A66 speed

a copper once told me he would love it if we all stuck to 40…
that way, there would be more frustrated car drivers taking risks and having accidents.
there would be more accident statistics to push forward the case for dual carriageway right through the A66…
win win.

42/43 on single and 53 on the dual im not paid hourly but still don’t rush about. I didn’t shell 3.5k on my licence for some impatient pr1ck to try and bully me to speed and get points. however, I do gladly pull over and signal so others can get by when its safe. never been tooted at yet though. and I flash them back in :grimacing:

Apparently I’m a do gooder because I keep to the speed limit, strange ideas some folk have. Also it seems I should pull over to let people past, why? five minutes later I would have another queue behind me, pull over again!, never get any where that way. It seems if I was doing 50 I wouldn’t be holding people up and some how be safer. Load of rubbish a truck travelling at 40 on a single carriageway is much easier to overtake. Problem is the art of overtaking is a dying or unknown one to most car drivers.
If I drive at 40 on a single carriageway and some idiot makes a stupid overtake and crashes, I will not have to take any part of the blame for it. Assuming my driving is reasonable. If I am exceeding the speed limit I may be held partly responsible.
Do I think the 40 limit is too slow for modern trucks, yes most definitely.
By the way I’m at home of sick this week and bored, can you tell. I wouldn’t have bothered stating he obvious otherwise.


FFS!! I give up

This thread is not about who does and who doesnt stick to the signed speed limit, its about

“What do you think is an appropriate speed across the A66”

So i.ll ask a question,

If there where no speed limits and we where left to judge a safe speed for ourselves across the A66 what speed would most people do across there? It would be helpful if you only answered this question if you actually drive the road so no [zb] from those who never venture off the safety of the motorway

We’re not intelligent enough to make that decision, that’s why there are speed limits. When there were no speed limits people died in big numbers.

People died in big numbers because their brakes didn’t work :laughing:

Apparently I’m a do gooder because I keep to the speed limit, strange ideas some folk have. Also it seems I should pull over to let people past, why? five minutes later I would have another queue behind me, pull over again!, never get any where that way. It seems if I was doing 50 I wouldn’t be holding people up and some how be safer. Load of rubbish a truck travelling at 40 on a single carriageway is much easier to overtake. Problem is the art of overtaking is a dying or unknown one to most car drivers.
If I drive at 40 on a single carriageway and some idiot makes a stupid overtake and crashes, I will not have to take any part of the blame for it. Assuming my driving is reasonable. If I am exceeding the speed limit I may be held partly responsible.
Do I think the 40 limit is too slow for modern trucks, yes most definitely.
By the way I’m at home of sick this week and bored, can you tell. I wouldn’t have bothered stating he obvious otherwise.

No one would expect a driver to keep pulling over and letting slower vehicles past every time there is someone behind but there are situations where the tailback is maybe a bit on the excessive side and moving over for a few seconds would greatly benefit everyone. It just boils down to the use of common sense.

No one would expect a driver to keep pulling over and letting slower vehicles past every time there is someone behind but there are situations where the tailback is maybe a bit on the excessive side and moving over for a few seconds would greatly benefit everyone. It just boils down to the use of common sense.

Exactly! It doesn’t hurt to let faster vehicles past every so often.


Apparently I’m a do gooder because I keep to the speed limit, strange ideas some folk have. Also it seems I should pull over to let people past, why? five minutes later I would have another queue behind me, pull over again!, never get any where that way. It seems if I was doing 50 I wouldn’t be holding people up and some how be safer. Load of rubbish a truck travelling at 40 on a single carriageway is much easier to overtake. Problem is the art of overtaking is a dying or unknown one to most car drivers.
If I drive at 40 on a single carriageway and some idiot makes a stupid overtake and crashes, I will not have to take any part of the blame for it. Assuming my driving is reasonable. If I am exceeding the speed limit I may be held partly responsible.
Do I think the 40 limit is too slow for modern trucks, yes most definitely.
By the way I’m at home of sick this week and bored, can you tell. I wouldn’t have bothered stating he obvious otherwise.

No one would expect a driver to keep pulling over and letting slower vehicles past every time there is someone behind but there are situations where the tailback is maybe a bit on the excessive side and moving over for a few seconds would greatly benefit everyone. It just boils down to the use of common sense.

but if you pull over hoping to ease things, and the next lorry behind you is also quite happy to just do 40, there’s not much point…


No one would expect a driver to keep pulling over and letting slower vehicles past every time there is someone behind but there are situations where the tailback is maybe a bit on the excessive side and moving over for a few seconds would greatly benefit everyone. It just boils down to the use of common sense.

but if you pull over hoping to ease things, and the next lorry behind you is also quite happy to just do 40, there’s not much point…

And if he’s not, you’ve made everyone’s life a bit easier. That’s a bit like saying, if you hold a door open for someone and they’re quite happy to open it themselves, you’ve wasted your time. You lose, what, 30 seconds by pulling over to let a crocodile past? If that makes a difference to your delivery schedule, you really need to be having a word with your traffic office!

Rhythm Thief:
If that makes a difference to your delivery schedule, you really need to be having a word with your traffic office!

Likewise if you have to go everywhere as fast as you can and haven’t got the time to sit behind someone obeying speed limits.


Rhythm Thief:
If that makes a difference to your delivery schedule, you really need to be having a word with your traffic office!

Likewise if you have to go everywhere as fast as you can and haven’t got the time to sit behind someone obeying speed limits.

Well, I agree. If your delivery schedule doesn’t allow you to obey speed limits, it’s too tight and should be changed. Do you obey posted speed limits, 30 through villages and so on? Do you stop at red traffic lights? Or is your delivery schedule too important to bother with that sort of thing too?

JLS Driver SOS:


FFS!! I give up

This thread is not about who does and who doesnt stick to the signed speed limit, its about

“What do you think is an appropriate speed across the A66”

So i.ll ask a question,

If there where no speed limits and we where left to judge a safe speed for ourselves across the A66 what speed would most people do across there? It would be helpful if you only answered this question if you actually drive the road so no [zb] from those who never venture off the safety of the motorway

We’re not intelligent enough to make that decision, that’s why there are speed limits. When there were no speed limits people died in big numbers.

People died in big numbers because their brakes didn’t work :laughing:

:open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Twenty years ago we never had speed limiters! :sunglasses: and very rarely crashes involving artics :laughing: we used to keep up with paddies on the A75 from stranraer to A66 to scotch corner very fast, again no accidents :smiley: wow amazing! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: and to think of your disc ( other frisbees available ) with only 125 kms on and your off the card for an hour or two, :wink: think of the children you phsycotic, juggernaut killing, murderer! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: ALL SPEED LIMITS IN THIS COUNTRY ARE outdated! :laughing:

3 pages on speeding(or not!) and nobody’s mentioned the children!Please,think of the children :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

How many of the “crack on brigade” who expect the inconsiderate 40mph drivers to pull over and let them pass will practice what they preach and pull in to let the cars and vans pass them?

I drive to the conditions - not the speedo. If I have vehicles behind me when I get to a DC section, I maintain the speed I was doing on the SC to let them overtake me. Sometimes I hold up traffic - other times I leave it behind. As I said, I drive to what I consider to be suitable for the conditions. It’s called being a DRIVER as opposed to an AIMER in my opinion…

a copper once told me he would love it if we all stuck to 40…
that way, there would be more frustrated car drivers taking risks and having accidents.
there would be more accident statistics to push forward the case for dual carriageway right through the A66…
win win.

So the Police want more accidents purely as a lever to lobby for faster speed limits? I’ve read plenty of bulkshit on here…this is in the top one!

How many of the “crack on brigade” who expect the inconsiderate 40mph drivers to pull over and let them pass will practice what they preach and pull in to let the cars and vans pass them?

You don’t get 20 mile queues behind sitting at 56 :stuck_out_tongue:

The vast majority are quite happy to sit there. At 40 everyone gets ■■■■■■ off, well except for the one doing the holding up…

You don’t get 20 mile queues behind sitting at 56 :stuck_out_tongue:

The vast majority are quite happy to sit there. At 40 everyone gets [zb] off, well except for the one doing the holding up…
It’s a lovely run at 40mph, looking over the fields and admiring the scenery. Why break the law? Lots of accidents on there, and if you were involved in one, even if it was not your fault, if you were speeding it could be deemed to be a contributory factor.

It’s a lovely run at 40mph, looking over the fields and admiring the scenery. Why break the law? Lots of accidents on there, and if you were involved in one, even if it was not your fault, if you were speeding it could be deemed to be a contributory factor.

I can see the scenery just as easily at 56mph or 70mph. Its not like travelling on the limiter blurs your vision at Mach 3 is it now. I personally choose to break the law on such roads because I feel 40mph is artificially slow and acts as nothing more than a rolling road block and I find it incredibly frustrating and annoying to be going so slow on a perfectly good road that much higher speeds would be perfectly safe on and the truck would be perfectly safe doing. To me going as slow as 40mph is making a huge meal out of something that needn’t be the case and is no better than hobbling along on one leg when you can quite capably walk on two. Of course what you say about being involved in an accident is true, or I believe it to be so. Bottom line for me is that I think the law is an absolute ■■■ and I chose to disregard it at my own peril, I would however not expect any other driver to do so just to please me, if I come up behind a slow moving truck, thats my own hard luck. We’re all the captains of our own ships.

Rhythm Thief:


Rhythm Thief:
If that makes a difference to your delivery schedule, you really need to be having a word with your traffic office!

Likewise if you have to go everywhere as fast as you can and haven’t got the time to sit behind someone obeying speed limits.

Well, I agree. If your delivery schedule doesn’t allow you to obey speed limits, it’s too tight and should be changed. Do you obey posted speed limits, 30 through villages and so on? Do you stop at red traffic lights? Or is your delivery schedule too important to bother with that sort of thing too?

I think you may have misunderstood my post; I’m one of the so called do-gooders and apparently not a proper driver because of it.

The 40mph limit on single carriageways is archaic and sometimes unnecessary. However, the law of the land is the law of the land and I’ll do anything I can to protect myself from prosecution, be it for speeding or causing death by dangerous driving or anything in between.

PS. What’s a delivery schedule? :sunglasses: