to do. Paid a day rate, did the 6 loads I was asked to do plus an extra one to help out a mate who’d broken down.
Driver in question is a tramper so doing late loads is part of their job.

Grassing seems to be a British trait these days half the drivers where i work cant wait to inform anyone and everyone what everyone is up too.
One person who i work with found my wife who ive been seperated from for 9 months on facebook to inform her im having an affair as he didnt know we had split up.

Talking of drivers’ telling tales, had one on Smiths who’d tell people to put their sheets on. WTF is up with these people?

Talking of drivers’ telling tales, had one on Smiths who’d tell people to put their sheets on. WTF is up with these people?

there all wannabe managers used to have the same problem too many happy to go running to managment with tittle tattle & gossip as one manager put it we dont have to try and catch you out theres always somebody itching to tell tales about whos got away early took a sickie to go to the footy etc .

kama always gets them in the end as when theyb get into bother there on there own


I found a driver rather annoying the other day; He reported me for “leaving early” when I’m paid a day rate and had done everything I was asked to do. Paid a day rate, did the 6 loads I was asked to do plus an extra one to help out a mate who’d broken down.
Driver in question is a tramper so doing late loads is part of their job.

Grassing seems to be a British trait these days half the drivers where i work cant wait to inform anyone and everyone what everyone is up too.
One person who i work with found my wife who ive been seperated from for 9 months on facebook to inform her im having an affair as he didnt know we had split up.

Indeed, social engineering has seen that this is the case.
They have encouraged people to inform on others through jealousy and the suggestion that others may have a better life than yourself because they are performing illegal activities.

This works until you grass on a violent person who doesnt give a stuff about the informer, or you grass an innocent person, who then becomes violent through your actions....It eventually leads to a complete breakdown of society through mistrust and suspicion....But the Govt. doesnt care, because it doesn`t have to.

Its shaw taylors fault lol

anyone got any tips on how you can stop a driver ringing you up all the time without telling them to [zb] off :question: i used to work with a guy called trev years ago when we were at same co and we had stuff in common then and used to natter on the phone but now weve moved on, work for different cos and are at opposite ends of country so have nothing in common but he still rings me up several times per night but has absolutely [zb] all to say and when he does its nothing interesting. ive tried ignoring his calls and dropping hints etc but it just isnt working. changing my no is not an option. anyone got any tips on know how i can get rid of him in a nice way :question:

Think he still wants to be your friend and may have felt a strong bond with you in the past even though you have gone your separate ways he still feels that you are still friends, maybe you have lead him on.

Its often said (or i’ve just made it up) that the one who holds the most power in any relationship is the one who loves the other the least.

As you want to end this relationship in a ‘nice way’ part of you doesn’t want to hurt ‘trev’s’ feelings. This is going to be very hard to do and you can either have it out on the jez kyle show or man up and tell trev that you no longer love him and would like him to stop calling you as you now have other friends to talk to.

Best of luck.

Offer to ■■■■ him off.