Agency Driver Network

Hi all, can I have your thoughts on these people please? Hubby was doing a trunk run for DHL/Nisa via a local agency but ADR have taken the contract off them and consequently now doesnt have any work, I know, joys of agency working. But was thinking if this ADR mob are okmf it was worth him talking to them. Also does anyone know of any night class 1 work going in the Harlow/Enfield/Stortford area? Ta muchly

Per temps agency in Basildon are looking for Class 1 nights for Royal Mail contract in Chelmsford @£11.75 P/hr. Ive done it for few weeks, but now going onto a perm job with another haulier.

Also if your hubby was doing the DHL/Nisa job with one agency then he should have been tuped over to new agency and carried on with same job!!

Also if your hubby was doing the DHL/Nisa job with one agency then he should have been tuped over to new agency and carried on with same job!!

He was doing it via an agency so TUPE won’t apply. Will get in contact with pertemps and see what they have to say, thanks

ADR took over the contract where i am working from the previous agency. I just signed over to them. To be fair i am still doing the same job never once had me money wrong in one year now and holiday money spot on too. Other agency said you can’t do that I said you lost the contract not me and the firm still wants me to work there and that’s where i am staying. Tell him to sign over nothing to lose and a job he knows.

ADR took over the contract where i am working from the previous agency. I just signed over to them. To be fair i am still doing the same job never once had me money wrong in one year now and holiday money spot on too. Other agency said you can’t do that I said you lost the contract not me and the firm still wants me to work there and that’s where i am staying. Tell him to sign over nothing to lose and a job he knows.

I was hoping that would be the case for him but they’ve only just started this run as its new now ADR have taken it over and to be fair the agency have found him work this week and next. This agency seem to be good, very rare i know, she knows where he used to work and feels his been badly treated so is looking after him. Feel like we’re between a rock and hard place!!
Do ADR pay holidays then? Would be helpful if we could have that as an option.

I phoned ADR (Wakefield) a few weeks ago about some work on their website. No answer so left a message on the answerphone. No return call after a couple of days so phoned their HQ to which I was more-or-less told it’s nothing to do with us, they run their own office.

Still waiting for a return call . . . and if it comes I’ll tell him where he can shove it!



ADR took over the contract where i am working from the previous agency. I just signed over to them. To be fair i am still doing the same job never once had me money wrong in one year now and holiday money spot on too. Other agency said you can’t do that I said you lost the contract not me and the firm still wants me to work there and that’s where i am staying. Tell him to sign over nothing to lose and a job he knows.

I was hoping that would be the case for him but they’ve only just started this run as its new now ADR have taken it over and to be fair the agency have found him work this week and next. This agency seem to be good, very rare i know, she knows where he used to work and feels his been badly treated so is looking after him. Feel like we’re between a rock and hard place!!
Do ADR pay holidays then? Would be helpful if we could have that as an option.

Last time I looked at signing on with ADR it was umbrella scheme… So, yeah, holidays kinda…

So rolled up holiday pay on an hourly rate then!! Thought as much. Oh for him to have a permanent job again!

Last time I looked at ADN it was umbrella all right, and the holiday pay was actually 1/6th of your pay deducted and put into your “holiday pot”.

FFS that’s filling the pot up with your own wages that’s going to cause trouble with HMRC I should imagine!

There’s certainly no free money there that’s for sure. Maybe from what I read above, each different office has its own different rules, so perhaps I should re-consider them in another town? :confused:

I wouldn’t mind picking up some of that RM work for £11.75 that’s for sure! Meets my normal “don’t get out of bed for less than £10ph” criteria eh? :grimacing:

Last time I looked at ADN it was umbrella all right, and the holiday pay was actually 1/6th of your pay deducted and put into your “holiday pot”.

FFS that’s filling the pot up with your own wages that’s going to cause trouble with HMRC I should imagine!

There’s certainly no free money there that’s for sure. Maybe from what I read above, each different office has its own different rules, so perhaps I should re-consider them in another town? :confused:

I wouldn’t mind picking up some of that RM work for £11.75 that’s for sure! Meets my normal “don’t get out of bed for less than £10ph” criteria eh? :grimacing:

Me too…

Although, I’d take a bit less if they had any day work :smiley:

I am on their books PAYE i took that option when they offered it to see and its not on the umbrella side of ADR so just like a normal payed job with payed holidays

ADR came blasting in to a place i did a hell of a lot of agency work for… took over as primary agency and if my agency still wanted work out of the same place , then that would be ok but at a lower rate and only a small percentage of what we used to get. they then brought men in from further away and put them up in a nearby truckstop until they got up and running properly… I think they also took the work for the new Co-op at Newhouse and were running drivers up from Carlisle area (and paying £100 expenses) to cover that until they got enough local drivers… They seem to be ruthless, but that is probably the best way to survive these days.

Well the agency he has been doing this work is the secondary agency, so I’m thinking go straight to ADR, I’ve spoken to them this morning (as he was working last night and is asleep!) and they have said they would be happy to take him on direct, he won’t lose any money out of it either. They are just checking to see if she will be able to take him on from the other agency as they may have to pay the one he is currently doing work for a fee for 8 weeks. Got to to be selfish and think of ourselves, no point in being loyal as it’s not going to pay the bills!!!

“Got to to be selfish and think of ourselves, no point in being loyal as it’s not going to pay the bills!!!”
I’m in the same boat at the moment… just not getting the same amount of work I used to… I am guaranteed 40 hrs, but it is nowhere near as good as getting a Saturday or Sunday shift as well as another four or five day shifts.

Pertemps talked big about a semi permanent job at one contract, all wind and p and the money below par, in practice i was obviously added to the list of ‘only if desperate’ and the phone would be going off at all hours, but weeks after i was promised a start…luckily i resecured a good full time job in the meantime so never did work for them.

The bloody phone would still ring at all hours now and again for weeks after i started the new job when they were in the carp, i had to start ringing them at all hours to p 'em off to get me number removed from their lists.

A pox on agencies, never again, worked for three, none of them able to tell the truth if it saved their lives.

I can’t speak from 1st hand experience but I don’t hear anything good about ADR. What I can tell you is that they can’t fill all their work themselves as they struggle to recruit enough drivers and are forced to use other agencies to fill the considerable gap. I get what say about loyalty but if this other agency has been working for you so far why change? I guarantee you if it takes a downturn between now and Christmas you would still have no trouble signing up with ADR anyway. Best of luck whichever way you decide to go.

What agency is he on at the moment padsmrs? Is it berry recruitment?

What agency is he on at the moment padsmrs? Is it berry recruitment?

Its Crown in Sawbridgeworth, we also have the option of a permanent class 2 job with Reynolds in Waltham Cross but he has temped on that recently, ideally he wants class 1 work.

I was on Elstree Chill job and London Colney ( NFT ) for ADR a few years back,can only speak as I find,they were sound as a pound with me,always paid on time and regular work,which is what it’s all about. :wink:

Yeah I used to do the orange mob for crown. They were ok until I had a car accident on the way to work, had 2 weeks off and they got arsey with me when I went back. All of a sudden I went from 6 days a week to 2-3 max. Wasn’t a woman there then. That’s why I asked if it was berry, as there’s a woman in that one