A95 HBU Leyland Marathon Mk2

An acquantance of mine ran a tipper out of the yard in Kirkby where that Marathon used to live.

The last time I saw it, it was painted black with a red chassis and did indeed have a tag axle. The motor had morphed into a 350 ■■■■■■■ by then and it was sporting a full length sleeper cab. It was on eBay several times before it sold.

It was me who sold it on Ebay for it’s owner who’s a motor trader dealing in cars mostly, he’s had a few classic trucks including a yellow left ■■■■■■ Marathon at the same time as this one, he’s currently ‘showing’ a Transcontinental which is his favorite truck.

It’s a shame I’ve only just spotted this thread because I’ve only just deleted the interior & exterior photo’s I took for Ebay, a guy in Scotland bought it, from Queensferry if I remember correctly.


PS, I’m just about to get involved with the ‘truck preservation scene’ so watch this space!!