Air Conditioning Radiator Repair

Ta, I did look at the Adrad advert but they want £60 more than Renault want for the part… I will phone an independent aircon company to see what they have to say sometime, I’m not planning to get it done until the mid May six-weekly inspection so I’ve got time to look at options.

The 1st one say they do trucks. You never know. :wink:

Thanks, I’ve found a couple who advertise that they do trucks, plant etc, I will have a ring round over the next month. If I have to pay the full £800 then I’ll do it because I just can’t stand having anything not working properly on either the truck or my car, it’s a bit of an OCD, but I could do with getting it done for a bit less. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would definitely go with a specialist, truck dealers are ok for general servicing and repair, but anything like electrics, or in your case A/C, I would use somebody who deals in that area and nothing else. A fitter at Renault may do a reasonable job, but he’ll be a jack of all trades, you want the master on the job, especially as it’s your money (in your capacity as director of STS) that’s paying the bill :wink:

I’m the same way with my lorries, if it’s on it it should be working, not so OCD with my cars though, a bit of black tape is the cure for warning lights and I horse it through a fast s bend to tell me if I need to add oil :laughing:

Some sound advice there .

I use a mobile guy who just does air on and knows his stuff and will travel all over the country. Will dig out his number for you.


A minor issue :question: Not at 800quid it ain’t :open_mouth:

Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn’t it :laughing: Bet you wished you’d checked out how much that minor issue was going to cost to put right and negotiated it into (or rather out of) the purchase price :cry:
For gods sake man give it a bloody rest.

Harry, if the core is leaking and not from a stone then its best to get it recored, you could get it taken out and just seal off the feed and return hoses while its gone, the system will need vaccuming out before gassing up as it will have moisture in it, and that kills a system.


All tax deductible anyway

I know a fridge fitter in Faversham who is the bees knees with truck aircons and is cheap as chips but only works on these as a cash in ■■■■■■■■ so is of no use to you . :wink:

I freely admit that I legally exploit the tax system in order to pay as little tax as possible but I would never admit to paying anybody cash in hand. That’s not to say that I don’t do it though

Before you start, check if the compressor is,not snookered as it has been running without gas and lubrication for a while now.
It would be bad if you get the condensor fixed and to find out that the compressor is gone! :frowning: :frowning:
Don’t try to fix a condensor, it’s not worth the hassle, they are alluminum nowadays and are most of the times corroded to ■■■■.
You spend 4 hours labour to get it in and out and if it’s still leaking or it start leaking in a few weeks time you wasted your time and your money.
The only way you could safe some money is to help remove the condensor and put it back in, safe you on the labour.
Make sure when they fill it that they replace the dryer element, they do a vacuum test to check on leaking and when ey ad the cooling medium,add lubrication and a dye.
Makes it easier to check in the future.
My old boss use to try to cut a penny in two, see if he could use it as 2 p, but he wouldn’t even entertain to “bodge” a condensor.
The old stuff use to be copper or brass and braised together, the new stuff is glued and plastic with the strength of gingerbread.



For gods sake man give it a bloody rest.

No…HTH :wink:

When Harry wants to rip this ■■■■ out of me for something I’ve posted, he’s free to do so, he has in the past and will continue to, likewise I will return the compliment, so quit your whinging and self righteousness…or don’t, free speech and all that :open_mouth:

Have you tried Ebay? A few of the companies will be cheaper there than in store - think I say about £200 on my (car) volvo compressor.


free speech and all that

No such thing as free speech on here :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
and disagreement on an issue is fine and encouraged,
disagreeing on everything a person says or does, starts to become a bit more wearing, and may lead some more cynical folks to suspect there is a hidden agenda- lets hope this thread and others don’t descend into that :smiling_imp:

Harry seems a bit thicker skinned than that Rikki. There’s a few chaps on here that’ve kicked the arse out of it lately but for the most part it’s entertaining. I’m sure Harry wouldn’t post such in depth information and leave himself wide open to it if he was too sensitive to take it on the, er, Chin?

Harry seems a bit thicker skinned than that Rikki. There’s a few chaps on here that’ve kicked the arse out of it lately but for the most part it’s entertaining. I’m sure Harry wouldn’t post such in depth information and leave himself wide open to it if he was too sensitive to take it on the, er, Chin?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Harry seems a bit thicker skinned than that Rikki. There’s a few chaps on here that’ve kicked the arse out of it lately but for the most part it’s entertaining. I’m sure Harry wouldn’t post such in depth information and leave himself wide open to it if he was too sensitive to take it on the, er, Chin?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Harry, I would recommend National aircon - 0800 525752 - only a one man band (Martin) but he knows his stuff. Used him on a number of occasions, good prices and he will travel.

Harry ! what happened to the 2 raw eggs repair… :laughing: or good old fashioned Radweld, now that really works, well it did back in 1965, i`ll look in the garage to see if i still got some, ha ha

Harry ! what happened to the 2 raw eggs repair… :laughing: or good old fashioned Radweld, now that really works, well it did back in 1965, i`ll look in the garage to see if i still got some, ha ha

Didn’t know frozen eggs plugged gaps.


Harry ! what happened to the 2 raw eggs repair… :laughing: or good old fashioned Radweld, now that really works, well it did back in 1965, i`ll look in the garage to see if i still got some, ha ha

Didn’t know frozen eggs plugged gaps.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: LMFAO, it might stop a draught if you had a hole in your igloo :grimacing: :grimacing:


Harry seems a bit thicker skinned than that Rikki. There’s a few chaps on here that’ve kicked the arse out of it lately but for the most part it’s entertaining. I’m sure Harry wouldn’t post such in depth information and leave himself wide open to it if he was too sensitive to take it on the, er, Chin?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I can live with it, I imagine it will quieten down a bit now that the Facebook webmaster has found a job.

It’s just a shame that I forgot to tell Vinnie Chin about the 7.5 tonner job going here about three months ago when Lou retired

I’ve known Paul and Henry for years, both ex-Kepstowe, both owe me a favour.

The best-paying and most interesting van job in the land only ever goes by word-of-mouth, and somehow I forgot to tell a certain unemployed somebody. :wink: