A66 speed

I like to crack on and get on with the job, are the above members calling me a prick?

I have driven across the A66 a hundred times doing 56mph, but I have never bullied any one out of the way or called them anything. I don’t think I’m macho, and I don’t actually drink alcohol at all most of the time, I haven’t been drunk in many years, although I am sometimes guilty of being overweight over here, but with all this sliding axle nonsense we have, its easy to be overweight one end or the other until you can find a scale to rectify it.

I really don’t see how wanting to drive above a seriously out dated speed limit from the days of black and white tv, crash boxes and drum brakes makes me a prick. I don’t see how wanting to “crack on” with the job and actually be a productive member of society makes me a prick. I have never had a tacho infringement, I’ve never had points on my licence, all of which cannot be said for many of the “stringing it out” brigade.

If any or all of the above makes me a prick then fair enough, I’ll take it as a compliment.

Because the speed limit in question is outdated, you trying to tell me that what was safe in and old atki borderer should still be the same for a brand new Fh or Mercedes?
We are not arguing what the law is and isnt, the op asked what people think is a decent speed across the road in question and he has been given an answer

An old Atki borderer wouldn’t be running at 44t though would it?

Brakes have improved, tyres have improved, but 28t of Milk is still going to be a ■■■■ to stop

I don’t see how wanting to “crack on” with the job and actually be a productive member of society makes me a prick.

Implying that those who stick to speed limits are not productive members of society does make you sound a bit of a prick. :wink:

If you REALLY disagree with it stick to it :bulb: , then it will be demonstrated to be out dated and unworkable for the traffic chaos it would inevitably cause :bulb: but if you haven’t the balls to do any or all of these options don’t knock those that do.

^^ This

I agree that the limit is too low, admittedly for what I carry I’m sometimes lucky to be able to do 40mph on some roads, but a long straight like the A5 or the A66, then yes, 40mph is too low, but the limit is 40, we all know that’s too low, so if we all did 40 then surely the mayhem caused would get it looked at.

I think the limit is left at 40 because they KNOW truckers will speed, hence why you see so many (s)camera vans on single carriageways to issue nice tickets to those that do, and cameras that have height or weight detectors too, it’s like a payday, leave a road free for a few weeks / months, then do a purge and cash in.

I like to crack on and get on with the job, are the above members calling me a prick?

No, as you would have seen had you bothered to read what was said before jumping up on your over-used high horse.

Those who want to sit on the limiter when the road is clear? Do what you want, you’re not bothering anybody else. But those who want to sit on the limiter, but when they can’t instead sit on the back doors of the guy in front and just slightly to the right, thinking as these cavemen do that they might intimidate him or her into going faster? Now they’re the real ‘pricks’.

Implying that those who stick to speed limits are not productive members of society does make you sound a bit of a prick. :wink:

No, sticking to speed limits has no bearing in my mind to being productive or not as an individual driver, I respect your right and desire to drive at 40 and would never challenge it. I would never expect for you, or any one else to risk your licence, or even worry about risking it just to please me or another drive who wants to “crack on”.

I do think the UK is full of very unproductive drivers and this is not linked to driving at 40mph. There is an endemic mentality in the UK, throughout society, of doing as little as you can, milking the job, stringing it out and then loud mouthing about others who want to get on with the job, if its not the “crack on brigade” its “Johnny Foreigner” or basically any one who makes one of these type of British lorry driver look about as much use as a 1970s Ford worker with a famous no can do attitude to everything work related.

I think that having a blanket 40mph speed limit on all single track roads in itself is hugely unproductive and incredibly inappropriate and only exists for the sake of doing so and because its always being so, its not a reflection of any real life, real world parameters to safety or what trucks are, or are not capable of.

Olog Hai:

I like to crack on and get on with the job, are the above members calling me a prick?

No, as you would have seen had you bothered to read what was said before jumping up on your over-used high horse.

Those who want to sit on the limiter when the road is clear? Do what you want, you’re not bothering anybody else. But those who want to sit on the limiter, but when they can’t instead sit on the back doors of the guy in front and just slightly to the right, thinking as these cavemen do that they might intimidate him or her into going faster? Now they’re the real ‘pricks’.

There seems to be a consensus amongst many on here that the “crack on brigade” are those that either exceed 40mph, want to maximise their legal driving hours and not sit on bays recording other work, or all of those things. That certainly makes me one of the crack on brigade by those definitions but I’m in no way a bully on the road, trying to force any one else to drive or work in a way to suit me. I wanted to know if those that say, or approved of someone else saying “Crack on brigade” and “prick” in the same light, thought of me as being a prick, based on what they know about me from on here.

I agree that the limit is too low, admittedly for what I carry I’m sometimes lucky to be able to do 40mph on some roads, but a long straight like the A5 or the A66, then yes, 40mph is too low, but the limit is 40, we all know that’s too low, so if we all did 40 then surely the mayhem caused would get it looked at.

I think the limit is left at 40 because they KNOW truckers will speed, hence why you see so many (s)camera vans on single carriageways to issue nice tickets to those that do, and cameras that have height or weight detectors too, it’s like a payday, leave a road free for a few weeks / months, then do a purge and cash in.

I think this is very true. An artificially slow and thus manufactured situation in order to catch people out is a big part of this whole game, in my opinion. Its no different to those new variable speed limit cameras you have in the UK these days that are often to be seen displaying 40mph at 5 in the morning when you’re the only vehicle on the motorway, yet you’d still get flashed and prosecuted for breaking the law. The whole thing is insane and from what I gather those networks of gantries are spreading across the UK motorway network like wild ivy.

I like to crack on and get on with the job, are the above members calling me a prick?

I have driven across the A66 a hundred times doing 56mph, but I have never bullied any one out of the way or called them anything. I don’t think I’m macho, and I don’t actually drink alcohol at all most of the time, I haven’t been drunk in many years, although I am sometimes guilty of being overweight over here, but with all this sliding axle nonsense we have, its easy to be overweight one end or the other until you can find a scale to rectify it.

I really don’t see how wanting to drive above a seriously out dated speed limit from the days of black and white tv, crash boxes and drum brakes makes me a prick. I don’t see how wanting to “crack on” with the job and actually be a productive member of society makes me a prick. I have never had a tacho infringement, I’ve never had points on my licence, all of which cannot be said for many of the “stringing it out” brigade.
If any or all of the above makes me a prick then fair enough, I’ll take it as a compliment.

Seeing as it was me that first used the word I’ll answer your question.
I was referring to the ones on the thread that were chucking labels about aimed at drivers that stuck to the 40 limit on an A road, (irrespective of the fact that most of the said drivers agreed that it was outdated but stuck to it to protect their licence) some of which admitted that they could not complete their set schedule if they did stick to it,
Like I said I do agree it is outdated, I am far from perfect but I do try and stick to it on the whole, but regularly find myself going over it. What I don’t do is flaunt it as a matter of course, on a daily basis with a complete disregard for it as a law, the practice that is openly boasted about by what I
referred to as the “Crack on brigade” , neither am I one to string out a job.
As you have clearly illustrated you are not in this category, and in other past threads I have regularly found myself on the same wavelength with a lot of your views, so the answer is No, I was not referring to you personally

Seeing as it was me that first used the word I’ll answer your question.
I was referring to the ones on the thread that were chucking labels about aimed at drivers that stuck to the 40 limit on an A road, (irrespective of the fact that most of the said drivers agreed that it was outdated but stuck to it to protect their licence) some of which admitted that they could not complete their set schedule if they did stick to it,
Like I said I do agree it is outdated, I am far from perfect but I do try and stick to it on the whole, but regularly find myself going over it. What I don’t do is flaunt it as a matter of course, on a daily basis with a complete disregard for it as a law, the practice that is openly boasted about by what I
referred to as the “Crack on brigade” , neither am I one to string out a job.
As you have clearly illustrated you are not in this category, and in other past threads I have regularly found myself on the same wavelength with a lot of your views, so the answer is No, I was not referring to you personally

Thanks, time for me to climb down from that high horse that Olog Hai mentions. Sorry for the over reaction.

When I am on that road again I am going to do 40mph on the single. Once it opens up in to two lanes I will open it up to 56mph. I love playing a game of counting how many vehicles are behind me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Slightly off topic ,but when I used to travel the A66 in the 80’s whilst in the army ,there wasn’t as much dual carriageway at the time ,but what I did find 90% of truck drivers would do at night was ,if the road ahead was clear would indicate left as a signal for the car driver behind to overtake .So whilst going on leave I could make good progress,trucks let me know when the road was clear ,and never once where they wrong in their indication…Obviously you had to know what the truck meant with the indicator,and no doubt not everyone did …Though I dare say the road wasn’t as busy back then…

genuine question.

If someone pulls out in front of you on a SC and you are running limiter. You hit them, they die. Is that likely to result in death by dangerous driving?

I’m not asking what you think should happen, but what is likely to happen?

George@ASDA driver:
genuine question.

If someone pulls out in front of you on a SC and you are running limiter. You hit them, they die. Is that likely to result in death by dangerous driving?

I’m not asking what you think should happen, but what is likely to happen?

yes too put it bluntly



On the limiter the whole way if poss,off the clock down the hilly bits ! :laughing:



+3 lol all over




On the limiter the whole way if poss,off the clock down the hilly bits ! :laughing:



+3 lol all over

+4. Clock only goes up to 90 but I must have had it treble digit mph down them hills.





On the limiter the whole way if poss,off the clock down the hilly bits ! :laughing:



+3 lol all over

+4. Clock only goes up to 90 but I must have had it treble digit mph down them hills.

sounds like fun. knowing my luck I get caught doing it :smiley: :smiley:





On the limiter the whole way if poss,off the clock down the hilly bits ! :laughing:



+3 lol all over

+4. Clock only goes up to 90 but I must have had it treble digit mph down them hills.

Yeh, ok, I know we’re, having a laugh, but when you think how many drivers over the years that have been killed on the 66, a lot of which were more than likely speed related, it suddenly becomes a bit less amusing, and maybe the above comments would not make good reading to any relatives reading them. Also if they are being serious it would maybe be more prudent to keep it to yourselves given the low opinion of us drivers that most members of the public have today…just a thought.


If you REALLY disagree with it stick to it :bulb: , then it will be demonstrated to be out dated and unworkable for the traffic chaos it would inevitably cause :bulb: but if you haven’t the balls to do any or all of these options don’t knock those that do.

^^ This

I agree that the limit is too low, admittedly for what I carry I’m sometimes lucky to be able to do 40mph on some roads, but a long straight like the A5 or the A66, then yes, 40mph is too low, but the limit is 40, we all know that’s too low, so if we all did 40 then surely the mayhem caused would get it looked at.

Or the opposite way to look at:

The Government were recently thinking of upping the maximum motorway speed limit to 80mph down to the fact most car drivers ignore the 70 and do 80mph anyway.

Speed is only a issue when used inappropriately. You could drive perfectly safe at 56 and drive recklessly at 40.

George@ASDA driver:
genuine question.

If someone pulls out in front of you on a SC and you are running limiter. You hit them, they die. Is that likely to result in death by dangerous driving?

Yes. And you’ll get a free listing in the paper under the headline SPEEDING KILLER JUGGERNAUT WIPES OUT WHOLE FAMILY IN HORROR SMASH.