Annoying driver

Terry T:
Offer to ■■■■ him off.

:open_mouth: that would do it I reckon…your shafted (literally) if he said okay :laughing: :laughing:

Terry T:
Offer to ■■■■ him off.

That might be how this all began but perhaps we could invite ‘trev’ to this forum (maybe he is already a member due to those long late night chats).

Would be good to have this out in the open though to get some closure, my heart goes out to ‘trev’ who must not want to lose this friendship…

cannot stand a grass,i have had plenty of oppertunities to grass on people but cannot do it,i have even had transport managers asking me who done this or that over the years,but my reply is and allways will be find out yourselves,i got it from my dad over the years,he never grassed on fellow drivers or anyone else,he taught me the same way as many sons do from their fathers,people who grass on you are the lowest of the low

cannot stand a grass,i have had plenty of oppertunities to grass on people but cannot do it,i have even had transport managers asking me who done this or that over the years,but my reply is and allways will be find out yourselves,i got it from my dad over the years,he never grassed on fellow drivers or anyone else,he taught me the same way as many sons do from their fathers,people who grass on you are the lowest of the low


Management should be on a need to know basis, and they need to know as little as possible.

If they want to find something out, get in the bloody company car at 03.30 and come look see for your bloody selves.

Where i am now i’d only been there about 3 months, i’m sailing down the road to a drop when the phone goes, hey Judd i forgot to do something with your trailer yesterday (can’t say exactly lads small world and all that)…so i pulls up and has a look, sure enough found what he’d done wrong, sorted out what was needed, there was a bit of a mess to clean off but i did that and said no more…just as any normal bloke worth knowing would do.

Saw this bloke later in the day, he was almost overjoyed that i hadn’t grassed him up…which i took two ways, wondered whay sort of blokes i was working with if that was expected…and wondered and disappointed that he thought i might grass anyway…i wouldn’t no matter how much bounty was offered.

Like Truckman, i was brought up different to that and my old dad would turn in his grave at the mere thought of grassing.

Me thinks Trev would like a guddle in your pant for a chockolate starrfish !
wich might deserve a sherrifs bagde.

Me thinks Trev would like a guddle in your pant for a chockolate starrfish !
wich might deserve a sherrifs bagde.

Furryring, excuse me for asking but are these words or have you just ■■■.

Ditch the phone.
There’s too many of us who take the view that “My entire life is on this phone”.

When I’m talking face to face with someone, and their phone rings, and it’s “I just gotta get this”…
The conversation is either a non-entity or stressful in some way. Either way, you don’t really want to be having it.
Good in emergencies? - Sure, but how often is that? So rare perhaps that come the emergency day, you can just borrow someone else’s phone, or rely upon the umpteen people who’ve somehow “already reported it” or “called an ambulance” etc. by the time you make an emergency call yourself.

Then there’s the “being phoned to cancel your shift” when you’ve just driven 48 out of the 50 miles to get there…
If you don’t have a phone switched on with you, then guess what? - Once you leave your house un-cancelled, you get paid the shift 8 hours or whatever - IF you can’t be reached by mobile… :smiling_imp:
Then… The phone rings whilst your driving? - It’s a distraction, even a beeping incoming text will make your head jerk and thing “Oooh… Wonder what that is?”… Not good. You don’t even have to answer it to be distracted. The damage is done as soon as the damned thing makes a noise of any kind, even a vibrating buzz…

Then of course, it’s supposed to be illegal to drive and phone anyways… In my mind, it should be illegal to even have one switched on upon your person whilst you are in charge of a motor vehicle.
A hands-free phone will be the one bolted inside the cab - ie not yours. Why bother bringing yours at all then? :wink:

Grassing seems to be a British trait these days half the drivers where i work cant wait to inform anyone and everyone what everyone is up too.
One person who i work with found my wife who ive been seperated from for 9 months on facebook to inform her im having an affair as he didnt know we had split up.

F**k, man - How did you follow that up? I swear I`d peel his face off with a butter curler.

Happened friday and i aint seen him yet. Blokes a proper ■■■■■■■■ the type if you laid a finger on him he would be on to the old bill.

Happened friday and i aint seen him yet. Blokes a proper [zb] the type if you laid a finger on him he would be on to the old bill.

Many ways to skin a cat, dude. Whats the old saying - Dont get mad, get even?

Im sure youll do just that.

All the best.


Me thinks Trev would like a guddle in your pant for a chockolate starrfish !
wich might deserve a sherrifs bagde.

Furryring, excuse me for asking but are these words or have you just ■■■.

He’s made 16 posts in 7 years and this is the best he can do :laughing: only kidding Furrying you crazy fella you :wink:

thanks for the advice fellas. :slight_smile: reluctantly i have decided to change my number as the hint dropping is falling on deaf ears and i cant take any more of his boring crap. :expressionless:

anyone got any tips on how you can stop a driver ringing you up all the time without telling them to [zb] off :question: i used to work with a guy called trev years ago when we were at same co and we had stuff in common then and used to natter on the phone but now weve moved on, work for different cos and are at opposite ends of country so have nothing in common but he still rings me up several times per night but has absolutely [zb] all to say and when he does its nothing interesting. ive tried ignoring his calls and dropping hints etc but it just isnt working. changing my no is not an option. anyone got any tips on know how i can get rid of him in a nice way :question:

i hope youv sent Trev a christmass card.

I’ve had the same number for the last 14 years, tell you one thing the iPhone 5 is magic can block people willy nilly on it :grimacing: