Air Conditioning Radiator Repair

Harry Monk:

Keep up the quoting…I like it. :laughing:

OK, just for you.

No…I can’t drive artics.

You haven’t got a pot to ■■■■ in and you can’t even drive an artic. Righto then. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Can’t drive an artic oh no life aint worth living

You have an obsession with me being unemployed you sad man. Wonder where I’ve been the last 10 months? Certainly not waiting for them to sell off day old sausage rolls in Sparkford. Get a life Man of Kent. All this bravado on here is gonna bite you in the arse. See how your little fan club and spotter club disown you then.Keep up the quoting…I like it. :laughing: So I’m skint…Big deal. Your half of the house sale will soon be gone be gone. When Gregory’s up the price of your trailer rental outweighing your HUGE profit margin.You will be skint and filing for bankruptcy. Bet you don’t post that.

Only one person I see with an obsession here, and its not Harry- the pathetic facebook pages you have set up only reinforce the conclusion that you are someone that should register almost zero on the listen too register,. Your opinion is valued at almost nothing- and that’s being kind

By the way, Airco fixed?

The way the weather I’d be more worried about keeping the night heater working lol

Can’t drive an artic oh no life aint worth living


wow lol,is this the thread to make new friends?:shock:

wow lol,is this the thread to make new friends?:shock:

It’s a thread about repairing the air-conditioning system on a truck, in the Owner Driver and Fleet Operator forum.

For reasons I can’t quite fathom there are people posting who do not own trucks, and do not even drive a truck. (waves to Bigvern1 and RobK). None of them have the first idea about truck air-conditioning systems.

As to what their interest in this forum and this thread is, you’d just have to ask them :wink:

Harry Monk:

Can’t drive an artic oh no life aint worth living

It does just make you wonder how an unemployed van driver can come onto TruckNet and lead so many complaisant truck drivers by the nose. His Facebook friends follow him like farmyard animals. :wink:

Fair play to him in a way, if manipulating simple-minded folk to dance to my tune was my thing, I couldn’t have done better myself.

I like Big Verns fb page its funny, nothing personal Harry it could be about anyone, in My mind its all fiction & I see people as their avator picture in My head anyway, if theres one thing I’m not though its simple, I find simple sending men like Me private messages saying You don’t like the friends I keep on facebook & your not now going to send Me pictures of a truck I once owned because of this, that My man is simple.

fly sheet:

Harry Monk:

Can’t drive an artic oh no life aint worth living

It does just make you wonder how an unemployed van driver can come onto TruckNet and lead so many complaisant truck drivers by the nose. His Facebook friends follow him like farmyard animals. :wink:

Fair play to him in a way, if manipulating simple-minded folk to dance to my tune was my thing, I couldn’t have done better myself.

I like Big Verns fb page its funny, nothing personal Harry it could be about anyone, in My mind its all fiction & I see people as their avator picture in My head anyway, if theres one thing I’m not though its simple, I find simple sending men like Me private messages saying You don’t like the friends I keep on facebook & your not now going to send Me pictures of a truck I once owned because of this, that My man is simple.

More popcorn needed…

fly sheet:

Harry Monk:

Can’t drive an artic oh no life aint worth living

It does just make you wonder how an unemployed van driver can come onto TruckNet and lead so many complaisant truck drivers by the nose. His Facebook friends follow him like farmyard animals. :wink:

Fair play to him in a way, if manipulating simple-minded folk to dance to my tune was my thing, I couldn’t have done better myself.

I like Big Verns fb page its funny, nothing personal Harry it could be about anyone, in My mind its all fiction & I see people as their avator picture in My head anyway, if theres one thing I’m not though its simple, I find simple sending men like Me private messages saying You don’t like the friends I keep on facebook & your not now going to send Me pictures of a truck I once owned because of this, that My man is simple.

I can see his point about your friends mr sheet you go off to Canada blow out an experinced tir man as a buddy and start assosiating with AA patrol men a brs trailer boy and a tipper driver who doesn’t know anywhere east of purfleet.

Harry Monk:

Can’t drive an artic oh no life aint worth living

It does just make you wonder how an unemployed van driver can come onto TruckNet and lead so many complaisant truck drivers by the nose. His Facebook friends follow him like farmyard animals. :wink:

Fair play to him in a way, if manipulating simple-minded folk to dance to my tune was my thing, I couldn’t have done better myself.

No one leads me anywhere. When you first started looking at this I sent you some rate sheets to help you weigh up options and you rightly decided that work wasn’t for you as I quickly decided too. I’d do the same for anyone on here if its something I know anything about.
Yes I think your mad doing what your doing but its your choice and it doesn’t affect me if you become the next stobart or go skint.
Fair play to you for posting figures on an open forum I don’t recall anyone else doing so but if I think it doesn’t add up or you have missed something il say so.
You say there are no decent jobs I’ve pointed out a difference of opinion but that’s all it is an opinion. Which like ■■■■■■■■■ we all have.
But some of your statements on here recently such as the tipper with the busted drag link looks a heap because it hasn’t ram raided CDC truck components is sheer moronic.

I forgot wgy I never would go on Facebook etc., but this thread put that totally in perspsective again.

It’s getting a little bit gay and childish in the way of:
" I get my brother he is much bigger than you!!!"
" than I will get my Nan, she is not bigger but throws with sand" way

can we leave threads on subject please and use farcebook for your personal grievances!

can we leave threads on subject please and use farcebook for your personal grievances!

This would be a good idea !

I forgot wgy I never would go on Facebook etc., but this thread put that totally in perspsective again.

It’s getting a little bit gay and childish in the way of:
" I get my brother he is much bigger than you!!!"
" than I will get my Nan, she is not bigger but throws with sand" way

can we leave threads on subject please and use farcebook for your personal grievances!

I tell you what most of the time Facebook is more grown up that this site, was gonna say less ‘gay’ but who knows what you mean when you call a website ‘gay’. That’s a fairly childish statement itself.


I forgot wgy I never would go on Facebook etc., but this thread put that totally in perspsective again.

It’s getting a little bit gay and childish in the way of:
" I get my brother he is much bigger than you!!!"
" than I will get my Nan, she is not bigger but throws with sand" way

can we leave threads on subject please and use farcebook for your personal grievances!

I tell you what most of the time Facebook is more grown up that this site, was gonna say less ‘gay’ but who knows what you mean when you call a website ‘gay’. That’s a fairly childish statement itself.

sorry used the word “Gay” wrong, was meant in the sense of “Camp”
that’s the Dutch for you, if they say it’s Gay, they mean it’s Camp.
Hope that clears it!

OK chaps, it’s time for a friendly warning…

No names need be mentioned at this point, but it’s clearly time to re-state a couple of our forum rules.

What happens on other sites stays on other sites.

Facebook is another site.

I couldn’t give a rat’s ■■■ what happens regarding people baiting each other on Facebook, but PLEASE leave all the personal stuff off TN.

Is the air-con fixed yet?? :unamused: :grimacing:

OK chaps, it’s time for a friendly warning…

No names need be mentioned at this point, but it’s clearly time to re-state a couple of our forum rules.

What happens on other sites stays on other sites.

Facebook is another site.

I couldn’t give a rat’s ■■■ what happens regarding people baiting each other on Facebook, but PLEASE leave all the personal stuff off TN.

Is the air-con fixed yet?? :unamused: :grimacing:

You might mention that to the gaffer then DD. He brought it up again :confused:



I forgot wgy I never would go on Facebook etc., but this thread put that totally in perspsective again.

It’s getting a little bit gay and childish in the way of:
" I get my brother he is much bigger than you!!!"
" than I will get my Nan, she is not bigger but throws with sand" way

can we leave threads on subject please and use farcebook for your personal grievances!

I tell you what most of the time Facebook is more grown up that this site, was gonna say less ‘gay’ but who knows what you mean when you call a website ‘gay’. That’s a fairly childish statement itself.

sorry used the word “Gay” wrong, was meant in the sense of “Camp”
that’s the Dutch for you, if they say it’s Gay, they mean it’s Camp.
Hope that clears it!

I have yet to meet a Dutchman with a sense of humour although the Dutch Birds are rather friendly.


You have an obsession with me being unemployed you sad man. Wonder where I’ve been the last 10 months? Certainly not waiting for them to sell off day old sausage rolls in Sparkford. Get a life Man of Kent. All this bravado on here is gonna bite you in the arse. See how your little fan club and spotter club disown you then.Keep up the quoting…I like it. :laughing: So I’m skint…Big deal. Your half of the house sale will soon be gone be gone. When Gregory’s up the price of your trailer rental outweighing your HUGE profit margin.You will be skint and filing for bankruptcy. Bet you don’t post that.

Only one person I see with an obsession here, and its not Harry- the pathetic facebook pages you have set up only reinforce the conclusion that you are someone that should register almost zero on the listen too register,. Your opinion is valued at almost nothing- and that’s being kind

I didnt no there was a facebook page till a person sent me the link , I find it amusing to bre honest although I do have a sense of humour. :unamused:


fly sheet:

Harry Monk:

Can’t drive an artic oh no life aint worth living

It does just make you wonder how an unemployed van driver can come onto TruckNet and lead so many complaisant truck drivers by the nose. His Facebook friends follow him like farmyard animals. :wink:

Fair play to him in a way, if manipulating simple-minded folk to dance to my tune was my thing, I couldn’t have done better myself.

I like Big Verns fb page its funny, nothing personal Harry it could be about anyone, in My mind its all fiction & I see people as their avator picture in My head anyway, if theres one thing I’m not though its simple, I find simple sending men like Me private messages saying You don’t like the friends I keep on facebook & your not now going to send Me pictures of a truck I once owned because of this, that My man is simple.

More popcorn needed…

Sweet or salted ? I prefer a mixed bag as each handful is a pleasant surprise . :exclamation:

You could look up Red Dot they still do the roof mounted ones like the old Kysor, I have had a Viesa too in the late nineties it was’nt brilliant but I’m sure they’ve improved somewhat.

I would say at a guess you’d be better off getting the cheque book out & buying new rather than bodging yours it all depends on how long your planning on keeping the lorry really. Its one of the first things I check when buying secondhand trucks I find if the motor has come from a good home then the AC is serviced when required & its a good sign of how its been looked after in general.