

I snapped this ugly beast today -

AEC Mogul??



I personally think these cabs look the business :smiley:

Hey adr, Hundreds of this typ have driven here,and all with the Bollekens cab as the pic shows,and was much loved in its time. Only the last and some lighter were only with Ergo cabs after the closure of Bollekens cab works.
Lots of fleets drove nothing else as AEC’s thereafter DAF took mostly over.

Cheers Eric,

Hi Tiptop. Somewhere on this forum, I posted a scan of a 1964 CM article, describing the new version of the Bollekens cab. Elsewhere, I have seen photos of a later version, which employed an Ergo front panel. How did the various Bollekens-cabbed AECs compare to the DAF F2600, Volvo 4951 and others?

On the subject of Moguls, in 1988 I had to move my Albion in a hurry while the engine was stripped. So I borrowed this: I believe I saw in a magazine some years ago it’s still around, but converted into a sleeper cab artic unit.

Hi albion1938, could this be it, pic’d at Great Dorset a couple of years ago!

Hi, All

The red/orange? and green AEC Mogul, I’m pretty certain that used to belong to an owner driver from Louth in Lincolnshire. He used to do low loader work with it.
In the dim and distant past before I became a member of the elite society (Lorry Drivers ) I used to work on plant hire , I’ve been on the back of that truck more than once with different machines. If memory serves me right it used to be bright yellow! I,m damned if I can remember the name of the operator though.

Cheers Bassman Ps, I did drive one in tipper form a few years later for Mcalpines, great site truck but they didn;t take any prisoner’s!

Hi albion1938, could this be it, pic’d at Great Dorset a couple of years ago!

Restored / preserved by John Bryan. Don’t know who owns it now, john lives in Malta.

I snapped this ugly beast today -

I hesitate to contradict, but I feel I must put you right, matey- there are NO ugly AECs! :wink: :wink:

Retired Old ■■■■:

I snapped this ugly beast today -

I hesitate to contradict, but I feel I must put you right, matey- there are NO ugly AECs! :wink: :wink:

I wasn’t in love with the “ergo” jobbies R,O,F.
thanks harry, long retired.

I loved 'em, H. Mind you, they were better kept clean with a tartan blanket over the engine cover :wink: :wink: :wink:

Retired Old ■■■■:
I loved 'em, H. Mind you, they were better kept clean with a tartan blanket over the engine cover :wink: :wink: :wink:

Clean clean !!! R,O,F, don’t talk dirty.
thanks harry, long retired.

I’ve still got a tin of combined “Red & Rust” paint somewhere in the back of the shed!

Retired Old ■■■■:
I’ve still got a tin of combined “Red & Rust” paint somewhere in the back of the shed!

R,O,F, I could have made good use of that in my early wag’n’drag period
which was mainly done during my time with the red’n’rust.
thanks harry, long retired.



I personally think these cabs look the business :smiley:

Hey adr, Hundreds of this typ have driven here,and all with the Bollekens cab as the pic shows,and was much loved in its time. Only the last and some lighter were only with Ergo cabs after the closure of Bollekens cab works.
Lots of fleets drove nothing else as AEC’s thereafter DAF took mostly over.

Cheers Eric,

Hi Tiptop. Somewhere on this forum, I posted a scan of a 1964 CM article, describing the new version of the Bollekens cab. Elsewhere, I have seen photos of a later version, which employed an Ergo front panel. How did the various Bollekens-cabbed AECs compare to the DAF F2600, Volvo 4951 and others?

Hey Anorak, They were up to date for the '50’s and the beginning of the '60’s but from then they lost ground. The outside changed a bit but for the rest they didn’t devloped,maybe to hold it cheap or lack of money. We had one in the company only the first model end the '50’s it was a cracking machine very powerful here 185HP DIN 10speeds,but as I already have written you was bounded to one factory seller, parts only avaiable at a competitor haulier.I was better around Antwerp you was not far from the factory than. A bit like Vanhool’s own used parts only avaiable at Koningshooikt near Antwerp. After an accident a time there was thought of using it in one of the three Daf DO O.680 190HP powered ones,but all have been sold for F88 and 4951 Tiptop’s and Scania Vabis bonnets. Only the 2600 DP stayed a bit longer in use.
The better we had been stayed with AEC till the coming of the Volvo’s.

Greetings Eric,

Hey, AEC and Bollekens had no change to survive,under pressure of Leyland. It AEC could have gone alone (independent). But for international transport?? no service in a lot of countries for AEC and surely for the Bollekens cab ( take a broken windscreen in the pré laminated windscreen days). It were the days of beginning building their own cabs for all,which AEC couldn’t deliver adapted for here.
Some were Ergo cabbed but wasn’t much accepted here because of other standards (comfort).
To small to survive a bit like Miesse,which was a good lorry whit it’s gardner engine,but lack of power drove clients to the two stoke DD engine which wasn’t liked here. Miesse had the same week point only a few dealer so only good if you lived near the brussels plant.
In the '50’s or begin the '60’s international transport was still an adventure so some days with a break down outside Belgium was acceptable. But no more thereafter so many bought only Fiat’s for driving to Italy.
Daf did a marvel with is ITS Europe service one of the first who did,and so took many AEC customers over.

Bye Eric,

Retired Old ■■■■:

I snapped this ugly beast today -

I hesitate to contradict, but I feel I must put you right, matey- there are NO ugly AECs! :wink: :wink:

Here speaks a wise knowledgeable man. :stuck_out_tongue:


Retired Old ■■■■:

I snapped this ugly beast today -

I hesitate to contradict, but I feel I must put you right, matey- there are NO ugly AECs! :wink: :wink:

I wasn’t in love with the “ergo” jobbies R,O,F.
thanks harry, long retired.

The inards were sound Harry, but the cab was a disast…it wasn’t good.
Thank you British leyland. :imp:

Retired Old ■■■■:

I snapped this ugly beast today -

I hesitate to contradict, but I feel I must put you right, matey- there are NO ugly AECs! :wink: :wink:

I used to think so…

I presume the vehicle above was designed to be easily fixed - perhaps overseas ?

In terms of looks though - it can’t compare to these!! (all from same road run)

I`m just watching Wreck Rescue on Discovery Turbo where a Matador is being fully restored after being found rotting in a field ,its an old programme thats been repeated

Did you get to the AECrally ?


Retired Old ■■■■:

I snapped this ugly beast today -

I hesitate to contradict, but I feel I must put you right, matey- there are NO ugly AECs! :wink: :wink:

I used to think so…

I presume the vehicle above was designed to be easily fixed - perhaps overseas ?

In terms of looks though - it can’t compare to these!! (all from same road run)

fryske, why have you done that? you know what I’m like with old AEC’s, I’ve just had a “crisis” and Sandie wasn’t here to help me. :smiley:

They are splendid looking motors, I’d give a lot to have a day with one of those old MM’s