All these firms are the same

Dozy - you are like the young girl who opens her legs every time someone professes their love for her…

Not my Mrs then.

I don’t know, If I need an early finish I get one, if I don’t want to start while after 6am, I get it. Although a couple of months ago I fancied a change, got a job where I was promised everything at the interview and got nothing in reality, a week and a bit later I was lucky to get my old job back. There are firms out there but good luck finding that needle

Reading these replies it seems that drivers should just do as told, but what is wrong with a driver who has been out working all week finishing early on a friday he still may have worked 60+ hours.

What is it these days when no one wants to start before 6 and be finished by mid day fri, doesnt want to go more than 150miles from base and expect the whole weekend off■■? Listening to this kind of bollox is akin to a creche… :unamused:

I agree with you, but it is not dissimilar to the big trucker, look-at-how-much-power-I-have, how hard I run and how loose my limiter is ■■■■■■■■.

Not my Mrs then.

Definitely not mine either :frowning:

m.a.n rules:
agreed he’s dozy but he really need’s to see doc…

Dopeys hardly being bashful …
He just wants to get home to Snow White

What is it these days when no one wants to start before 6 and be finished by mid day fri, doesnt want to go more than 150miles from base and expect the whole weekend off■■? Listening to this kind of bollox is akin to a creche… :unamused:

It’s called working to live. Not to be confused with living to work which is rather similar to living the dream, but with less spotlights and throttle blipping.
The best course of treatment for 2 and 3 are large doses of ridicule, with a “Super” badge glued onto their forehead.

I take it the lack of response means that Dozy is still out there somewhere, hopefully caught in traffic, hopefully miles from a data signal too. :smiley:

Me? I’ve been at home since just after lunch. :smiley:

Most firms are indeed turd Dozy, I only have a few left to try and then I have collected them all.


I clocked out at 4pm been home since 5pm showered had dinner now sitting down with a cuppa and piece of chrimbo cake :grimacing:

Olog Hai:

What is it these days when no one wants to start before 6 and be finished by mid day fri, doesnt want to go more than 150miles from base and expect the whole weekend off■■? Listening to this kind of bollox is akin to a creche… :unamused:

I agree with you, but it is not dissimilar to the big trucker, look-at-how-much-power-I-have, how hard I run and how loose my limiter is ■■■■■■■■.

Not ■■■■■■■■ at all mate, i have nearly enough power ( but not quite enough so ordered a new truck) i do max my hours out yes, and as for the limiter, my truck my limiter… :wink:


What is it these :wink: days when no one wants to start before 6 and be finished by mid day fri, doesnt want to go more than 150miles from base and expect the whole weekend off■■? Listening to this kind of bollox is akin to a creche… :unamused:

It’s called working to live. Not to be confused with living to work which is rather similar to living the dream, but with less spotlights and throttle blipping.
The best course of treatment for 2 and 3 are large doses of ridicule, with a “Super” badge glued onto their forehead.

Tbh, i am actually at home every weekend as a CDS to Riems return maxes my hours out. I dont have large doses of spotlights though (just the one bar) and blipping the throttle just wastes fuel and ive been doing this long enough to realise that driving a truck is hardly ‘living the dream’… :wink:

I sat down on the interview with new boss and he was like a breath of fresh air , we were going too work together , but , once he saw how gullible. I was , & how I take his word as gospel he said he would drop me right in it & make sure I was stitched up for midday , which I took to mean he’d look after me and make sure I was done by midday
Fri , you can’t believe the great run he’s given me tomorrow , I’ll be lucky & get a flier , & I wanted to put 15 in again and his [zb] phones on voicemail :smiling_imp: :neutral_face: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :unamused:

FTFY . :open_mouth: :unamused:

Pear shaped seems to follow with surprising regularity .

How can that possibly be ■■? :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue: :unamused:

Most firms are indeed turd Dozy, I only have a few left to try and then I have collected them all.


Maybe if you and dozy could do anything slightly more technical than being a steering wheel attendant you could get a decent and enjoyable (although not everyone’s cup of tea) and dare I say reasonably well paid job.

Already got one thanks HS.

How’s your middle class merlot going mate? Is it ’ spectacular ’ ? :wink:

My place has pulled a fast one on me, I offered to run in sat which virtually guarantees a Friday finish but they’ve got me running in sat. They may be getting wise to my double bluffs.

Anyway nice to see you back on the game doze, crack on and keep taking no notice.

My place has pulled a fast one on me, I offered to run in sat which virtually guarantees a Friday finish but they’ve got me running in sat. They may be getting wise to my double bluffs.

Anyway nice to see you back on the game doze, crack on and keep taking no notice.

Don’t you bloody give up the game… Next thing, forkies will think we really happy to go and have a snooze whilst we wait for them to get ready to tip us… :wink:

the nodding donkey:

My place has pulled a fast one on me, I offered to run in sat which virtually guarantees a Friday finish but they’ve got me running in sat. They may be getting wise to my double bluffs.

Anyway nice to see you back on the game doze, crack on and keep taking no notice.

Don’t you bloody give up the game… Next thing, forkies will think we really happy to go and have a snooze whilst we wait for them to get ready to tip us… :wink:

Are yes the old:
“It’s gonna be a 3 to 4 hour tip drive”
Me: “No worries this will get me out of a second job, wake us up when your done”.

1hour later
“All done drive”. :slight_smile:

Que phone call to my sweetheart.

“Losen those knickers sweet lips daddies coming home early”.

To this day I’ve never received coitus after saying this.

as above ,the last time I tried calling like that,then the reply I got was from the switchboard receptionist saying,…if your wanting an outside line,then you will need to dial 9 first… :open_mouth:

I understand a bit where Dozy is coming from. I have two simple policies when it comes to working times. 1) If I cant get a Sausage McMuffin on the way in to work of a morning its TOO BLOODY EARLY. 2) I let the boss know what dates I am at the race track several months in advance, if they make it so I cant get to the race track on time I get angry, three strikes and I drop em like the sack of spuds they are less intelligent than.

So far I have black listed both of the Stobarts and Maritime because they refuse to accept that I might have a life I want to live outside the truck. I am fairly lucky in that I could meet all my obligations quite happily if I said sod this and went back to running shifts at McDonalds, I just enjoy the driving.

That being said, demanding finishes by 12 on a working day and complaining that the boss might be on the phone when you try him is very petulant. In everything there is a bit of give and take. But deny me my McMuffin and there will be hell to pay!

Kindest Regards,

The fat bloke in the next truck over!