A suggestion for pre mod

The Sarge:
Their sandpit, their rules mate…

I’m going to do a big ■■■ in their sandpit and run off laughing.


The Sarge:
Their sandpit, their rules mate…

I’m going to do a big ■■■ in their sandpit and run off laughing.

And thats why you cant play in the sand pit with the other kids unsupervised :wink:



The Sarge:
Their sandpit, their rules mate…

I’m going to do a big ■■■ in their sandpit and run off laughing.

And thats why you cant play in the sand pit with the other kids unsupervised :wink:

Now THAT is a great reply :laughing: :sunglasses:

Bonus points for the brown nosers there too. :unamused:

A couple of other forums I use have a board where anything goes, a kind of Bully’s bar but there is next to no moderation at all in that one area. Everybody knows its an “anything goes” board and if you dont like it then dont enter.

…because I refuse to kiss arse. :unamused:

Good for you :exclamation: :exclamation:


…because I refuse to kiss arse. :unamused:

Good for you :exclamation: :exclamation:

He’s kidding really, he’s never been asked. If i was a total ■■■■ i’d wanna sound a rebel like him too !!

Bonus points for the brown nosers there too. :unamused:

I take it you mean me :confused: I liked the reply, and I said so - you don’t like it, screw you Buddy. Have a nice day…

If i was a total ■■■■…

What do you mean “if”?

I hope this helps.

Er…Not specifically aimed at you. But if you like. Thanks for the nice day wishes, I’ll have a smashing one now. :wink:

Bonus points for the brown nosers there too. :unamused:

Not the only one who spotted it :smiley:

Er…Not specifically aimed at you. But if you like. Thanks for the nice day wishes, I’ll have a smashing one now. :wink:

I’m off for a nice one meself, back to work tomorrow…

Good for you.

The rules are the rules, they don’t change either, so that’s about as constant you can get, I can’t see any other way of doing things personally.

I don’t personally agree with some of the things that are censored on this site, our nomadic friends are not allowed to be mentioned for one thing and I’m not a tree hugging left wing nutjob, so would let something a little racist/sexist/ageist/whateverist go, but the site runs the way it does, so if I want to use it, I have to abide by the rules, simple really :bulb:

I moderate the expats forum, for free, in my spare time, luckily everyone is behaving over there right now, but even when they’re not, the only stuff that gets moderated is stuff that breaks the rules, there’s nothing personal in it, so it’s quite simple, post within those rules and you get left alone :wink:

As for the question at the top, immigrant is a PITA, so I ignore him most of the time, or read his posts in a German accent, which can be amusing. Carryfast is a total nutcase, but I admire his tenacity and he is quite knowledgable, wrong, but knowledgable. Ady1, well he was trolling with Mo, but no harm was done and his meltdown will be one of my votes for post of the year :open_mouth:

The people who moderate this forum are almost all Truck Drivers- the ones that are not are still all closly connected- Non are professional moderaters- , This forum is moderated from within and the moderating team of drivers can and do tell me when I get it wrong, I do have ultimate repsonsibility and say over the forums- someone has to be in charge :wink: In my only defence as to why I should be, I have had close t0 30 years in industry, seen both good and bad.

I had an idea for a drivers forum and went for it, I set certain standards that I felt a drivers forum should be , I persuaded a USA company to back me to create TruckNet UK based on those standards

Over time one of the largest publishing groups in the world took notice and we became part of their empire

Even at that point there has never been any say in what was posted, the tone and what is acceptable on the forums has always been decided by the admin team/ Drivers.

So today we are now owned by a small enthuiastic company- the one thing I get from the directors is that we have to give drivers a voice

To that end these forums will continue to be moderated by drivers- for drivers

we cant please everyone all the time… so we have taken the attitude that if we cant satisfy you go elsewhere- thats not arrogance just a realisation that the huge majority of people using and participating in this website just use it… and it fulfils their needs.

Take this as a hint… we will never change to the vocal minority- the Huge ( and I mean huge) majority of users use this website as it was intended … and like it or lump it (other websites are available ) that is the way its going to stay

No-one is bigger than this website including me. and if dont like what we do and how we do it simply stop coming here… no-one is forcing you too- If you do come here and decide to push the rules then dont moan when life using this forum becomes difficult.

There is no “Right” to using TruckNet UK- and if you abuse what is given freely given expect to lose it.

So what specifically has brought this outburst on? :confused:

I’ve moaned about the mods on the site on occasions but TBH it’s still the best drivers forum there is.

So what specifically has brought this outburst on? :confused:

Probably just affirming the jist of the site here as we get the same questions here almost weekly !!!


So what specifically has brought this outburst on? :confused:

Probably just affirming the jist of the site here as we get the same questions here almost weekly !!!

More likely the clubs run out of beer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



So what specifically has brought this outburst on? :confused:

Probably just affirming the jist of the site here as we get the same questions here almost weekly !!!

More likely the clubs run out of beer :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It must have or you wouldn’t see posts from Rikki or Mike :wink: