

As silly as this sounds the doctor or other bodies does NOT need to report

He does if you are daft enough to admit to drinking to excess when he is filling in your medical renewal.

Thats a different matter,that wasn’t the question asked

Yes, you are correct, but in my defence I Have just had 6 tins of special brew and a bottle of vodka :smiley: … -DVLA.html

doesn’t mention alcohol, but…

Yes, you are correct, but in my defence I Have just had 6 tins of special brew and a bottle of vodka :smiley:

Couple of more drinks will be fine :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

All drivers get tested on a blow machine at the oil/fuel refinery plant at Exxon Mobile in France,they park you up until it wears off,but do not phone the Gendarmarie.

As silly as this sounds the doctor or other bodies does NOT need to report it and it is perfectly ok to drive if you are alcohol,but you are NOT allowed to drive whilst coming out of re-hab/detox…Bloody crazy I know,whislt pis*ed you can drive but when you are drying out you can’t ■■?,how do I know?..Simple,I think you guessed.
PS,I never drove a truck as I don’t drive now.

Coming off any drug your body is addicted too can really muck you up in odd ways, seeing things, fits, etc so yeah if your just coming off its its best not to drive

My brother pulled off a radiator off the wall while off the drink,he had fits and was frothing at the mouth,the ambo refused to get near him,and had to call the police to restrain him.