A95 HBU Leyland Marathon Mk2

Just wondering if anyone has come across this tractor unit that I used to drive in the 80’s. It was a bit unusual as it was bought cheap (possibly one of the the last Marathons made) and stood for about 2yrs before being registered hence the A registration. It had a 290 E ‘Big Cam ■■■■■■■■ lump and a Fuller 9 Roadranger in it :smiley:

It was a 4 x 2 unit at the time I had it and usually ran with a triaxle skelly at 38 tons on container work out of Mancester & Liverpool but about 2yrs ago I saw a picture of it in ‘Classic & Vintage Commercials’ and it looked as if it had got a tag axle added :question: It wasn’t the main subject of the article so there wasn’t much detail just a few lines saying that it belonged to a guy from Liverpool and him and his mate were either restoring it, and another Marathon pictured alongside, or they were actually working them both :astonished:

I think the article was about the Donnington Commercial Vehicle Auction that is held every year but don’t think the Marathons were being auctioned :question:
It would be great to find out if this lorry is still around or maybe parked up somewhere in Merseyside. :slight_smile: :question:

Thanks and Regards
Dave Penn;

An acquantance of mine ran a tipper out of the yard in Kirkby where that Marathon used to live.

The last time I saw it, it was painted black with a red chassis and did indeed have a tag axle. The motor had morphed into a 350 ■■■■■■■ by then and it was sporting a full length sleeper cab. It was on eBay several times before it sold.

Thanks for that Marky :smiley: Wonder if it’s still in the UK :question:
Dave Penn;

According to the DVLA website:
Date of Liability 01 03 2002
Date of First Registration 05 09 1983
Year of Manufacture 1983
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 0CC
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Fuel Type Heavy Oil
Export Marker Not Applicable
Vehicle Status Unlicensed
Vehicle Colour GREEN
Vehicle Type Approval null

Thanks WTC looks like it might be stood in some yard somewhere or cut up for spares :frowning:
Dave Penn;

19 years isn’t a bad innings for a commercial vehicle. It might be undergoing a full restoration.

It would be great if it was being restored coz it was actually a good tool for the job I did with it, spot hire container work.
It had a short wheelbase and steel suspension so it was a bit of a bumpy ride if solo or running empty, it was also fitted with a very ‘below’ standard drivers seat and I had to push the boss to get a better suspension seat fitted as the original was giving me a real bad backache, once a reconditioned suspension seat was fitted (it cost him £70.00 and he never let me forget that) :laughing: :laughing: :wink: it was like driving a different motor and I used spend the week away in it.

Used to do a regular job for OOCL up to Catterick with ‘Jimmy Carter’s’ peanuts for United Biscuits to the storge sheds at the side of the A1 and was always grossed out at 38tons loved getting the engine lugging down (just as ■■■■■■■ recommended) up Windy Hill on the M62 it sounded great and pulled like a train and just didn’t give up :smiley: :wink:

Mind you it wasn’t quite as good as the Scanny 142 I got later, now that is a whole different story :unamused: :smiley: :wink:
Ah I’ve got me rose coloured spectacles on again :blush: :blush: :blush: :laughing: :wink:
Dave Penn;

As a newbie I wouldn’t know how to use a Fuller 9 gearbox! Wish I was around when the work was interesting and easy to come by…

Here is a pic of it, and the last time I saw it, was on ebay last year :smiley:

Thanks for the pic of my old Marathon, looks like it was still earning a living well after I went onto better things :laughing: :laughing: :wink:
Dave Penn;

Hello Dave
HBU is still in one piece, it was parked in Ellesmere port. I was intested in her but the chap who owned her would not sell , I was telling one of my mates he mentioned it to a chap in Brum and he did some type of deal. The next time I saw her she was at Donnington Auction (not in it) all sproosed up not perfect but saved. She must of been bit of a monster when she was new. I think she lives in Liverpool now although not 100 percent certain

Hello Dave,been sifting through 1000s of pics looking for one particular photo and on the way I found your old girl… :laughing:

Sorry mate,theres no info to go with it. :frowning:

Cheers Bubbs. :wink:

Thanks for the updates on A95 HBU and apologies for not replying sooner, just got back from 10 days R & R in the sun and now trying to catch up with things :slight_smile: :wink:
Thanks for the pic Marc, I just wonder if it had a new cab with the long sleeper fitted as when I had it it had the standard short sleeper fitted which I think was the usual fitment for the UK Marathon sleeper at the time :question: :question: The company I worked for had a fistful of them at the time and they all had the same kind of sleeper although HBU was the only one with the 290 E ■■■■■■■ the others being 250’s.
Good to hear that the ole girl might still be alive and kicking, it would be great to see it on the preservation circuit and would love to get behind the wheel of her again. :smiley: :smiley:
Rose coloured specs and daydreaming taking over again :blush: :blush: :laughing: :wink:

Thanks guys
Dave Penn;

It is still around as i have it!! i brought it last year from scotland but have not had time to do anything with it as yet, it is now in our yard in northants!!

It is still around as i have it!! i brought it last year from scotland but have not had time to do anything with it as yet, it is now in our yard in northants!!

Nice one Dillon 144… have you a photo of her please.I saw her i Ellesmere Port about 4 years ago but the guy would’nt sell.
are you going to restore her only theres a chap nr Ashbourne after one.

Bloody Hell Dillon144, great to hear that my ole girl is still around, I did some miles in her and some of them weren’t that pleasant :laughing: :laughing: :wink: What condition is she in now :question: :question: I would really like to see the ole motor again, are you planning to put her on the preservation scene :question: It’s not so often you see a motor youv’e driven getting restored and shown off around the country. Hope you enjoy your time with her and it doesn’t need too much work to get her back on song :smiley: :smiley:

All the best
Dave Penn

i do have all intentions to but time and money are not on my side!!! but she is in a good condition still needs some attention tho as still an old truck!

John i am thinking about selling the marathon if the chap is intrested in the old gall can you get him to e-mail me please, david@itstransportuk.com

I am that chap :smiley:

email sent :smiley:

A95 HBU now features on the Northwest Trucks site

Leyland Marathon A95 HBU

Regards Paul