Air Conditioning Radiator Repair

apparently, these are pretty good

fly sheet:
I would say at a guess you’d be better off getting the cheque book out & buying new rather than bodging yours it all depends on how long your planning on keeping the lorry really.

That pretty much is what I think I’m going to do, I did look at cheaper options but I’m planning to keep the truck until at least 2015 and longer than that if it’s still running ok and is still LEZ compliant so I’d rather get it done with main dealer warranty.

I spoke to KTS today and told them I’m planning to have it done at the mid-May six-weekly inspection and they said they could hold the price at £400 until then, rrp is about £650 and cheapest I could find online was £459 and I get a £20 per hour discount on labour so I won’t be paying top dollar.

I could live without it, I did without A/C for many years but I do much prefer having it working if it’s fitted so I’ll just have to bite the bullet and get it done, thanks to everyone for input.

Job sorted, sounds cheap enough too, make sure they purge the whole system first though Chap. No point in sweating in this day & age either if You can help it…

I’m just going to clear one thing up, from the locked thread. You said you didn’t know me personally.

Yes, you do know me personally, I can’t remember exactly where, but I think it may have been St. Petersburg. It was definitely somewhere in Russia, mid 1990s. You had a blue FH12.

You probably wouldn’t remember me because I was new to it then and was happier to sit in the background listening and learning, rather than talking.

I hope I was’nt rude to You in anyway back then Harry…even though You was being stealthlike.

Yes, that was the truck, an F12, not an FH12 as I said earlier, Alzheimer’s kicking in again.

I’m really struggling to remember the details, only that we were in a group of about half a dozen or so, a couple of them knew you personally and so the talk was of times past. This was probably 1994 or 1995. I get the idea that a Kepstowe driver called Mickey Packham was there and that he knew you but I may be wrong. I do remember taking a photo of your truck.

As I said I was quite new to it at the time, and you know what it’s like when you are new at something, it’s better to keep quiet and listen to the old hands, rather than talking, fascinating really. I wasn’t on a mission to be stealthy! :stuck_out_tongue: