A1 roadworks dishforth

i regularly drive the A1 between dishforth and catterick, and on that section as u all probably know there are road works with in places 6’6" width limits in places.
is it me , or are a hell of alot of drivers ignoring the width limits and speed limit .every single day that i use this route you have artics overtaking vehicles that are doing the speed limits,only this morning did a plain blue man with a double deck curtainsider coming hurtling down the outside lane nearly taking my mirrors off, then when he was baulked by another driver started to try and intimidate him.
upon clearing the roadworks i set the limiter at 54 mph and passed the muppet with ease giving him the finger ,im sure its got to be foreign drivers (driving british trucks)that cant read english that are at fault.,and i know for sure that the first time i use the outside lane when restricted ,the boys in blue will be waiting for me

maybe he just don’t like being sat behind idiots that don’t know what 50 actually is and are really doing 35 :wink: who cares if someone overtakes you,
its not your problem and you don’t have the right to police the roads, you want to sit in lane 1 doing 35 in a 50 then get on with it, just don’t complain when other people want to go at a more reasonable speed.

i had the same the other the week,a ramage driver overtaking everyone in the 2’nd lane with the 6’6’’ limit,he was close to me when he passed so i would imagine he’ll have been close to a lot of other drivers,the prat!!
hung him out to dry tho when we got to dishforth as he was still in lane 2,his was limited to less than 56 so whne it went into 3 lanes i sat him in the outside 1 for ages,it took a while to realise that if he braked he’d slow down & could get back in lane 2 :unamused: :unamused:

jrl driver:
hung him out to dry tho when we got to dishforth as he was still in lane 2,his was limited to less than 56 so whne it went into 3 lanes i sat him in the outside 1 for ages, :unamused: :unamused:

and that about sums up the mentality of most truck drivers today unfortunately

jrl driver:
i had the same the other the week,a ramage driver overtaking everyone in the 2’nd lane with the 6’6’’ limit,he was close to me when he passed so i would imagine he’ll have been close to a lot of other drivers,the prat!!
hung him out to dry tho when we got to dishforth as he was still in lane 2,his was limited to less than 56 so whne it went into 3 lanes i sat him in the outside 1 for ages,it took a while to realise that if he braked he’d slow down & could get back in lane 2 :unamused: :unamused:

Your as bad as him then.

How many times do you hear on this forum, we are professional’s and we should be treated as such! Then you get ■■■■ heads doing tricks like this! I have had a run in with 2 diferent ramage drivers driving like ■■■■■ recently also, dont know whats occuring there. I have no problem if people want to speed or stick to the limit, but there is a time and a place for everything. But trying to put an artic in a lane 6’6" wide is stupid and I hope the driver gets his just desert! We all get tarred with the same brush. When it comes to speed, I will go on the limiter as much as possible and in my opinion its the drivers doing sub 40 on s/c thats gets everyone wound up, legal or not!

I go up there every Tues morning around the same time 0330 ish, set the cruise at 50 and im normaly the only one who does, all other vehicles pass me, even in the width limit, but im ready for it so no worrys. Im told the speed cam`s dont work, must be some truth in it as i see the same vehicles each week.

I overtake people on that section almost every time I drive it, carefully though; there’s wide bits that (if you look carefully) aren’t actually limited, and I’ll overtake cars elsewhere; if a car and a hgv will fit one way round, they will the other way too! I can’t bare doing 40 or less in a 50 so- tough! BUT; I know the risks and I’ll accept any penalty given.

You’re right though (whoever said it) ramage do seem to have a lot of very arrogant drivers, as do Malcolm and howdens. Anyone ever looked at what the latter means in german? :laughing:

After 20 years on european and north africa work just come onto uk work for family reasons and have to say im shocked at the attitude of truck drivers in this country i can honestly say ive never seen such an arrogant attitude as is displayed on the roads you flash i driver in and get no thanks,you sit in a rdc drivers room and everyone just sits glaring at one another, drivers would rather watch a driver hit somthing than lend a hand and i could go on with my rant all day but il spare ya :laughing: :laughing:. Im sure there are still a high percentage of good drivers out there trying to do a good job but i really dont know whats gone wrong with our industry people say its the laws, companies blah blah sorry but i think its the drivers that are ruining our industry to a certain degree and i for one wish i could get out of it for that reason but as most of you know you tend to get stuck in a rut.Sorry for ranting guys and i aint sayin there arnt idiots on the road of europe either but come on lets at least try and make an effort.

Sugar Ray:
I go up there every Tues morning around the same time 0330 ish, set the cruise at 50 and im normaly the only one who does, all other vehicles pass me, even in the width limit, but im ready for it so no worrys. Im told the speed cam`s dont work, must be some truth in it as i see the same vehicles each week.

I have it on good faith that there supposedly set for 60mph. Anything less and the ticket office wouldnt/couldnt cope with the amountof penalties theyd have to send out!


Sugar Ray:
I go up there every Tues morning around the same time 0330 ish, set the cruise at 50 and im normaly the only one who does, all other vehicles pass me, even in the width limit, but im ready for it so no worrys. Im told the speed cam`s dont work, must be some truth in it as i see the same vehicles each week.

I have it on good faith that there supposedly set for 60mph. Anything less and the ticket office wouldnt/couldnt cope with the amountof penalties theyd have to send out!

Hey SC when is your scania driver going to pick up the bits of his lorry that are sat nr the stainmore cafe on the 66 eastbound! :laughing:

I overtake people on that section almost every time I drive it, carefully though; there’s wide bits that (if you look carefully) aren’t actually limited, and I’ll overtake cars elsewhere; if a car and a hgv will fit one way round, they will the other way too! I can’t bare doing 40 or less in a 50 so- tough! BUT; I know the risks and I’ll accept any penalty given.

You’re right though (whoever said it) ramage do seem to have a lot of very arrogant drivers, as do Malcolm and howdens. Anyone ever looked at what the latter means in german? :laughing:

Howdens arrogant are they,please tell me more?

I’ve had a few runs through there over the past few weeks and have to agree with the op, last night there was an idiot trying and trying again to get past another truck but he couldn’t do it, he tried a few times, going right up to the rear of the other trailer trying to push his way past, what a fool, I understand that doing 50 through roadworks can be a bit frustrating but c’mon ya fools is it worth the risk :unamused: you wouldn’t go under a bridge that wasn’t high enough so why push other drivers over to get past, dropping a few mph’s for a few miles on your journey isn’t going to make much difference is it ! :unamused:

I use it quite a lot & have overtaken but not on the narrow bits there are bits of it no width limit. On the up side I would like to praise the roadbuilders on the way they have kept things moving on such a big job there have only been one or two closures on nightshift & not too much inconvience must be a logistical nightmare.On those moaning about such & such are you realy all whiter than white :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I use it quite a lot & have overtaken but not on the narrow bits there are bits of it no width limit. **On the up side I would like to praise the roadbuilders on the way they have kept things moving on such a big job there have only been one or two closures on nightshift & not too much inconvience must be a logistical nightmare.**On those moaning about such & such are you realy all whiter than white :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Agreed and refreshing to see such a positive point brought up :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

maybe he just don’t like being sat behind idiots that don’t know what 50 actually is and are really doing 35 :wink: who cares if someone overtakes you,
its not your problem and you don’t have the right to police the roads, you want to sit in lane 1 doing 35 in a 50 then get on with it, just don’t complain when other people want to go at a more reasonable speed.

either you cant read or your 1 of the main culprits i sit at 82 kph, idiots with your attitude cause accidents , and coz you dont have a number plate on your rear end there is no come back on you

,only this morning did a plain blue man with a double deck curtainsider coming hurtling down the outside lane nearly taking my mirrors off,
upon clearing the roadworks i set the limiter at 54 mph and passed the muppet with ease giving him the finger ,

If he was “hurtling” then you must have been well below 50 mph. I think what you meant to say was , he came past me at 52 mph , because if you easily passed him at 54 mph then it’s obvious he is set at 85 kph.
Granted there is narrow places but there is also some wider sections, if you are going less than 50 mph then expect to get overtaken imo,not everyone is on the same time schedule as you.

Giving him the finger is both childish and stupid,maybe you might have bumped into you at the services later on and decided to have a word, wouldn’t be so fun then I reckon.

And as a side note the speed check is 50 mph AVERAGE check. A wagon or any other vehicle running at 52 mph in the distance that those roadworks are is going to set an average speed of below 50 mph.

So get over it , stop ranting at people passing you if you are below 50.


,only this morning did a plain blue man with a double deck curtainsider coming hurtling down the outside lane nearly taking my mirrors off,
upon clearing the roadworks i set the limiter at 54 mph and passed the muppet with ease giving him the finger ,

And as a side note the speed check is 50 mph AVERAGE check. A wagon or any other vehicle running at 52 mph in the distance that those roadworks are is going to set an average speed of below 50 mph.

Surely if the vehicle is driving at 52 mph then the average is 52 mph regardless of distance travelled :question:



,only this morning did a plain blue man with a double deck curtainsider coming hurtling down the outside lane nearly taking my mirrors off,
upon clearing the roadworks i set the limiter at 54 mph and passed the muppet with ease giving him the finger ,

And as a side note the speed check is 50 mph AVERAGE check. A wagon or any other vehicle running at 52 mph in the distance that those roadworks are is going to set an average speed of below 50 mph.

Surely if the vehicle is driving at 52 mph then the average is 52 mph regardless of distance travelled :question:

its not the speed i have a problem with , its the overtaking on a width restriction , its idiots like that , that cause accidents and give us all a bad name



,only this morning did a plain blue man with a double deck curtainsider coming hurtling down the outside lane nearly taking my mirrors off,
upon clearing the roadworks i set the limiter at 54 mph and passed the muppet with ease giving him the finger ,

And as a side note the speed check is 50 mph AVERAGE check. A wagon or any other vehicle running at 52 mph in the distance that those roadworks are is going to set an average speed of below 50 mph.

Surely if the vehicle is driving at 52 mph then the average is 52 mph regardless of distance travelled :question:

+1. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: