A66 speed


Implying that those who stick to speed limits are not productive members of society does make you sound a bit of a prick. :wink:

No, sticking to speed limits has no bearing in my mind to being productive or not as an individual driver, I respect your right and desire to drive at 40 and would never challenge it. I would never expect for you, or any one else to risk your licence, or even worry about risking it just to please me or another drive who wants to “crack on”.

I do think the UK is full of very unproductive drivers and this is not linked to driving at 40mph. There is an endemic mentality in the UK, throughout society, of doing as little as you can, milking the job, stringing it out and then loud mouthing about others who want to get on with the job, if its not the “crack on brigade” its “Johnny Foreigner” or basically any one who makes one of these type of British lorry driver look about as much use as a 1970s Ford worker with a famous no can do attitude to everything work related.

I think that having a blanket 40mph speed limit on all single track roads in itself is hugely unproductive and incredibly inappropriate and only exists for the sake of doing so and because its always being so, its not a reflection of any real life, real world parameters to safety or what trucks are, or are not capable of.

You just remembered why you left the UK now didn’t you :wink:


I do think the UK is full of very unproductive drivers and this is not linked to driving at 40mph.

Ain’t that the truth. At least once or twice a month I’ll be loading my truck up at a customer and they’ll say things like “Not often we get a driver helping us load the truck” or"Your kind are a rarity these days" and I’m thinking, what the hell are all the other lazy bar stewards doing when they turn up. I wouldn’t dream of standing there and watching someone load my truck for me, especially if they’re on their own like some of them.

Few customers have mentioned the poles are the worst for it, total lazy good for nothings. That surprises me as most of them seem to be hard workers. Maybe they’re finally realising they can do next to bugger all and still get paid the same as lazy Englishman.