A Big Thank you.......

Suffolk ReeferBoy:

I have done night time DD`s a few times, mostly for UKMail.
At no time was I aware that my driving standards had deteriorated, nor was I aware of the drop in standards of others.
However, I was aware of the height of the trailer when they closed the motorway and I had to take a diversion through unfamiliar territory :laughing: One of the best nights driving ever :sunglasses:

So what is it that DD drivers do that others don`t, or indeed the other way around?

Seems a tad strange, to catergorise a certain member of the driving fraternity don`t you think?

The problem is only the bell end DD drivers get noticed , so you driving in a normal manner going about your business living your life go unnoticed.

But saying that UKMail on AI4 are one of the pain in the arses for me anyways :sunglasses:

Don’t think much of this generalisation !!
I drive up the A14 for UK Mail once or twice a week and I am probably the most courteous driver on the road - Unlike some of the other ignorant [zb] I meet

What nonesense :imp:

I pull a DD and definitely not one of those referred to here. I have seen crap driving in equal amounts from just about every type of vehicle as well as perfectly good driving.

There does seem to be a lot of first class twonks on the roads just lately :imp:

I nearly always drop a couple of km/h to let people get past quicker and easier, the only time I don’t is if they’ve caused me some sort of problem or if they tailgate me for ages first.

There does seem to be a lot of first class twonks on the roads just lately :imp:

I nearly always drop a couple of km/h to let people get past quicker and easier, the only time I don’t is if they’ve caused me some sort of problem or if they tailgate me for ages first.

thats cos none of the regular drivers are on holiday, so the agency bods aren’t around to improve standards :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

<<<holds cats @rris to the fire, lights blue touch paper and retires, tin hat firmly in place and tongue firmly wedged in cheek :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

spanish vimto:
Have ya ever tried backing of when being overtaken â– â– ? o [zb] me no way i would i do that [zb]

Why would I do that if you are in the hurry. You should know lenght of your wagon

I am glad someone ressurected this thread :laughing:

I was overtaking a Tesco knob today on the A1(M) And he wanted me to eat the armco :open_mouth: Came drifting over to my lane(Only 2 FFS!) As I was alongside him…I just reacted, no time for hand signals, just a firm press of my audible warning device and he was back in his own lane again :laughing:
Fair put the wind up me did that :open_mouth: If I had of been 44 ton, I would have pushed him back over, but I was taking fresh air from Yorks to Lincs :laughing:

To the Palletways double decker driver on the M40 southbound this morning around 5am. I forgot to clean my windscreen yesterday, and it was covered in flies, I was so pleased when you overtook me, then pulled in so close that the rear of your trailer nearly scraped my widscreen clean. Could you ask your fitters to prehaps to put an extra coat of paint on your trailer doors, so that next time you manage to get all the flies as well as the mercedes badge from my front grill? :unamused:

Now you see, he was saving the planet by cleaning your window for you, therby saving water.


Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Could have called the police & of course the company about his driving :wink:

Could have called the police & of course the company about his driving :wink:

The police :laughing: Don’t you think there hands are full at the mo ?

To the Palletways double decker driver on the M40 southbound this morning around 5am. I forgot to clean my windscreen yesterday, and it was covered in flies, I was so pleased when you overtook me, then pulled in so close that the rear of your trailer nearly scraped my widscreen clean. Could you ask your fitters to prehaps to put an extra coat of paint on your trailer doors, so that next time you manage to get all the flies as well as the mercedes badge from my front grill? :unamused:

was it being pulled by an orange 07 reg DAF CF by any chanceâ– â– ?

it wasnt me, but i know who it was if it was the above motor, used to work at the firm

TBH I didn’t notice the unit, it was the rear of the trailer that caught my attention, and nearly my legs! it was flying so no chance of catching it up

u shuda just knocked it bk 1k & flashed him like the good old days :unamused:

Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


So nows not a good time to say I used to pull double deckers at night then… :laughing: :laughing:

Have ya ever tried backing of when being overtaken â– â– ? o â– â– â– â–  me no way i would i do that â– â– â– â– 

Have ya ever tried backing of when being overtaken â– â– ? o â– â– â– â–  me no way i would i do that â– â– â– â– 

Yes, I will not admit that I done a nite trunk for palletways either… Never again, couldn’t fit in to the ‘special breed catorgory’

I am here: maps.google.com/maps?ll=51.674363,-1.304067

Yes, I will not admit that I done a nite trunk for palletways either… Never again, couldn’t fit in to the ‘special breed catorgory’

I am here: maps.google.com/maps?ll=51.674363,-1.304067

WTF â– â– ?