All these firms are the same

blue estate:
My theory is I start work Monday morning and hope to get finished some time on a Friday
I gave up with worrying about finish times as it was making me ill now I finish when i finish or run out of time

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+1 to this ^^ just got to accept “it is what it is” attitude

I’m picky on what jobs I do. I wont handball, no rope and sheet, no cab happy must polish this and that nonsense, no tramping but happy to have a sleeper cab “just in case.”
I don’t mind curtainside and pumptruck work but I’d rather just push a switch and tip the stuff off.
My BMI is well within healthy guidelines too.

All firms are the same yeh, they will try their damnedest to get the last drop of blood out of you, it all depends on how far you are willing to go with it.
A couple of pickers and choosers have emerged on this thread, and usually those who show a tendency to pick and choose on here are knocked, or ridiculed by many ‘‘Haulage heroes’’ …but who has the better quality of life in the job, those who do or those who dont?
I aint talking about the militant gob ■■■■■ big balls ‘‘I aint ■■■■ doing that’’ types, who will do absolutely ■■■■ all except one particular run. but those who just set their own parameters but will also compromise.

I’m a bit that way myself tbh. I have observed in this industry, that if you willinglly accept everything they chuck at you, abuse tends to rear it’s ugly head, in terms of being ran ragged with zero respect shown, to where they give out any old ■■■■ to those that readily accept it .

(Not being funny here but read some of dozy’s, the o/p, old posts. :bulb: )

The paradox with this is, those that bend over the most tend to be the biggest ■■■■ moaners…but they moan to the wrong people, not to those who they should be moaning to, so it goes on…and on…

In my case I will not usually start before 6, I only do 15s and 9s off when it suits, (as I am totally ■■■■■■ off with the excess long hours to pay structure ratio) and I only do Tues to Sat dinnertime…obviously if something comes up I am willinglly flexible (sometimes :smiley: ) I understand every week aint the same.

My boss is ok with that as I am getting the truck back on a Saturday instead of it being stuck down the road after fortnightly driving time is up as it sometimes was, others like early starts so no probs there, the job is getting done, others do not want to be as far away at end of week, I don’t need nurse maidiing, so eveything is cool.

Before anybody comes back with the predictable ‘‘You’re in the wrong job’’ don’t waste your time, I have done years of maxing out, going like ■■■■ and all the weekending you would never want, it’s just that I now see through the crap and smokescreens in this job, right to the REAL picture, and on the positive side I don’t get half as much hassle and aggravation as some others on same co :bulb:
So yeh, they are all the same, but some of their drivers are treated like men, others are treated like schoolboys, so ■■■■ it up.

I am somewhat disappointed reading this thread. RobRoy is obviously to blame for Dozys predicament. If his "lad" had been brought up better hed have been a better boss to our own Dozy. Come on RobRoy shouldn`t you have a word with Evil8 about his employment conditions?

I am somewhat disappointed reading this thread. RobRoy is obviously to blame for Dozys predicament. If his "lad" had been brought up better hed have been a better boss to our own Dozy. Come on RobRoy shouldn`t you have a word with Evil8 about his employment conditions?

Dozy would have been in a far worse predicament if Evil had not rescued and employed him.
Dipperdave had him locked in a cellar and only let him out to star in a bit of Dwarf ■■■■,… he still has a few cheap vhs tapes left if anybody’s interested. :smiley:

Going down the pub shortly I reckon, as I’m getting into Talkbollocks mode. :smiley:


I am somewhat disappointed reading this thread. RobRoy is obviously to blame for Dozys predicament. If his "lad" had been brought up better hed have been a better boss to our own Dozy. Come on RobRoy shouldn`t you have a word with Evil8 about his employment conditions?

Dozy would have been in a far worse predicament if Evil had not rescued and employed him.
Dipperdave had him locked in a cellar and only let him out to star in a bit of Dwarf ■■■■,… he still has a few cheap vhs tapes left if anybody’s interested. :smiley:

Going down the pub shortly I reckon, as I’m getting into Talkbollocks mode. :smiley:

I normally get into Talkbollocks on returning from the pub. . . Well, worse than normal then.

What is up with all these drivers wanting to do a half day on Friday? Unless you finish early afternoon Monday to Thursday, anything before 6 is a result for a Friday :unamused:

What is up with all these drivers wanting to do a half day on Friday? Unless you finish early afternoon Monday to Thursday, anything before 6 is a result for a Friday :unamused:

I look forward to a half day on a Monday. . .

Been looking for decades and aint come yet tho. A half day week would suit me I reckon, and be a bonus for the companys insurance bill.

What is up with all these drivers wanting to do a half day on Friday? Unless you finish early afternoon Monday to Thursday, anything before 6 is a result for a Friday :unamused:

It seems thats the way its gone. Although im usually off most of the weekend due to the very nature of regular distances covered and maxing driving hours the way i see it there are seven days in the week and every day is the same as the next but some see Sat/Sun as somehow different and want to start these two days off early for some reason finishing at midday friday, others very obviously see it differently but ive never really understood what is so special finishing early fri and the need for sat /sun off :confused:


What is up with all these drivers wanting to do a half day on Friday? Unless you finish early afternoon Monday to Thursday, anything before 6 is a result for a Friday :unamused:

It seems thats the way its gone. Although im usually off most of the weekend due to the very nature of regular distances covered and maxing driving hours the way i see it there are seven days in the week and every day is the same as the next but some see Sat/Sun as somehow different and want to start these two days off early for some reason finishing at midday friday, others very obviously see it differently but ive never really understood what is so special finishing early fri and the need for sat /sun off :confused:

You’ve never had a job then where you work all weekend and your days off are middle of the week then ?
2 days off in main part of the week is not the same as a Saturday and Sunday off it don’t feel right

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What is up with all these drivers wanting to do a half day on Friday? Unless you finish early afternoon Monday to Thursday, anything before 6 is a result for a Friday :unamused:

It seems thats the way its gone. Although im usually off most of the weekend due to the very nature of regular distances covered and maxing driving hours the way i see it there are seven days in the week and every day is the same as the next but some see Sat/Sun as somehow different and want to start these two days off early for some reason finishing at midday friday, others very obviously see it differently but ive never really understood what is so special finishing early fri and the need for sat /sun off :confused:

Andrew mate, the difference between you and the vast majority on here is that you own your own truck, your mindset and approach to the job is bound to differ vastly to an employed driver.
When I park up on a Sat lunchtime, the only thing on my mind is getting home to ‘‘my time’’ I switch off completely, and do not give a flying one for the job until 6am Tuesday…one of the benefits for an employed driver over an owner driver.
Unlike yourself predictably, who will have it constantly on your mind in one way or another.



What is up with all these drivers wanting to do a half day on Friday? Unless you finish early afternoon Monday to Thursday, anything before 6 is a result for a Friday :unamused:

It seems thats the way its gone. Although im usually off most of the weekend due to the very nature of regular distances covered and maxing driving hours the way i see it there are seven days in the week and every day is the same as the next but some see Sat/Sun as somehow different and want to start these two days off early for some reason finishing at midday friday, others very obviously see it differently but ive never really understood what is so special finishing early fri and the need for sat /sun off :confused:

Andrew mate, the difference between you and the vast majority on here is that you own your own truck, your mindset and approach to the job is bound to differ vastly to an employed driver.
When I park up on a Sat lunchtime, the only thing on my mind is getting home to ‘‘my time’’ I switch off completely, and do not give a flying one for the job until 6am Tuesday…one of the benefits for an employed driver over an owner driver.
Unlike yourself predictably, who will have it constantly on your mind in one way or another.

Point taken Rob and respect that its just ive always seen the days of the week in that way. Can also relate to ‘my time’ as i too like getting home, doing bits and pieces and maybe going out in the town for an evening as i dont see anyone else after parking up and go home to an empty villa but the only difference is it wouldnt make any difference to me whether i did that on a Saturday or for instance a Monday or Tuesday…


m.a.n rules:
agreed he’s dozy but he really need’s to see doc…

Dopeys hardly being bashful …
He just wants to get home to Snow White

he just wants home so he can get on her before the other 6

I’m on job and knock on a Monday to Friday job!!!
If I’m on a Sprinter van then I can be done by 14:00 but if I’m on a puddle jumper then obviously later…

Even when I get my own, it will be me in it Monday-Friday. Ill try and get a weekend man in it Saturday-Sunday but if it only works five days a week it will still pay for itself and make a bit on top for me.

There are 33 weekends of the year however where I will be back by five on a Friday because Ill be off at the racetrack on the weekend. Its a ground rule with employers at the moment too, ■■■■ about with my motorsport and I’m off. The flipside is, on the other 22 weeks of the year, and Monday-Friday on those 33 weekends, the truck gets first call on my time, if an employer wanted me to work Christmas Day I would do it because thats all part of the give and take that lets me see so much racing in a year and thats most important to me.

BTW. I’m single, un-replicated and with minimal obligations so I don’t have to worry about making time for family.

33 weekends finished by five pm, but then you mention the other 22 weeks■■?

Only 52 weeks in a year, am I missing something?

am I missing something?

A leap month? :laughing:

Depends on what day a year starts on, for instance in 2017 there are 53 sundays in the year so will depend on the day you start in the year and which day you finish…

33 weekends finished by five pm, but then you mention the other 22 weeks■■?

Only 52 weeks in a year, am I missing something?

Yes, my complete inability to maths without the help of Excel. And looking back it was 33 events over 32 weekends, though two were Sunday only and for three of them I took the entire week off so didn’t impact Friday running. So thats 27 weekends on which I tried to make myself unavailable after 5pm on Friday.

Depends on what day a year starts on, for instance in 2017 there are 53 sundays in the year so will depend on the day you start in the year and which day you finish…

Thanks for the partial save Andrew.



m.a.n rules:
agreed he’s dozy but he really need’s to see doc…

Dopeys hardly being bashful …
He just wants to get home to Snow White

he just wants home so he can get on her before the other 6

Pmsl :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: