A rant. facelessbook. Youcan'tseemetube

Why o why do people feel the need to put videos or pictures up on Facebook and YouTube of drivers having a bad day. OK some can be pretty shocking but most are just as is, drivers having a bad day. People feel the need to comment when they don’t have all the facts. 500 comments from [zb] experts when it can be just a picture or half a video really.
Yes the power of social media but come on. We ve all probably looked and thought, did I miss something or, there’s 2 minutes of my life I won’t get back. Is this the new generation of young driver, if so the jobs doomed by experts :arrow_left:(BIG LOL).

Go easy on me, I’m having a bad day. :smiley:

Your question inevitably leads to a further question; why do people feel the need to watch these clips?

Which then begs another question. No, won’t go there…

Anyway, as someone said on here already before, it’s called Schadenfreude or something very similar!

You don’t work for co-op do you?

the maoster:
Your question inevitably leads to a further question; why do people feel the need to watch these clips?

Yip, that’s a good point. I ask to myself and the answer could be I was expecting something different from said place. Long hard look in the mirror and an withdrawl forthwith I think.

Co op. Not me my friend no.

You don’t work for co-op do you?

I’m amazed that someone hasn’t posted that video on here yet :laughing:

I used faceache for a few months, but have just ‘deactivated’ my account. I tried to delete it but the poxy thing wouldn’t let me. I got fed up with all that crap the op talks about as well as idiots telling everyone what they had for ■■■■■■■ breakfast etc.

Wot was that site again Face ache or trudk nrt, cant see as I ainy got me glasses on ? :slight_smile:

Because there tossers with nothing better to do ,if they spent as much time getting a life instead of searching the net for peoples misfortunes ect ect ect

Why o why do people feel the need to put videos or pictures up on Facebook and YouTube of drivers having a bad day. OK some can be pretty shocking but most are just as is, drivers having a bad day. People feel the need to comment when they don’t have all the facts. 500 comments from [zb] experts when it can be just a picture or half a video really.
Yes the power of social media but come on. We ve all probably looked and thought, did I miss something or, there’s 2 minutes of my life I won’t get back. Is this the new generation of young driver, if so the jobs doomed by experts :arrow_left:(BIG LOL).

Go easy on me, I’m having a bad day. :smiley:

because they are jealous of drivers doing a job they like doing when they can’t even pass a car test probably lol

because they are jealous of drivers doing a job they like doing when they can’t even pass a car test probably lol
I bet you never used lol until you used face book

In fact I bet you never even laughed out loud at a test fail

Why o why do people feel the need to put videos or pictures up on Facebook and YouTube of drivers having a bad day. OK some can be pretty shocking but most are just as is, drivers having a bad day. People feel the need to comment when they don’t have all the facts. 500 comments from [zb] experts when it can be just a picture or half a video really.
Yes the power of social media but come on. We ve all probably looked and thought, did I miss something or, there’s 2 minutes of my life I won’t get back. Is this the new generation of young driver, if so the jobs doomed by experts :arrow_left:(BIG LOL).

Go easy on me, I’m having a bad day. :smiley:

No different to you posting here really :unamused:


You don’t work for co-op do you?

I’m amazed that someone hasn’t posted that video on here yet :laughing:

What video ?
Show me show me

Why people find the need to use the likes of Facebook or Twitter to tell everybody about their daily life is beyond me,considering the amount of problems it can cause.

Why people find the need to use the likes of Facebook or Twitter to tell everybody about their daily life is beyond me,considering the amount of problems it can cause.

Facebook consists of two types of people…
1)Those who like to show off
2)nosey ■■■■■■■■
That’s it!


Why people find the need to use the likes of Facebook or Twitter to tell everybody about their daily life is beyond me,considering the amount of problems it can cause.

Facebook consists of two types of people…
1)Those who like to show off
2)nosey [zb]
That’s it!

I use it as a form to keep in touch with family around the world and that’s all so your wrong on 2 accounts there


You don’t work for co-op do you?

I’m amazed that someone hasn’t posted that video on here yet :laughing:

Joking aside he really does want sacking, theres having a bad day and then theres just clueless, the co op driver was definately the latter



You don’t work for co-op do you?

I’m amazed that someone hasn’t posted that video on here yet :laughing:

Joking aside he really does want sacking, theres having a bad day and then theres just clueless, the co op driver was definately the latter

Make mistakes to learn from mistakes. One of the best ways to learn, autonomously. We ve all been there and then said, no do that again and laughed at our self’s.
Don’t know where the Co op comments come in relation to this. But bet it’s about a driver making a mess of whatever.

There’s a clip of a co-op driver"having a bad day" doing the rounds on facebook atm.

Is this it?

youtube.com/watch?v=faCUQtG … fErytEaBzA