Alert professional drivers?


Wheel Nut:
Training wouldnt have helped me when I brought another truck over from Holland. I had been driving an FM12 with 2 steps and they gave me an FH12 to swap at Cadburys. No problem the FM is very similar to the FH to drive. The dash looks the same, the i shift works the same.

The only difference was the extra step when I climbed down at Marlbrook, completely missed it and sat on my arse in a puddle :stuck_out_tongue:

Reminds me of an old nursery rhyme…
Round and round the garden
like a teddy bear (the shape of many truckers :exclamation: - ducks for cover :blush: )
One step - Two step
Onto my derryaire (OK, so I changed it a bit)


Old mother hubbard went to the cupboard
to give the poor dog a bone
as she bent over, over ran rover
and gave her a bone of his own

Bump :smiley: still no appology from these jokers, but maybe they bs’d so many so don’t know who i am, i mean they got a long list to ring back :bulb:



including entrance and exit to the cab,

Please tell me it isn’t true, that the new wannabee drivers these days to the industry which I have loved need to be taught such things. :open_mouth: :cry: :smiling_imp:

Oh yes. When I was a young driver I was trying to get access to my cab through the exhaust pipe, and I was really worried, that I am to fat to get in. How lucky I was, that there came some old - school driver, who showed me where the doors are and how to use them.

After about 4 months I was even able to choose proper door by myself, and i no longer had to climb over the englne to change the seat from left to right… :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Got a PM sorry from instructorone, well sought of, it was the sought of sorry you get from your girfriend after you’ve broke up and she’s returned all your cd’s, scratched :unamused:

My employment is yet to commence also.

Sadly it looks like I was duped into travelling hundreds of miles by an agency (oops sorry recruitment consultants working on behalf of a major haulage company :unamused: ) to get the numbers up just in case. :frowning:

Life goes on I suppose. :cry:

Not sure about training but after driving a Magnum for a few months it’s good to be reminded that exiting a Daf is quite different.

Open door, exit front ways, reach round with right hand to catch the grab-handle, realise too late that grab-handle isn’t there and neither is the outside step, scrabble like mad but fresh air offers little support, and end up in a heap next to the front wheel. Much to the merriment of half the yard who witnessed.

:blush: :blush: :blush:

after 4 months of false promises i wonder if the mob at liecester alert training are any closer too keeping to promises banded around !!! they all seem very good at [ bs ] :open_mouth: … but thats just agencys and it will never change. i wonder and would be very interested in the russion job that was thrown around on that [bs] coarse we lost money on attending !!! :question: :question: :question: thank you chris

after 4 months of false promises i wonder if the mob at liecester alert training are any closer too keeping to promises banded around !!! they all seem very good at [ bs ] :open_mouth: … but thats just agencys and it will never change. i wonder and would be very interested in the russion job that was thrown around on that [bs] coarse we lost money on attending !!! :question: :question: :question: thank you chris

does anyone care ha ha NO :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Ummmmm, this was a very interesting read. I’ve now added these ‘jokers’ to my ever increasing list of Agencies to avoid like the plague.
Are there any good Agencies out there? Don’t say Driver Hire, they ain’t.
BTW, I’m a ‘newbie’ , I don’t have any Driving experience but I was recently shown how to get in and out of a Cab so I consider myself experienced in that at least. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ummmmm, this was a very interesting read. I’ve now added these ‘jokers’ to my ever increasing list of Agencies to avoid like the plague.
Are there any good Agencies out there? Don’t say Driver Hire, they ain’t.
BTW, I’m a ‘newbie’ , I don’t have any Driving experience but I was recently shown how to get in and out of a Cab so I consider myself experienced in that at least. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Driver Hire do have a god rep on this site for getting newbies a foot on the ladder,





Driver Hire are an awful agency if you expect them to just find you work.

However they are an excellent agency if you put a bit of effort in.
RING THEM! Every morning, say “Hi, Its Joe Bloggs here, I was just wondering if you had any work going for me today?”

Keeps you in their mind and they WILL soon start finding you work.

The good thing about that is then you have a steady stream of work, and they pay on time. I’ve never dealt with a Driver Hire office that didn’t always pay promptly and accurately.

The rates are decent enough and they normally support you right up to the hilt, unless you have been reckless.

Give them a go, but you do have to push them.

Otherwise find a local agency, normaly a one man/woman band and they usually have the plum jobs from the smaller firms, rates might be a bit up and down but you get the work.


well thought i would just update you good folk out there about alert proffesional, its has become my past timetime too check on the job front ha ha
its been 6 months now since me and many other trusting drivers fell for the BS of the mob in the midlands, never did get the text from chris last friday ha ha (you know the one about the meeting and start dates) ooppss :open_mouth:
the delectable kath says it has hit a qiuete spell ha ha ha god they are so good at the BS, i wonder if the bigman who is in charge of the big yellow mercs
in norfolk area realise they are dealing with pathalogical BS spreaders!!!
i wonder how true it is about the drivers they say they have working for them on THAT contract? chris has said that the client thinks the sun shines out of there bottoms■■? that his drivers are 850 or so a week take home? :question:
mmmmmmmmm i wonder ha ha im happy i have had my knocks in life and not a newbie starting out and being given false hopes …
BEWAERE OF THESE CLOWNS :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: [/b]

Has Chris got a bit of an Australian accent?

chris has a leicestershire accent… but you never know , it may all be part of the BS so dont take the flight to oz for a ocrs coarse ha ha ha :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Having struggled through 4 pages of this post (and read alerts website :cry: ) I thought there might some sort of conclusion. The bloke from alert has attempted to justify the training but has ended up digging a deeper hole at each posting. The truth of the matter is that alert could make a few bob with the blue chip companys by sending along drivers with a bit of paper saying he/she’s trained. Might even bring the insurance down a tad though most large companies are ‘self insured’ so wouldn’t make any difference.

As has been said, VOSA, the police, H&S etc are not interested in this crap at a roadside check.

HGV trainers/companys are having a tough time at present, just like everyone else. All alert is doing is making extra expense for everyone, one more expense in an extremely tight profit margin. The only ones that will benefit are the dreamers that run this outfit :imp:


Yes but do you get called ‘drive’ on an agency?

i think the conclusion to this is as all concerned know is too KEEP AWAY from these clowns ha ha :wink: would still love to hear from anyone who has earned a few quid from this bunch off cowboys who have preyed on the disheartened and as we all know hard up drivers, would like to say though that a couple of employees there were top notch, hope they dont get the bad press and are aware off whats going on. as for vosa and the rest of this countrys finest they dont give a rats ■■■ about the ocrs… fact… :grimacing:
i also have a well used license that used to earn a few quid in the old days but even then we bitched and moaned but with a few more pounds in the old back pocket. merry xmas everybody :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

This is a very interesting topic. :smiley:

Whilst not seeking to enter the “Alert” debate, I can’t help noticing that there’s some scepticism regarding OCRS.

IMHO, there’s nothing wrong with some healthy scepticism, but surely any scepticism or opinion ought to be based on facts?

To find out about how important the OCRS system actually is, please read :arrow_right: THIS LINK, then have your say.

:open_mouth: It’s not my idea, I’m only the messenger. :grimacing:

Id just like to go back to the original post and say, be alert…Britain needs lerts … :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no its nothing to do with silly promises banded around by agencys…!! sorry consultants as some want to be known… i have had a job offer so all the bs is over… good company that are local too me… just to say good luck too each and every one of you hard working boys out there… :smiley: :smiley:
KEEP THE FAITH AND STEER CLEAR OF CONSULTANTS :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: