A66 speed

The Sarge:
I drive to what I consider to be suitable for the conditions. It’s called being a DRIVER as opposed to an AIMER in my opinion…

We’re all drivers. Some of us are professional drivers. A few of us even drive to a professional standard. :open_mouth:

The notion that you’re a proper driver because you break the rules while someone who plays the game and drives in a safe and predictable manner is not, is nothing short of laughable.


Rhythm Thief:


Rhythm Thief:
If that makes a difference to your delivery schedule, you really need to be having a word with your traffic office!

Likewise if you have to go everywhere as fast as you can and haven’t got the time to sit behind someone obeying speed limits.

Well, I agree. If your delivery schedule doesn’t allow you to obey speed limits, it’s too tight and should be changed. Do you obey posted speed limits, 30 through villages and so on? Do you stop at red traffic lights? Or is your delivery schedule too important to bother with that sort of thing too?

I think you may have misunderstood my post; I’m one of the so called do-gooders and apparently not a proper driver because of it.

The 40mph limit on single carriageways is archaic and sometimes unnecessary. However, the law of the land is the law of the land and I’ll do anything I can to protect myself from prosecution, be it for speeding or causing death by dangerous driving or anything in between.

PS. What’s a delivery schedule? :sunglasses:

Sorry, yes. I think I did … it’s very easy to lose track of who is arguing what point on some of these threads. :laughing:


It’s a lovely run at 40mph, looking over the fields and admiring the scenery. Why break the law? Lots of accidents on there, and if you were involved in one, even if it was not your fault, if you were speeding it could be deemed to be a contributory factor.

I can see the scenery just as easily at 56mph or 70mph. Its not like travelling on the limiter blurs your vision at Mach 3 is it now. I personally choose to break the law on such roads because I feel 40mph is artificially slow and acts as nothing more than a rolling road block and I find it incredibly frustrating and annoying to be going so slow on a perfectly good road that much higher speeds would be perfectly safe on and the truck would be perfectly safe doing. To me going as slow as 40mph is making a huge meal out of something that needn’t be the case and is no better than hobbling along on one leg when you can quite capably walk on two. Of course what you say about being involved in an accident is true, or I believe it to be so. Bottom line for me is that I think the law is an absolute ■■■ and I chose to disregard it at my own peril, I would however not expect any other driver to do so just to please me, if I come up behind a slow moving truck, thats my own hard luck. We’re all the captains of our own ships.


I take my hat off to any one who can hit the bottom of a climb at 40mph,i just couldn’t do it.By the way does anyone remember the old white fodens out of gypsum at Kirkby thore,now they could lead a convoy.

Personally i drive to the road, road conditions, traffic and a million and one other things. But to put a figure on it and answer the OP’s question.

45-50 SC NSL
Limiter on DC
30 in built up areas even if the speed limit is 40 and I deem 40 to be too quick for the road and or road conditions

a copper once told me he would love it if we all stuck to 40…
that way, there would be more frustrated car drivers taking risks and having accidents.

Of course he did. :unamused:

Did he also tell you a couple of racist jokes and invite you round his house for tea before flying off on a magic carpet?

I’ll have two bags of what you’re smoking please. :laughing:

we’ve pretty much been told that any road traffic act offences will now also be taken to disciplinary by the company. A driver recently put a picture on Facebook she took whilst nearly standstill on the M25 - she’s been sacked.

So it’s 100% speed limit now for me. Everywhere.

George@ASDA driver:
we’ve pretty much been told that any road traffic act offences will now also be taken to disciplinary by the company. A driver recently put a picture on Facebook she took whilst nearly standstill on the M25 - she’s been sacked.

So it’s 100% speed limit now for me. Everywhere.

Must be hard work driving on egg shells everywhere - everyday :open_mouth:

The only reason I look at speed limit signs is so I know what speed to reduce to if I see a speed camera/mobile camera unit.

Otherwise I drive according to the conditions. If it is safe to drive on the limiter on a single carriageway road, I will. When people in the ‘I drive on the limiter when it’s safe to do so’ camp (like me) offer their concern at the riskiness of driving 40 mph on a S/C, it’s not some bloody excuse. It genuinely is safer (I think) to maintain a fluid traffic flow by driving at a speed as similar as possible to the vehicles in front and behind (leaving an appropriate distance from the vehicle in front), which often requires running on the limiter.

Most HGVs I see do this, therefore the majority of road users are operating at circa 50-60 MPH on a single carriageway road, meaning driving in this speed range is MORE predictable (HGV or car) than driving at 40.

People who stick point blank to the law, I admire you to some extent for your professionalism and ability to follow set rules and procedures to the letter, but consider this -

The asphalt doesn’t know what the law is, and neither does the truck. In fact, the law doesn’t even exist physically. Only the unforgiving asphalt… And metal truck… So I say (and, as a previous poster put it, ‘at my own peril’) in most cirucmstances, ■■■■ the ridiculous speed restrictions, I am concentrating on the road ahead and driving how I know is right.

I’d never try to bully another driver into going faster or breaking the law though, although I may offer a few flashes to wake 'em up if they’re driving 30 MPH down the A605 :wink:

George@ASDA driver:
we’ve pretty much been told that any road traffic act offences will now also be taken to disciplinary by the company. A driver recently put a picture on Facebook she took whilst nearly standstill on the M25 - she’s been sacked.

So it’s 100% speed limit now for me. Everywhere.

Ffs! what do they want,drivers or robots!!!

What’s the point in pulling over on the A66 it’s not that far in between sections of D/C.

You don’t get 20 mile queues behind sitting at 56 :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t get 20 mile queues if you sit at 40mph either!

God there are some right pricks on here :unamused: . So now if you stick to a statutory speed limit you are now a…“Do gooder” …ffs :unamused: , and it’s OK to ignore it because… “YOU don’t agree with it” :open_mouth:
Just how far do you carry this theory, I mean is it for EVERY law or regulation that you do not agree with or just the 40mph one??
I personally agree it’s outdated and should be 50, but then the “crack on brigade” would still do 56, the same ones that teararse about because they haven’t got the balls to tell their bosses that enough is enough, and the schedules that they are being set are too bloody tight because…the limit is 40mph :bulb: the same ones that complain that their wages are crap for what they are meant to do, the same ones that willingly co.operate with a mileage or drop incentive system, (which is probably illegal anyway as it is compromising road safety) but being conveniently ignored as they are getting an extra £2.50 a day on their wage :unamused:
If you REALLY disagree with it stick to it :bulb: , then it will be demonstrated to be out dated and unworkable for the traffic chaos it would inevitably cause :bulb: but if you haven’t the balls to do any or all of these options don’t knock those that do.


George@ASDA driver:
we’ve pretty much been told that any road traffic act offences will now also be taken to disciplinary by the company. A driver recently put a picture on Facebook she took whilst nearly standstill on the M25 - she’s been sacked.

So it’s 100% speed limit now for me. Everywhere.

Must be hard work driving on egg shells everywhere - everyday :open_mouth:

do you know what, I think it helps. Drastically reduced my chances of being done for anything

God there are some right pricks on here :unamused: . So now if you stick to a statutory speed limit you are now a…“Do gooder” …ffs :unamused: , and it’s OK to ignore it because… “YOU don’t agree with it” :open_mouth:
Just how far do you carry this theory, I mean is it for EVERY law or regulation that you do not agree with or just the 40mph one??
I personally agree it’s outdated and should be 50, but then the “crack on brigade” would still do 56, the same ones that teararse about because they haven’t got the balls to tell their bosses that enough is enough, and the schedules that they are being set are too bloody tight because…the limit is 40mph :bulb: the same ones that complain that their wages are crap for what they are meant to do, the same ones that willingly co.operate with a mileage or drop incentive system, (which is probably illegal anyway as it is compromising road safety) but being conveniently ignored as they are getting an extra £2.50 a day on their wage :unamused:
If you REALLY disagree with it stick to it :bulb: , then it will be demonstrated to be out dated and unworkable for the traffic chaos it would inevitably cause :bulb: but if you haven’t the balls to do any or all of these options don’t knock those that do.

Hear hear. :sunglasses:

God there are some right pricks on here :unamused: . So now if you stick to a statutory speed limit you are now a…“Do gooder” …ffs :unamused: , and it’s OK to ignore it because… “YOU don’t agree with it” :open_mouth:
Just how far do you carry this theory, I mean is it for EVERY law or regulation that you do not agree with or just the 40mph one??
I personally agree it’s outdated and should be 50, but then the “crack on brigade” would still do 56, the same ones that teararse about because they haven’t got the balls to tell their bosses that enough is enough, and the schedules that they are being set are too bloody tight because…the limit is 40mph :bulb: the same ones that complain that their wages are crap for what they are meant to do, the same ones that willingly co.operate with a mileage or drop incentive system, (which is probably illegal anyway as it is compromising road safety) but being conveniently ignored as they are getting an extra £2.50 a day on their wage :unamused:
If you REALLY disagree with it stick to it :bulb: , then it will be demonstrated to be out dated and unworkable for the traffic chaos it would inevitably cause :bulb: but if you haven’t the balls to do any or all of these options don’t knock those that do.

Well said.

God there are some right pricks on here :unamused: . So now if you stick to a statutory speed limit you are now a…“Do gooder” …ffs :unamused: , and it’s OK to ignore it because… “YOU don’t agree with it” :open_mouth:
Just how far do you carry this theory, I mean is it for EVERY law or regulation that you do not agree with or just the 40mph one??
I personally agree it’s outdated and should be 50, but then the “crack on brigade” would still do 56, the same ones that teararse about because they haven’t got the balls to tell their bosses that enough is enough, and the schedules that they are being set are too bloody tight because…the limit is 40mph :bulb: the same ones that complain that their wages are crap for what they are meant to do, the same ones that willingly co.operate with a mileage or drop incentive system, (which is probably illegal anyway as it is compromising road safety) but being conveniently ignored as they are getting an extra £2.50 a day on their wage :unamused:
If you REALLY disagree with it stick to it :bulb: , then it will be demonstrated to be out dated and unworkable for the traffic chaos it would inevitably cause :bulb: but if you haven’t the balls to do any or all of these options don’t knock those that do.

I obviously agree with the above.

How many of the “crack on brigade” who expect the inconsiderate 40mph drivers to pull over and let them pass will practice what they preach and pull in to let the cars and vans pass them?

Indeed. I wonder how many of them never take part in lengthy overtakes on dual-carriageways and two-lane motorways too?

The ‘crack on and I’ll bully you out of my way’ idiots are exactly that: idiots. They seem to be compelled to act in some kind of ‘macho’ manner whenever they’re behind the wheel and seem to measure how manly they are by how they drive their truck. Laughable really if it wasn’t quite so sad. But if it keeps them happy…

Do they also routinely exceed the prescribed alcohol, driving time and vehicle/axle weight limits on the same basis?

Do they also routinely exceed the prescribed alcohol, driving time and vehicle/axle weight limits on the same basis?

now you are being a ■■■■