Air Conditioning Radiator Repair

Harry Monk:


Harry seems a bit thicker skinned than that Rikki. There’s a few chaps on here that’ve kicked the arse out of it lately but for the most part it’s entertaining. I’m sure Harry wouldn’t post such in depth information and leave himself wide open to it if he was too sensitive to take it on the, er, Chin?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I can live with it, I imagine it will quieten down a bit now that the Facebook webmaster has found a job.

It’s just a shame that I forgot to tell Vinnie Chin about the 7.5 tonner job going here about three months ago when Lou retired

I’ve known Paul and Henry for years, both ex-Kepstowe.

The best-paying and most interesting van job in the land only ever goes by word-of-mouth, and somehow I forgot to tell a certain unemployed somebody. :wink:

No more more popcorn eating for a while then! :wink: … azhqhdwAng

No more more popcorn eating for a while then! :wink:

The lesson here is that you should use the internet to advertise your strengths and not your weaknesses. With a word in the right ear, someone who had driven vans all over Europe would have been a shoo-in for the job, but alas it was not to be.

Have You done much for Meritex yourself yet Harry?

It amazes me how a certain someone has an awful lot of contacts and is owed favours left,right and centre. Yet only has one contract. And they have to pay to utilise that. Yeah, you can work for us, but it’ll cost you. Err…OK then. :unamused:

All I will say is that I have done other work apart from my bread and butter work and I may or may not be doing more, but that’s something I don’t go into. I can’t avoid people knowing I do work for Gregory’s, given that I generally pull a Gregory’s trailer around but anything else is confidential.

Did you see Richard’s ugly mug staring out from the top of that page, I texted him and told told him I nearly threw up my cornflakes!


Harry Monk:


Harry seems a bit thicker skinned than that Rikki. There’s a few chaps on here that’ve kicked the arse out of it lately but for the most part it’s entertaining. I’m sure Harry wouldn’t post such in depth information and leave himself wide open to it if he was too sensitive to take it on the, er, Chin?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I can live with it, I imagine it will quieten down a bit now that the Facebook webmaster has found a job.

It’s just a shame that I forgot to tell Vinnie Chin about the 7.5 tonner job going here about three months ago when Lou retired

I’ve known Paul and Henry for years, both ex-Kepstowe.

The best-paying and most interesting van job in the land only ever goes by word-of-mouth, and somehow I forgot to tell a certain unemployed somebody. :wink:

No more more popcorn eating for a while then! :wink:

I wouldnt bank on that :wink:

From what has been copied to me or shared with me on facebook, I see nothing but a lot of immature rantings, some by people who should know better, but if it floats their little boat then good luck to them - it doesn’t affect me, as at my age, pathetic attempts at bullying tend to be seen what they are, nondescript people who in my view shouldn’t be allowed a keyboard much less the keys to a truck.

I have seen the abuse posted about myself and others , and the value on those opinions and by those people posting them is nil. I have dealt with ■■■■■■■■ bully’s all my life and the best way to deal with the fools is to ignore them.
Idiots we can find anywhere, - being a idiot is not special, only the person doing it thinks they are

(and yes this is aimed fair and square at the fool who sent the facebook message directing me to this thread, you sir are a numpty of the highest order- and no more worthy of my attention than the toilet paper I just wiped my arse with- is that clear enough for you? )

Have i missed something.

Have i missed something.

No , just a few chaps thinking they are clever and being berks, like an RDC waiting room really

Exactly like an RDC waiting room, lorry drivers, being lorry drivers :bulb:

The thing is Rikki, this world is made up from people who are not all the same, some people are happy to shake their head at something they disagree with, others are content with a polite comment and others still like to go off on one or take the ■■■■, the facebook stuff has kept this site free from a lot of the stuff you don’t want to see on here, it’s just a few blokes letting off a bit of steam or gooning around and the fact that the people that do so are only doing so because of things that happen on here should really be seen as a compliment to your site, as it is obviously a source of entertainment to them and that surely is the whole point of the site :open_mouth:

Your comment about free speach, quoting my good self, is a little bit silly I reckon, as from it I read that it’s only free speach if it agrees with your opinions. I’ve just read the rules and nowhere could I find anything that says I must agree with Rikki all the time or my opinion is not allowed. I can’t see how that will enhance the pleasure of the members as it will end all debate :unamused:

If you look on the thread about owner driver advice you will see that Harry and I (to name just two of us) are at a complete disagreement on the way things should be done, sure there’s some snidey comments there from both parties, but at the end of the day somebody who looks at that thread (maybe one of the millions of new viewers you tell us about regularly) will get an in depth view of the different ways of becoming an owner driver. They may get a little upset at some of the bickering, but if that’s the case they’re not going to last 5 minutes out in the big bad world of owner driving are they, so even the stuff you don’t like is useful in a weird kind of way :bulb:

This site is by drivers for drivers, or whatever and therefore it should reflect that. Although I fear that as in too many transport yards now, instead of being left alone to get on with it, we’re going to have to take a risk assessment and wrap ourselves up in bubble wrap first :cry:

This site is by drivers for drivers,

Correct- but it is not a free for all- certainly not when a few decide they will stick the boot in as part of a little gang- no you have a choice, either use this forum as an exchange of information and for discussion , where everyones point of view is respected or argued against , or it can be used to make digs - the latter is no longer acceptable- while what happens on other sites is non of our business we do monitor it and get get sent the content-and when it affects this site it becomes our business there are a few here who are rabidly conducting a campaign against other members here. and encouraging folks via other sites to get involved on Trucknet.

I hate bullys- even the cyber type , you all have had your chance to act like adults after the last warning and most have failed miserably, so no more chances, either grow up or shut up

It amazes me how a certain someone has an awful lot of contacts and is owed favours left,right and centre. Yet only has one contract. And they have to pay to utilise that. Yeah, you can work for us, but it’ll cost you. Err…OK then. :unamused:

I’ve done work for four customers so far, of whom Gregory’s are the main one. But if you had even a minimal level of intelligence or maturity then you’d realise that the largest transport company in Devon, with their hundreds of contacts, would be a perfect place to ask if I was looking to help an unemployed van driver in Devon to find a van job.

Sometimes it’s just more fun letting someone spend 12 months out of work and watching them post this sort of thing…

Being on pre-mod doesn’t make you a bad person in life. And being skint whilst on pre-mod is a deciding factor! :wink:

I have the Garmin 1490t too. It’s going on e-bay. I’m skint!

I’m not “skint” skint

I don’t claim dole and I’m skint.

Don’t talk to me about being skint.

I look like a whale…But no. Brummie born and bred…Just skint!

When you look back in years to come, you’ll realise that your puerile Facebook page was the most expensive joke in history. And the joke was on you all along. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

You have an obsession with me being unemployed you sad man. Wonder where I’ve been the last 10 months? Certainly not waiting for them to sell off day old sausage rolls in Sparkford. Get a life Man of Kent. All this bravado on here is gonna bite you in the arse. See how your little fan club and spotter club disown you then.Keep up the quoting…I like it. :laughing: So I’m skint…Big deal. Your half of the house sale will soon be gone be gone. When Gregory’s up the price of your trailer rental outweighing your HUGE profit margin.You will be skint and filing for bankruptcy. Bet you don’t post that.

you’ll realise that your puerile Facebook page was the most expensive joke in history

Personaly I wouldn’t give that much credence having seem better and more adult behaviour in the primary school playground, but if it makes their little lives happy then the children can carry on - little things please little minds and I wouldn’t want to deprive the simple minded of their little pleasure- bless their little cotton socks


you’ll realise that your puerile Facebook page was the most expensive joke in history

Personaly I wouldn’t give that much credence having seem better and more adult behaviour in the primary school playground, but if it makes their little lives happy then the children can carry on - little things please little minds and I wouldn’t want to deprive the simple minded of their little pleasure- bless their little cotton socks

If its your show here, and reading your thoughts on all of this, how come people survive :open_mouth:

By the way, Airco fixed?

Keep up the quoting…I like it. :laughing:

OK, just for you.

No…I can’t drive artics.

You haven’t got a pot to ■■■■ in and you can’t even drive an artic. Righto then. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Christ almighty your dealing with a bunch of lorry drivers not the women’s institute. If it was 20 years ago it would be banter in the pub now its on the Internet.
Still childish juvenile banter makes more interesting reading than I went 10 seconds over on my tacho should I take my boss to an industrial tribunal call the police or expect to spend 10 years in parkhurst. Or I turned down a driving job as I won’t take less than 29 quid an hour as I’m a class 1 driver and that’s more skilled than brain surgery.