
dont take this personal but change the bloody record will you ! everybody is sick too the back teeth of your never changing campaign on how driving standards have dropped. everyone knows they have but it’s a sad fact of life that with the amount of traffic on our over congested road network that accidents are gonna happen and were lucky there aint anymore than there are.

Change what record exactly? The one that I would like to see safer driving on the roads? Or the one that I do not agree with everyone else on here just because I am a truck driver?
You are quite correct driving standards have dropped and I am glad you admit it.Yes the roads are overcrowded and accidents will happen.
What you are wrong about is when you say they are gonna happen.Completely wrong because so many of them could be avoided if drivers would change the way they drive.
The sorry fact is they will not change albeit through ignorance arrogance or totally clueless.You see it everyday on the every type of road.Vehicles driving far too close to each other.Cars Buses Lorries you name it.There are also all the other moronic things you see.

It makes you wonder why people get so upset because I want less accidents.

Change what record exactly? The one that I would like to see safer driving on the roads? Or the one that I do not agree with everyone else on here just because I am a truck driver?
You are quite correct driving standards have dropped and I am glad you admit it.Yes the roads are overcrowded and accidents will happen.
What you are wrong about is when you say they are gonna happen.Completely wrong because so many of them could be avoided if drivers would change the way they drive.
The sorry fact is they will not change albeit through ignorance arrogance or totally clueless.You see it everyday on the every type of road.Vehicles driving far too close to each other.Cars Buses Lorries you name it.There are also all the other moronic things you see.

It makes you wonder why people get so upset because I want less accidents.

Yes that one

So you keep telling us.

It makes you wonder why people get so upset because I want less accidents.

I want to shag Holly Willoughby but posting it on here several times a day isn’t going to make it happen.

Pull your head out of your arse and stop repeating the exact same ■■■■■■■■ day in day out.

I want to shag Holly Willoughby but posting it on here several times a day isn’t going to make it happen.

She promised she would never two time me so that’ll never happen :slight_smile:

Change what record exactly? The one that I would like to see safer driving on the roads? Or the one that I do not agree with everyone else on here just because I am a truck driver?
You are quite correct driving standards have dropped and I am glad you admit it.Yes the roads are overcrowded and accidents will happen.
What you are wrong about is when you say they are gonna happen.Completely wrong because so many of them could be avoided if drivers would change the way they drive.
The sorry fact is they will not change albeit through ignorance arrogance or totally clueless.You see it everyday on the every type of road.Vehicles driving far too close to each other.Cars Buses Lorries you name it.There are also all the other moronic things you see.

It makes you wonder why people get so upset because I want less accidents.

do you not think everyone would like too see safer roads? of course they do but they look at it from the realistic point as that aint gonna happen for you or anyone else. it would take a big culture change too alter the way people drive and that just aint going happen no matter how much you beat the drum on here.

Albion, Scotstrucker has a point. You say driving standards have gone down, sorry mate, I don’t see it. I am quite happy to share the road with UK drivers at the moment.

Poor driving standards ,isn’t that why we can’t wait for friday to come.

Change what record exactly? The one that I would like to see safer driving on the roads? Or the one that I do not agree with everyone else on here just because I am a truck driver?
You are quite correct driving standards have dropped and I am glad you admit it.Yes the roads are overcrowded and accidents will happen.
What you are wrong about is when you say they are gonna happen.Completely wrong because so many of them could be avoided if drivers would change the way they drive.
The sorry fact is they will not change albeit through ignorance arrogance or totally clueless.You see it everyday on the every type of road.Vehicles driving far too close to each other.Cars Buses Lorries you name it.There are also all the other moronic things you see.

It makes you wonder why people get so upset because I want less accidents.

Right. You admit that they’ll never change so what exactly are you achieving by stating “LGV driving standards in this country are shocking and need to change” in every ■■■■■■■ thread, 50x per day? You’ve made your point, we heard it the first time, second time and the other million times. Now will you please STFU about it, change the record and comment on something else or better still find a different website to post your crap on where someone might actually give a toss. Your 398 posts to date could be reduced to just a single post as you’ve said the same thing in every single one of them. :angry:

Dan Punchard:
Poor driving standards ,isn’t that why we can’t wait for friday to come.

Some stupid drivers dont get to see friday!

Rob K:

Change what record exactly? The one that I would like to see safer driving on the roads? Or the one that I do not agree with everyone else on here just because I am a truck driver?
You are quite correct driving standards have dropped and I am glad you admit it.Yes the roads are overcrowded and accidents will happen.
What you are wrong about is when you say they are gonna happen.Completely wrong because so many of them could be avoided if drivers would change the way they drive.
The sorry fact is they will not change albeit through ignorance arrogance or totally clueless.You see it everyday on the every type of road.Vehicles driving far too close to each other.Cars Buses Lorries you name it.There are also all the other moronic things you see.

It makes you wonder why people get so upset because I want less accidents.

Right. You admit that they’ll never change so what exactly are you achieving by stating “LGV driving standards in this country are shocking and need to change” in every [zb] thread, 50x per day? You’ve made your point, we heard it the first time, second time and the other million times. Now will you please STFU about it, change the record and comment on something else or better still find a different website to post your crap on where someone might actually give a toss. Your 398 posts to date could be reduced to just a single post as you’ve said the same thing in every single one of them. :angry:


What we don’t like to admit as drivers is that some get killed running up their mate’s arse, and some kill someone else by running up their arse.

No excuses for either. Driving too fast, too close, not enough gap for the weather conditions, half asleep - you name it.
It is the TRUCK drivers fault when someone dies in such a collision however, and going into denial doesn’t reduce those statistics.
Being more aware of it MIGHT.

If a single life is saved by someone being over the top on safety, then asking to “change the record” is like “Let us carry on being killers unmolested”.

There you go. Devil’s advocate tonight. Nope, albion isn’t anyone known to me either before such accusations start flying around. :imp:

Grow up all of you FFS! :angry:

If I were running things, I’d sack anyone the moment they got 4+ points on their licence. There’s too many idiots hanging onto full time jobs by the skin of their teeth as it is. One might get 1-3 points out of an overzealous pull combined with bad luck so I’d not persecute the unlucky.
“Being prepared to work longer hours for less” however should NOT be a qualification for getting a job over a James May style “Captain Slow” who won’t run bent, takes their time, and keeps on safely driving. I applaud everyone out there who keeps to 40 on single roads, and leaves the two second gap with extra allowed when the weather is bad. :wink:

Rob K + 1 couldn’t agree more an old boy I worked with used to say " the day you think your a good driver is the day you are a dead one it will turn and bite you " and im also fed up with this holier than thou attitude that eminates from some on here, we know that every day we are going to see ■■■■■ driving and we all know mates good mates who through no fault of their own are no longer with us , and this attitude is an insult to them all , there but by the grace go any of us

Please elucidate?

alte hase:
Drive an HGV today in the classic ‘old timer’ style of yesterday and the tachograph will ‘punish’ the driver for failing to fully utilise their permitted speeds thereby creating an unrecoverable underemployment of permitted driving hours, with immiediate and future compound consequences, daily, weekly, and fortnightly that are entirely negative to the driver and operator,

Also…what the hell does ‘dacorum’ mean??

What does the rest of it mean while your at it? :laughing:

A lot of us repeat what we think and say, daresay the antagonists here would find their own posts a trifle repetitive if they looked back at them all unless they happen to possess the vocabulary of a Professor of English Language and Literature.

We as drivers still have control over our vehicles, the lorry doesn’t automatically zoom up to the limiter nor does it automatically jam itself 3 yards from the car bike or lorry in front regardless of speed, it doesn’t disallow lifting off the throttle till you’re within 60 ft of a roundabout or a set of red traffic lights.

The lorry doesn’t use itself as a weapon to intimidiate other drivers out of the way, or force itself in at the last minute at a busy m/way junction causing mayhem on the fast running motorway.

There are some lorry drivers out there who haven’t earned the right to call themselves that, its more than driving the latest biggest lorry up a motorway.

Whats missing from the game now isn’t experience or use/skill, none of us had that when we started, whats missing is pride and the willingness to learn and eventually better ourselves.

Pride in how we do our jobs and looking after our jobs, in getting the best from our vehicles for the least costs, in looking after our equipment no matter how old and ropey it may be, in driving to the best of our ability and making allowances for all the thousands of idiots out there in vehicles of all sizes who are not professionals.

Mainly though trying to better ourselves as drivers in all respects of that title results in good records and reputations leading to recommendations and good references…that translates to good jobs and good companies to work for, which means those better terms and conditions which the defeatests here repeatedly tell us don’t exist any more, they do.

to paraphrase goldy looking chains song “trucks dont kill people, drivers do” :smiley:

an old boy I worked with used to say " the day you think your a good driver is the day you are a dead one

I disagree, I’m still alive :laughing: :wink:

Farnboro boy You are much to good for me I bow to your experience and all my mates long gone any tips would be appreciated , Sorry , Sorry ,