
hi, if a doc gives someone medical treatment ie detox, for a drinking addiction, and its known that the patient drives HGV,s the patient also says he as an average of 12 tins of strong cider a night followed by bottle of vodka through the day, then should or does the doctor have a duty to report this to DVLA ect?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This is like one of Neil’s charnock windups.

an average of 12 tins of strong cider a night followed by bottle of vodka through the day,?

Not talking about “shakey” from BE are we? Years since I saw him, last time was just before he went into rehab, last I heard he was driving for errrr…no - on second thoughts I’d better not say. :laughing: :laughing:

try asking MRS transport office :unamused:

No it’s not a reportable condition, such as diabetes or epilepsy or heart disease.

I am here:,-1.675155

sorry not a wind up!!

its a guy i used to work with who was constantly stinking of booze and finally got the sack!

just interested in the wether it was a reportable thing for doc…

12 tins of cider eh? Only one member on here who I recall claiming to ease a hot summer shift with some grown up apple juice during the shift, well know member who drives for Stobart. :wink:

try asking MRS transport office :unamused:

:laughing: :laughing:

then should or does the doctor have a duty to report this to DVLA ect?

I don’t know for definite but it’s asked on the medical form when applying / renewing and as ‘detox’ is medical treatment possibly yes.

We had a driver a couple of years ago that told the doc at medical time that he usually has 5 or 6 pints a night.

DVLA suspended his licence pending reports from their own doctor.
He had to go through several medicals and tests at the local hospital before he was allowed his licence back !

Montgomery, Preston have dispensed with the services of several drivers this year.
Random breath tests upon arriving for work in a morning.

by Driveroneuk » Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:37 pm

Montgomery, Preston have dispensed with the services of several drivers this year.
Random breath tests upon arriving for work in a morning.

Yep , we have these , it’s one of many reasons why I never touch a drop on a school night . I make up for it on Friday and Saturday mind you … :neutral_face:


by Driveroneuk » Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:37 pm

Montgomery, Preston have dispensed with the services of several drivers this year.
Random breath tests upon arriving for work in a morning.

Yep , we have these , it’s one of many reasons why I never touch a drop on a school night . I make up for it on Friday and Saturday mind you … :neutral_face:

I think more and more companies are doing this, probably arse covering with insurance co. We have them quite regullary, both breatherlizer and pee in a bottle.

12 tins of cider eh? Only one member on here who I recall claiming to ease a hot summer shift with some grown up apple juice during the shift, well know member who drives for Stobart. :wink:

oi it was cans of jack d and coke and i dont drive for stobarts any more so there neil!..oppps :laughing:

try asking MRS transport office :unamused:

Hahahahahahaha …BITCHY…hehehehe

Yep , we have these , it’s one of many reasons why I never touch a drop on a school night . I make up for it on Friday and Saturday mind you …

All well and good but, driver at last place I worked did exactly the same and told the doctor when he applied for renewal medical.
Licence suspended while he went for tests for binge drinking!


Yep , we have these , it’s one of many reasons why I never touch a drop on a school night . I make up for it on Friday and Saturday mind you …

All well and good but, driver at last place I worked did exactly the same and told the doctor when he applied for renewal medical.
Licence suspended while he went for tests for binge drinking!

I know someone who did the same and failed getting his license back after his medical at the end of his ban.
He went to the dole office and is now on disablilty as he can’t work due to his “illness”

Soldier z:


Yep , we have these , it’s one of many reasons why I never touch a drop on a school night . I make up for it on Friday and Saturday mind you …

All well and good but, driver at last place I worked did exactly the same and told the doctor when he applied for renewal medical.
Licence suspended while he went for tests for binge drinking!

I know someone who did the same and failed getting his license back after his medical at the end of his ban.
He went to the dole office and is now on disablilty as he can’t work due to his “illness”

And he is able to work. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

As silly as this sounds the doctor or other bodies does NOT need to report it and it is perfectly ok to drive if you are alcohol,but you are NOT allowed to drive whilst coming out of re-hab/detox…Bloody crazy I know,whislt pis*ed you can drive but when you are drying out you can’t ■■?,how do I know?..Simple,I think you guessed.
PS,I never drove a truck as I don’t drive now.

As silly as this sounds the doctor or other bodies does NOT need to report

He does if you are daft enough to admit to drinking to excess when he is filling in your medical renewal.