A day of pillocks!

started off by being an hour late for start of shift as office staff never told me I would be starting an hour earlier then normal, then drove to barnsley where i have a drop in the town centre, no service roads just go through 7.5t except for access routes, anyways I always use the shortest route when town centres got halfway up the hill and there is a 7.5 truck parked up with driver loading by hand, i tried to get past but had to bounce up the opposite kerb which meant back end started to lean meaning I could,nt get through, could,nt reverse either so spent 15 minutes arguing with the other driver cos he refused to pull his truck forward a couple of feet to let me through using the 7.5 limit as his argument, he only moved when I told him I had a witness to what was happening and I would drive forward and wreck his truck!!

then got to drop parked best I could out the way best as poss meaning a bit of a crap drop for me and my mate but thought better that then being in everyones way, could,nt believe it when some ■■■■ in a BMW parked right opposite and then came across and told me to move my truck as other vehicles needed to get past,

then whilst turning right at roundabout a taxi cut me up, he entered roundabout too fast and could,nt hold it meaning i went closer to the island then i should have so i did,nt clip him but rear end mounted the verge for a minute thought i was going over, luckily in some ways though once off the roundabout I pulled over as some stuff in the back had shifted and was bulging the curtains, a police officer stopped behind me and he had seen what happened and was just checking all was ok before going to speak to the taxi company,

then got to drop where the bloke wanted the stuff in 4 different locations but kept changing his mind ,

anyways I,m now back at home with a weeks holiday ahead of me, but just wondering what makes these type of people tick do they get a kick out of being complete plebs

Knobs all of them, had a bmw driver moaning at me today as i had blocked him in the car park for 3 minutes, yes thats right 3 minutes as thats what i had left on taco.
I said its the law m8 and i need to finesh this before i can move, he was going mad saying im gonna be late for my meeting etc etc, i was like 3 minutes is not gonna hurt, just do 102mph instead of 100mph ya fool, wound my window in his face,
These people really do get on my ■■■■. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :imp:

You have a mate, ya jammy git. :laughing:

The rest is just a day in the life and times of a lorry driver, the other driver is a ■■■ for not being 2 feet further up in the first place and to the rest we are just the little people and your lucky the bmw driver never had any suitcases or you would have been lugging them out of his boot after you moved of course. :laughing:

Less Haste, More Speed :stuck_out_tongue:

or Hurry, Slowly!

just wondering what makes these type of people tick do they get a kick out of being complete plebs

Err… excuse me… it’s all your fault… you are the lorry driver… :exclamation:

I don’t know… parking your lorry when you must have known that a BMW driver was going to park opposite … deffo wrong of you to do that …

I need a taxi… NOW

just make sure you taxi don’t cut him up though rog

just make sure you taxi don’t cut him up though rog

Would not matter if the taxi did just that as it would be the fault of the truck driver…

Now I REALLY need a taxi…

Trucker beads:
Knobs all of them, had a bmw driver moaning at me today as i had blocked him in the car park for 3 minutes, yes thats right 3 minutes as thats what i had left on taco.
I said its the law m8 and i need to finesh this before i can move, he was going mad saying im gonna be late for my meeting etc etc, i was like 3 minutes is not gonna hurt, just do 102mph instead of 100mph ya fool, wound my window in his face,
These people really do get on my ■■■■. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :imp:

Unloading whilst showing a break then . . . tut tut driver :laughing:

Unloading whilst showing a break

possibly not - might have been on break whilst others were doing the unloading…

You can add me and the container driver i had a barney with today to that list of pillocks :laughing:

Was queueing at the Dartford tolls this afternoon, trying to move forward while dodging the cars that keep changing lanes just to get a few inches ahead :unamused: am passing this container lorry when suddenly he decides to pull into my lane with no warning other than a flash of the indicator as he starts to pull out. I have to brake hard to avoid having the corner of my cab ripped off by his trailer. I flash my lights but i get no response :imp: so the red mist decended.

I pull up behind him, beep the horn and stick my head out the window, shout somthing like “well done you [zb] [zb] you just cut me up you [zb]” and clap my hands sarcasticly. Unsuprisingly the container driver takes offense to this, opens the door and starts to get out, i do the same, and we stride right up to eachother, standng toe to toe, face to face :open_mouth:

Im ranting about him cutting me up, he’s ranting cos i shouldve seen his indicator, he pushes me, i push him back. Theres a tense stand off where idle threats are being exchanged, neither of us backing down. all this while we stand in the middle of lane 1 and cars and trucks are passing us :confused:

Basically its going nowhere, so i hold out my hand and say “lets shake hands and forget about it” we shake hands and go back to our trucks, shows over :laughing:

normally i let something like that wash over me but today was just one of those odd occassions, think i was just put out because i didnt expect that kind of driving from a fellow trucker, hey ho :neutral_face:

Grayham wrote

normally i let something like that wash over me but today was just one of those odd occassions, think i was just put out because i didnt expect that kind of driving from a fellow trucker, hey ho

You must be living in the dark ages thinking its one big happy family :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Always expect the unexpected :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

You can add me and the container driver i had a barney with today to that list of pillocks :laughing:

Was queueing at the Dartford tolls this afternoon, trying to move forward while dodging the cars that keep changing lanes just to get a few inches ahead :unamused: am passing this container lorry when suddenly he decides to pull into my lane with no warning other than a flash of the indicator as he starts to pull out. I have to brake hard to avoid having the corner of my cab ripped off by his trailer. I flash my lights but i get no response :imp: so the red mist decended.

I pull up behind him, beep the horn and stick my head out the window, shout somthing like “well done you [zb] [zb] you just cut me up you [zb]” and clap my hands sarcasticly. Unsuprisingly the container driver takes offense to this, opens the door and starts to get out, i do the same, and we stride right up to eachother, standng toe to toe, face to face :open_mouth:

Im ranting about him cutting me up, he’s ranting cos i shouldve seen his indicator, he pushes me, i push him back. Theres a tense stand off where idle threats are being exchanged, neither of us backing down. all this while we stand in the middle of lane 1 and cars and trucks are passing us :confused:

Basically its going nowhere, so i hold out my hand and say “lets shake hands and forget about it” we shake hands and go back to our trucks, shows over :laughing:

normally i let something like that wash over me but today was just one of those odd occassions, think i was just put out because i didnt expect that kind of driving from a fellow trucker, hey ho :neutral_face:

Did you swap handbags ?

You think driving a truck is bad - try driving a bus :open_mouth:

You think driving a truck is bad - try driving a bus :open_mouth:

Been there, done that and agree with you 100%.

You don`t even get a clippy with the thrupennies hanging out to take your mind off it anymore.

is it just me, first of all a mere 7.5t driver is a pillock for not moving for you then so is a bmw driver for asking you to move?
have a good holday mate. some days the stress gets to us all.

edit due saying not what i meant

ah well on leave now and its chucking it down but makes today a better day then yesterday!!
anyways it would,nt be fun if these things did,nt happen, hope the days are good for all!! apart from turds in bmw,s that is

There were only 2 trucks going westbound on the M7 towards Portlaoise at 1am on Wednesday morning me and the other pillock who after 10 clicks finally got within spitting distance of my rear bumper and then decided for the next 10 clicks to overtake me, god he must have been going at best 0.1kph faster than me.
The thick pillock didn’t realise that we get our trucks off the same supplier as his company and the supplier uses the same tacho calibration equipment, so [zb] I salute you - PILLOCK!!!

There were only 2 trucks going westbound on the M7 towards Portlaoise at 1am on Wednesday morning me and the other pillock who after 10 clicks finally got within spitting distance of my rear bumper and then decided for the next 10 clicks to overtake me, god he must have been going at best 0.1kph faster than me.
The thick pillock didn’t realise that we get our trucks off the same supplier as his company and the supplier uses the same tacho calibration equipment, so [zb] I salute you - PILLOCK!!!

Too much trouble to knock your cruise control back a couple of clicks, for a couple of minutes :question: :question:


There were only 2 trucks going westbound on the M7 towards Portlaoise at 1am on Wednesday morning me and the other pillock who after 10 clicks finally got within spitting distance of my rear bumper and then decided for the next 10 clicks to overtake me, god he must have been going at best 0.1kph faster than me.
The thick pillock didn’t realise that we get our trucks off the same supplier as his company and the supplier uses the same tacho calibration equipment, so [zb] I salute you - PILLOCK!!!

Too much trouble to knock your cruise control back a couple of clicks, for a couple of minutes :question: :question:

Totally agree but 30 secs would be enough . .wouldnt it ?

My guess would be that, as it was a super quiet motorway, he was trying to show the overtaker what a pointless exercise it was…