A rant. facelessbook. Youcan'tseemetube





You don’t work for co-op do you?

I’m amazed that someone hasn’t posted that video on here yet :laughing:

Joking aside he really does want sacking, theres having a bad day and then theres just clueless, the co op driver was definately the latter

Make mistakes to learn from mistakes. One of the best ways to learn, autonomously. We ve all been there and then said, no do that again and laughed at our self’s.
Don’t know where the Co op comments come in relation to this. But bet it’s about a driver making a mess of whatever.

I disagree, the standard of driving in this particular video is so bad he really shouldnt be out in public

I disagree, the standard of driving in this particular video is so bad he really shouldnt be out in public

And that makes it ok to film him and post it online (probably without his permission) for everyone to see and have a good laugh at does it? I can sometimes do a blindside reverse,in the dark,when raining with a 5 million watt halogen light shining in my eyes without taking a shunt. And sometimes all it takes is not getting your angles right and the trailer is ■■■■■■■ near impossible to get pointing in the direction you want it too. I once took about 15 shunts to get a trailer on a bay because I lined it up wrong and it was either too much one way or the other. But if anyone was filming it id have took their phone and launched it so far it would need a new area code. Its getting ridiculous now when you have back door staff videoing a reverse with the sole intention of posting it online to see how many likes and comments they get.

Since deciding to do my HGV training I have spent a lot of time watching accident videos on youtube. I am using it as an education tool to see what I can do to avoid situations. I admit 90% of them are crap driving or bad days. However there are a number of them where you can see how a small change in driving style would have allowed the driver to avoid the incident. Hopefully I have learned a bit from others mistakes :neutral_face:

He is trying to turn round in a road end thats easily big enough, the thing in this particular video that justifies the “clueless” tag is when he lodges the nearside up against a post and just keeps ramming into it , he can obviously feel something there so why not stop , get out and have a look

He is trying to turn round in a road end thats easily big enough, the thing in this particular video that justifies the “clueless” tag is when he lodges the nearside up against a post and just keeps ramming into it , he can obviously feel something there so why not stop , get out and have a look

But it might have started raining.

Or maybe he had locked himself inside by accident and wanted to get to a quiet area before waiting on someone to arrive with a spare set of keys to unlock the door and let him out? :smiley:

I used faceache for a few months, but have just ‘deactivated’ my account. I tried to delete it but the poxy thing wouldn’t let me. I got fed up with all that crap the op talks about as well as idiots telling everyone what they had for [zb] breakfast etc.

The thing with facebook if you just use it to keep up with friends and family that you don’t see every day it’s quite but when you add work mates and search out pages for this and that and like pages it can get quite messy

as well as idiots telling everyone what they had for [zb] breakfast etc.

God, if I had a pound everytime I heard that old cliche I’d be kept in breakfasts for the rest of the year! Social media can be wonderful and very very useful but you need to know how to use it properly.

isnt there a drivers forum or something where people post jobs ?