A suggestion for pre mod

Having read some of the posts regarding pre mods, I would like to know why these people are not on them?

Immigrant, constantly putting nonsense on threads, unreadable posts in broken English, pointless pictures and constant one symbol posts like to :exclamation: :bulb: :arrow_right: etc.

Carryfast , constantly hijacks every thread with the same re hashed post, and he only has one trick, about days gone buy and thatchers government ruining everything.

Ady1 , recently outted as a troller Mo(topgun), keeps posting to members that he’s winding them up and nothing can be done.
Trucknet would be a lot better without them imho.


Won’t discuss, as it winds others up, but guess who I voted for? :wink:

To be fair I find carryfast quite entertaining and fair play to him for keep coming back no matter what abuse is thrown at him but I find it odd he can post freely when his opinions which he is entitled to have as it is a free country are a lot more extreme than people who have been put on pre mod.

Yes kr, but he just re hashes every post. Every thread gets the same off topic response about the 1970’s. And his posting on threads is why switchlogic hardly comes on here anymore. And I would rather read one of Luke’s posts as opposed to Carryfasts infinite drivel. At least Luke had experience and is an educated man who could hold an intelligent and interesting conversation. Something that our Carryfast can’t profess to, and for him to virtually drive switch away, or keep him quiet on certain threads is a real shame

You want to get him on 6x4 tractor units that will blow your mind. :smiley:
At the end of the day it’s the mods job to sort this out not for carryfast to change his views and I think that’s more what Luke got the hump over.

Yes kr, but he just re hashes every post. Every thread gets the same off topic response about the 1970’s. And his posting on threads is why switchlogic hardly comes on here anymore. And I would rather read one of Luke’s posts as opposed to Carryfasts infinite drivel. At least Luke had experience and is an educated man who could hold an intelligent and interesting conversation. Something that our Carryfast can’t profess to, and for him to virtually drive switch away, or keep him quiet on certain threads is a real shame


I got the hump because when I raised the issue of racism being freely allowed I was told by Rikki ‘mate, get over yourself’ and that Trucknet believes in ‘free speech’ when I’d already pointed out ways in which it clearly didn’t. I was warned to stop challenging Carryfast and his racist xenophobic views, so if that’s the way they want it then I’m out, I have no interest in being associated with a site which allows a racist such as Carryfast to peddle his hateful views freely but puts the likes of SmashedCrabFace on premod for having a sense of humor. The moderation is all over the place and I’m finding it a very distasteful site these days. Thanks for the kind words chaps but unless it changes I probably shan’t be back.

Swift response Luke :wink: No bother mate, I know exactly where you’re coming from. Stay in touch on twitter mate

That’s the problem with the moderation the attitude is if you don’t like it bugger off. I know we don’t pay to use the site but at the end of the day we are it’s customers. Think there is a lot of complacency as to be fair it’s still better than truckers world .

The Sarge:

Yes kr, but he just re hashes every post. Every thread gets the same off topic response about the 1970’s. And his posting on threads is why switchlogic hardly comes on here anymore. And I would rather read one of Luke’s posts as opposed to Carryfasts infinite drivel. At least Luke had experience and is an educated man who could hold an intelligent and interesting conversation. Something that our Carryfast can’t profess to, and for him to virtually drive switch away, or keep him quiet on certain threads is a real shame



Immigrant, constantly putting nonsense on threads, unreadable posts in broken English, pointless pictures and constant one symbol posts like to :exclamation: :bulb: :arrow_right: etc.

Carryfast , constantly hijacks every thread with the same re hashed post, and he only has one trick, about days gone buy and thatchers government ruining everything.

Ady1 , recently outted as a troller Mo(topgun), keeps posting to members that he’s winding them up and nothing can be done.
Trucknet would be a lot better without them imho.


I don’t find Immigrants posts amusing or intelligent. They’re just annoying but I reckon that it’s only someone arseing about because I believe that he has/had various user names. I tend to avoid or ignore…

Carryfast is a bloody nuisance but you have to admire his pluck! He keeps coming back with the same old drivel and, to be fair, he’s never particularly rude or insulting so why should he be put on pre-mod? Again, I ignore…

Ady1 is fine until he gets on the falling down water then it all goes to hell in a handcart :smiley: He is his own worst enemy at times but certainly has good insight into how Stobarts work (when sober…) so, considering how many Stobbies questions get asked, could be seen as very useful perhaps?

Smashedcrabface is just hilarious… Don’t know why he’s stood in The Naughty Corner but there is obviously more to it than us mere mortals can see or read… Shame really cos I reckon he’s great :smiley:

I don’t expect anything will change because it’s been tried before. Tis a shame because the site tends to lose good, knowledgable and prolific posters - Switchlogic being the prime example…

Perhaps we should all embrace Happydaze’ ‘Warm Thread’ in Bullys and stop poking each other with a pointy stick. Debate is good. After all, thats what this site is supposed to be about, isn’t it?

Group hug, anyone? :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

How about a poll for those who are on it and do not deserve to be?

How about a poll for those who are on it and do not deserve to be?

Good idea, although I’d rather nobody was pre-modded and everybody was able to voice their opinions freely. If a rule is broken then deal with that incident as necessary and move on rather than holding a grudge and punishing members indefinitely.

This isn’t a democracy though, as is often pointed out by Rikki and his henchmen. Despite the “BY DRIVERS. FOR DRIVERS.” slogan, it’s clearly a dictatorship with a hierarchy of power and the man at the very top is somewhat lacking in consistency when it comes to enforcing his own rules.

It’s a shame really, TNUK is quite a good resource and meeting place for professional drivers, but it could be so much better. I sometimes get the feeling that Rikki doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. When faced with difficult decisions, he just panics and silences members, locks the thread, deletes the thread or makes a half arsed attempt at a humourous put-down which in turn has a detrimental effect on the site as a whole and creates an “us and them” kind of atmosphere.

I know you have a difficult job to do Rikki but the way you go about it sometimes leaves a lot to be desired. If you’re going to rule with an iron fist then at least try to be consistent and fair.

This is not a personal attack, just constructive criticism so no need for a sarcastic reply m’Lord.


How about a poll for those who are on it and do not deserve to be?

Good idea, although I’d rather nobody was pre-modded and everybody was able to voice their opinions freely. If a rule is broken then deal with that incident as necessary and move on rather than holding a grudge and punishing members indefinitely.

You’re looking at pre mod as a punishment. Just imagine its not !! Your posts still get through, you just have to wait. There’s a reason for that, i’m not going into it here its already been done to death. You just have to wait. So the real gripe is that you don’t have a direct /live/real time post. Tough. Deal with it. Sounds snotty? Sure it is, 99.9% of posters don’t have to deal with it, nor do i. And i’ve posted close to the knuckle. If you can’t heed a warning then you can’t heed one. You wanna push boundaries, then go for it. You wanna post within the constraints of the forum rules the you won’t even be looking in here…

This isn’t a democracy though, as is often pointed out by Rikki and his henchmen. Despite the “BY DRIVERS. FOR DRIVERS.” slogan, it’s clearly a dictatorship with a hierarchy of power and the man at the very top is somewhat lacking in consistency when it comes to enforcing his own rules.

Most of the day to day modding is done by drivers. So yes, by drivers.

It’s a shame really, TNUK is quite a good resource and meeting place for professional drivers, but it could be so much better. I sometimes get the feeling that Rikki doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. When faced with difficult decisions, he just panics and silences members, locks the thread, deletes the thread or makes a half arsed attempt at a humourous put-down which in turn has a detrimental effect on the site as a whole and creates an “us and them” kind of atmosphere.

No. its in your head. You act like a ■■■■, you’re on pre mod and now you’re citing an us and them scenario? Give the crap you post its a safe bet you aint in either the ‘good rescource’ or 'them ’ club.

I know you have a difficult job to do Rikki but the way you go about it sometimes leaves a lot to be desired. If you’re going to rule with an iron fist then at least try to be consistent and fair.

Hmm, a funny joker who posts generaal crap / banter, doesn;t understand the rules suddenly knows the forum way forward !!

This is not a personal attack, just constructive criticism so no need for a sarcastic reply m’Lord.

Yeah yeah yeah, its like a prisoner asking how to make the prison service better. I always say, ask the victims that ended them in court. You prefer the speak to the warders approach. Its hard to maker out much what you say to be honest, one minute its a solicitor approach, next minute your not going to post again and then here you are. I think you make it up as you go along to be honest, i also think you spend to much time in here giving opinions, but thats just mine !! :laughing:

How about a poll for those who are on it and do not deserve to be?

I think the sites criteria prevents a classification of ‘dangerous ■■■■■■■■■■ !!! Not that i know anyone who fits the bill but i’d love to see it !!! :laughing: :laughing:


Typical moderator/admin response. Please be quiet Mike, I’m talking to the organ grinder not the monkey.


Typical moderator/admin response. Please be quiet Mike, I’m talking to the organ grinder not the monkey.

Are you still on premod, SCF? I wonder why :laughing:

…because I refuse to kiss arse. :unamused:

Their sandpit, their rules mate…

…because I refuse to kiss arse. :unamused:

I don’t think anyone is asking you to “kiss arse” but when you post messages which are aggressive and offensive towards the people who are in a position to restrict your posts then it’s perhaps not surprising when they do…