
Leave the guy alone FFS, he is just starting threads that he strongly believes in. Nobody can change the standard of driving from those who are supposed to be skillfull drivers.
If you don’t want to read his posts, don’t click on them, we all have a choice.
How do any of you think you would feel if others called you or poked fun at you over some of the crap I see posted on here ? I know I have posted some real rubbish on here lots of times, so have we all.
Carry on Albion 1971 :laughing:

He has issues with driving standards and he posts about it (so what?), i have issues with authority and i post about it (so what?). Toby has issues with…well he has issues (so what?) :laughing:

Pat Hasler:
Leave the guy alone FFS, he is just starting threads that he strongly believes in. Nobody can change the standard of driving from those who are supposed to be skillfull drivers.
If you don’t want to read his posts, don’t click on them, we all have a choice.
How do any of you think you would feel if others called you or poked fun at you over some of the crap I see posted on here ? I know I have posted some real rubbish on here lots of times, so have we all.
Carry on Albion 1971 :laughing:

yes you have

Pat Hasler:
Leave the guy alone FFS, he is just starting threads that he strongly believes in. Nobody can change the standard of driving from those who are supposed to be skillfull drivers.
If you don’t want to read his posts, don’t click on them, we all have a choice.
How do any of you think you would feel if others called you or poked fun at you over some of the crap I see posted on here ? I know I have posted some real rubbish on here lots of times, so have we all.
Carry on Albion 1971 :laughing:

There are limits to what people can put up with this guy is posting everywhere like a broken record its beyond a joke that he spouting on about crap that will never change

his / her 1st post in the 28 minutes thread says it all and is factually incorrect anyway.

Thanks for all the comments guys.Some really good and some as you would expect.
Stevie308 if you say my comment is factually incorrect please have the decency to explain why?

Now my other half and I are off on holiday later today and there is no way she will let me near a PC so I apologise now for my absence in advance.
Drive safely.

A lot of regular in the ‘club’ posters disagree like sheep with some who dare to have an opinion that differs from them!

Just because you’ve always done it that way doesn’t mean it’s right!

Ok, doesn’t mean it’s wrong either but traffic is changing and we must change with it. The way people are taught to drive has changed… :unamused: Albion is right! the standard of driving has dropped but some on here will continue to drive like morons because changes don’t apply to them and they have ‘always done it that way’.

to paraphrase goldy looking chains song “trucks dont kill people, drivers do” :smiley:

I’m a ■■■■■■’ trucker and I might kill you!

Lol Hahn the memories :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the comments guys.Some really good and some as you would expect.
Stevie308 if you say my comment is factually incorrect please have the decency to explain why?

Now my other half and I are off on holiday later today and there is no way she will let me near a PC so I apologise now for my absence in advance.
Drive safely.

mechanical failure

medical issue

have a good holiday, ya going anywhere nice?

Not to jump on the band wagon, I’m not really bothered what he posts as I’m laid back like that but as has been said you state the obvious over & over, we are in agreement with you, let it go.

What gives the old school high and mighty the right, to say who posts what on here? :unamused:

Jeezus! This is QUITE CLEARLY A BREACH OF THE FORUM RULES! A(nother) Quite blatant personal attack and the mods lack of action is starting to make this forum look a little bit silly!

Quote taken from this thread viewtopic.php?f=43&t=42755

Rule 3 No bad language, racism, or other downright 'orrible stuff. This includes content in images and videos The quickest way to find out if a word is allowed or not is to include it in a posting, and if the auto censor gets it, it is not allowed.

Re-spelling or doctoring a word to get it past the censor does NOT suddenly make the word allowable.

Rule 3 also covers Personal Attacks. Attack the post but not the poster.

It also falls foul of this, taken from the same thread!

Baiting other members
Posting simply to get a rise out of another/other members will simply lead to the poster no longer being able to post without their posts being scrutinised first no warnings- it will just happen. any such posts will be removed
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Im fairly new here, and TBH all this sort of stuff (the harry monk thread the other week was in a similar vein) puts me off posting a little!

Ive owned and managed a couple of forums myself and if im being honest, repeated behavior of this nature would be bringing on suspensions!

Fine, I realise that Albion 1971 has a different point of view, but that doesnt mean you should be attacking the guy, frankly its rather childish!

if you DONT like what someone is saying, do what i do, and add them to your “foe” list in the user CP, that way you cant see their posts and then you wont get upset :slight_smile:

P.S. Im sorry mods/admin if im treading on any toes here, BUT sometime’s things just have to be said!

As Rikki-UK says “Attack the post but not the poster!” EVERBODY is entitled to their own point of view but attacking people for expressing it is out of order!!


Jeezus! This is QUITE CLEARLY A BREACH OF THE FORUM RULES! A(nother) Quite blatant personal attack and the mods lack of action is starting to make this forum look a little bit silly!

Quote taken from this thread viewtopic.php?f=43&t=42755

Rule 3 No bad language, racism, or other downright 'orrible stuff. This includes content in images and videos The quickest way to find out if a word is allowed or not is to include it in a posting, and if the auto censor gets it, it is not allowed.

Re-spelling or doctoring a word to get it past the censor does NOT suddenly make the word allowable.

Rule 3 also covers Personal Attacks. Attack the post but not the poster.

It also falls foul of this, taken from the same thread!

Baiting other members
Posting simply to get a rise out of another/other members will simply lead to the poster no longer being able to post without their posts being scrutinised first no warnings- it will just happen. any such posts will be removed
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Im fairly new here, and TBH all this sort of stuff (the harry monk thread the other week was in a similar vein) puts me off posting a little!

Ive owned and managed a couple of forums myself and if im being honest, repeated behavior of this nature would be bringing on suspensions!

Fine, I realise that Albion 1971 has a different point of view, but that doesnt mean you should be attacking the guy, frankly its rather childish!

if you DONT like what someone is saying, do what i do, and add them to your “foe” list in the user CP, that way you cant see their posts and then you wont get upset :slight_smile:

P.S. Im sorry mods/admin if im treading on any toes here, BUT sometime’s things just have to be said!

As Rikki-UK says “Attack the post but not the poster!” EVERBODY is entitled to their own point of view but attacking people for expressing it is out of order!!


ok bungle i’m not attacking you but attacking your post (just too make it obvious)

Ive owned and managed a couple of forums myself and if im being honest, repeated behavior of this nature would be bringing on suspensions!

and the point of this statement being? i’m aware of the rules and who the admin are on the site thanks


I realise that Albion 1971 has a different point of view, but that doesnt mean you should be attacking the guy, frankly its rather childish!

i wasnt attacking him/her i was attacking their repeated posts on the same subject, if you find it childish then thats your choice which you are perfectly entitled too and if you dont like what you see then fine.


if you DONT like what someone is saying, do what i do, and add them to your “foe” list in the user CP, that way you cant see their posts and then you wont get upset

yes i could but by doing that you may find some threads hard too follow as you may be only getting half a picture instead of a whole one.

i agree with what albion says i’v stated that before it’s just that every thread him/her comes out with the same thing the whole time, yes it was ok for a start but now it’s like oh albions commented so i wont bother looking in the thread as i know what it will have said and the reactions too it. as rikki said attack the post not the poster and all i did was attack the posts not the poster. i cant comment on what other posters have posted as thats there opinion and not mine

and the point of this statement being? i’m aware of the rules and who the admin are on the site thanks

It was merely just the opinion of another Admin from another site, nowt was meant by it mate! it cuts BOTH ways aswell (both problem posters and those criticising), and wasn’t directly aimed at you in particular :slight_smile:

2, I realise that Albion 1971 has a different point of view.

i wasnt attacking him/her i was attacking their repeated posts on the same subject, if you find it childish then thats your choice which you are perfectly entitled too and if you dont like what you see then fine.

so if you were not attacking him/her, then why post in public on the main forum?? im sure you couldve used the “contact us” button at the bottom of the screen and sent an e-mail to the admins, or the use the PM system!

On a forum I adminned we had a “contact us” forum VERY similar to this one, BUT the posts were private so only the OP and the staff could see them! it worked VERY well! (perhaps the TNUK admins would consider a similar system??!!■■!!)


if you DONT like what someone is saying, do what i do, and add them to your “foe” list in the user CP, that way you cant see their posts and then you wont get upset

yes i could but by doing that you may find some threads hard too follow as you may be only getting half a picture instead of a whole one.

That admittedly is a major problem! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

i agree with what albion says i’v stated that before it’s just that every thread him/her comes out with the same thing the whole time, yes it was ok for a start but now it’s like oh albions commented so i wont bother looking in the thread as i know what it will have said and the reactions too it. as rikki said attack the post not the poster and all i did was attack the posts not the poster. i cant comment on what other posters have posted as thats there opinion and not mine

Admittedly albions posts can be a bit samey (although i agree in principle with alot of them)!

The point im trying to make is… Sometime discretion is the best part of valour, and there is MORE than one to skin a cat!

simply by its very nature posting a thread like this IN PUBLIC can look like a personal attack, a way of “ganging up” so to speak! use of the PM system avoids the APPEARANCE that things are getting personal. that said, if enough people E-Mail the admin they will HAVE to take action (im sure a word in albions PM box saying “look mate, chill out with the personal crusade please” off an admin will do the trick MUCH better than resorting to public threads to initiate the appearance of “mob hate” :slight_smile:

Now, feel free to disagree! im off to vac the floors, cut my hair and have a shower and a cup of tea :slight_smile:


if you DONT like what someone is saying, do what i do, and add them to your “foe” list in the user CP, that way you cant see their posts and then you wont get upset

Is THAT what “add foe” does then?
There was me thinking it set up their IP address for the unwarrented downloading of digitised mushy peas, Mark Dixon quotes, and other tripe tailor-made to wind the marked “foe” up as much as possible? :smiley:


3, if you DONT like what someone is saying, do what i do, and add them to your “foe” list in the user CP, that way you cant see their posts and then you wont get upset

Is THAT what “add foe” does then?
There was me thinking it set up their IP address for the unwarrented downloading of digitised mushy peas, Mark Dixon quotes, and other tripe tailor-made to wind the marked “foe” up as much as possible? :smiley:

hahaha yea, thats sadly all it does! Although i like your idea MUCH better! :laughing: :laughing: im sure PHPBB MUST have an add on for that!

Interestingly there is also an add on for PHPBB called “send to coventry” or something similar… it basically sets any poster added to the group so no-one except themselves can see their posts! its a BRILLIANT way of dealing with repeated trolls and the like! :laughing: :laughing:


It is down to the forum management to judge whether they have a person sitting as a member on a trucking forum who joined to continually chide the membership and drive across their personal agenda at every opportunity to the annoyance of the majority, perhaps the management think that a continual diatribe on the trucking industry is good for us all and feel it is to be actively encouraged?

What we don’t like to admit as drivers is that some get killed running up their mate’s arse, and some kill someone else by running up their arse.

No excuses for either. Driving too fast, too close, not enough gap for the weather conditions, half asleep - you name it.
It is the TRUCK drivers fault when someone dies in such a collision however, and going into denial doesn’t reduce those statistics.
Being more aware of it MIGHT.

If a single life is saved by someone being over the top on safety, then asking to “change the record” is like “Let us carry on being killers unmolested”.

There you go. Devil’s advocate tonight. Nope, albion isn’t anyone known to me either before such accusations start flying around. :imp:

Grow up all of you FFS! :angry:

We ALL know all this already. It’s an undisputable fact that driving standards are dropping and I’m fairly sure everyone would agree with that. The point is that is there any need for him to spend every waking hour banging his drum about it in every single topic on an internet forum? What is he hoping to achieve? Does he think that the more times he shouts about it that it will have the effect of turning people into driving Gods? Well I’ve got news for you : it won’t make one single iota of difference. The only thing he is achieving is royally ■■■■■■■ everyone off in the community from his holier-than-thou i’m-so-perfect-and-you-lot-are-not do-gooder finger waving. The incessant drum banging may well be acceptable on sites such as IAM or BRAKE as they are generally populated by people who think they are perfectionists in life, but on here we are just normal folks trying to do a job under ever-increasing pressure from all angles and we want to be able to come here to chat, relax, have a laugh without feeling like naughty school infants being constantly reprimanded by the headmaster.

Jeezus! This is QUITE CLEARLY A BREACH OF THE FORUM RULES! A(nother) Quite blatant personal attack and the mods lack of action is starting to make this forum look a little bit silly!

If you’re going to play the ‘personal attack’ card then I want to play the ‘trolling’ card as that’s essentially what his unrelenting round-the-clock LGV-driver-bashing posts now amount to. :bulb:

Easy solution for people who do not want to see posts form a specific member. Click on there name, with reference to this thread case albion1974, click Add foe, job done. Much easier than whinging and no more ‘stuck record’ posts to read.