A Big Thank you.......

selby newcomer:

To the Palletways double decker driver on the M40 southbound this morning around 5am. I forgot to clean my windscreen yesterday, and it was covered in flies, I was so pleased when you overtook me, then pulled in so close that the rear of your trailer nearly scraped my widscreen clean. Could you ask your fitters to prehaps to put an extra coat of paint on your trailer doors, so that next time you manage to get all the flies as well as the mercedes badge from my front grill? :unamused:

was it being pulled by an orange 07 reg DAF CF by any chance■■?

it wasnt me, but i know who it was if it was the above motor, used to work at the firm

It wasn’t me either, I went down the M1 last night for a change of scenery :grimacing:

And the orange motor is pantos out of Slough? I must be of course the special breed :laughing:


Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


So nows not a good time to say I used to pull double deckers at night then… :laughing: :laughing:

Double decker bus ? Because that’s a whole different list !!! :slight_smile:

You need to make your mind up what your driving this week !



Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


So nows not a good time to say I used to pull double deckers at night then… :laughing: :laughing:

Double decker bus ? Because that’s a whole different list !!! :slight_smile:

You need to make your mind up what your driving this week !

No, it was artic trucks :laughing:

Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


Night time DD drivers are indeed bell ends of the highest order.

A14 at night is overrun with the fools , all running in convoy playing silly little speed up slow down games.

Plus I am glad I am not the only one with A “LIST”. :exclamation:

Sounds like the Shears tpt out of Hurn airport, he/she always and I mean ALWAYS cuts in like a **** :imp:
Not just me but everything it passes.

He/she don’t like it when I main beam them for the next 5 miles.

Petty I know but they can’t be allowed to get away with it.
I wonder what they would say to my wife and kids when their Hubby/Daddy gets wiped out by their dangerous driving?

Plod should crackdown on this as it’s Dangerous driving.

I have done night time DD`s a few times, mostly for UKMail.
At no time was I aware that my driving standards had deteriorated, nor was I aware of the drop in standards of others.
However, I was aware of the height of the trailer when they closed the motorway and I had to take a diversion through unfamiliar territory :laughing: One of the best nights driving ever :sunglasses:

So what is it that DD drivers do that others don`t, or indeed the other way around?

Seems a tad strange, to catergorise a certain member of the driving fraternity don`t you think?


selby newcomer:

To the Palletways double decker driver on the M40 southbound this morning around 5am. I forgot to clean my windscreen yesterday, and it was covered in flies, I was so pleased when you overtook me, then pulled in so close that the rear of your trailer nearly scraped my widscreen clean. Could you ask your fitters to prehaps to put an extra coat of paint on your trailer doors, so that next time you manage to get all the flies as well as the mercedes badge from my front grill? :unamused:

was it being pulled by an orange 07 reg DAF CF by any chance■■?

it wasnt me, but i know who it was if it was the above motor, used to work at the firm

It wasn’t me either, I went down the M1 last night for a change of scenery :grimacing:

And the orange motor is pantos out of Slough? I must be of course the special breed :laughing:

Yep, that would be the firm, I worked for them for 4 years before movin up north. Still speak to the driver who would have been driving that unit

I have done night time DD`s a few times, mostly for UKMail.
At no time was I aware that my driving standards had deteriorated, nor was I aware of the drop in standards of others.
However, I was aware of the height of the trailer when they closed the motorway and I had to take a diversion through unfamiliar territory :laughing: One of the best nights driving ever :sunglasses:

So what is it that DD drivers do that others don`t, or indeed the other way around?

Seems a tad strange, to catergorise a certain member of the driving fraternity don`t you think?

The problem is only the bell end DD drivers get noticed , so you driving in a normal manner going about your business living your life go unnoticed.

But saying that UKMail on AI4 are one of the pain in the arses for me anyways :sunglasses:

Got overtaken by a Morrisons motor last night :exclamation: :open_mouth: (hire unit) And i think they’ve been out of the overtaking game for so long he put me onto hard shoulder twice before giving me a 1 foot gap when he pulled in! Kin idiot.

Bing - Bong

Paging Mr K, Mr Rob K, please report to the PDF with a FFSNTSA picture as soon as possible - Thank you

Suffolk ReeferBoy:

Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


Night time DD drivers are indeed bell ends of the highest order.

A14 at night is overrun with the fools , all running in convoy playing silly little speed up slow down games.

Plus I am glad I am not the only one with A “LIST”. :exclamation:

We should compare “LISTS-”


Suffolk ReeferBoy:

Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


Night time DD drivers are indeed bell ends of the highest order.

A14 at night is overrun with the fools , all running in convoy playing silly little speed up slow down games.

Plus I am glad I am not the only one with A “LIST”. :exclamation:

We should compare “LISTS-”


You two should really get out more :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Suffolk ReeferBoy:

Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


Night time DD drivers are indeed bell ends of the highest order.

A14 at night is overrun with the fools , all running in convoy playing silly little speed up slow down games.

Plus I am glad I am not the only one with A “LIST”. :exclamation:

We should compare “LISTS-”

My “LIST” includes Agos Axors pulling containers, Maritime, Robert Wisemans and people carriers with Mr and Mrs , wearing matching " sports " jackets/jumpers and matching bad haircuts on top of a sour boat race.

The black Volvo 610 that nearly took my sprinter with his trailer coming through the road works @ Leeming Bar

DHL drivers :unamused: will say no more on that matter

The trouble is, is that everyone races to get in the que for the sheds to tip which can take about an hour and a half on a average night. I personally don’t rush as once tipped u can be parked up for about 3 hours anyway. The sooner you get there the longer your parked up.

Suffolk ReeferBoy:


Suffolk ReeferBoy:

Them double decker drivers at night are a special breed …

They are on mine and coffeeholics


Night time DD drivers are indeed bell ends of the highest order.

A14 at night is overrun with the fools , all running in convoy playing silly little speed up slow down games.

Plus I am glad I am not the only one with A “LIST”. :exclamation:

We should compare “LISTS-”

My “LIST” includes Agos Axors pulling containers, Maritime, Robert Wisemans and people carriers with Mr and Mrs , wearing matching " sports " jackets/jumpers and matching bad haircuts on top of a sour boat race.

Funny how Wisemans and Argos are on our list as well !!

Suffolk ReeferBoy:
My “LIST” includes Agos Axors pulling containers, Maritime, Robert Wisemans and people carriers with Mr and Mrs , wearing matching " sports " jackets/jumpers and matching bad haircuts on top of a sour boat race.

and what the ■■■■ is wrong with maritime drivers?

Lee G:

Suffolk ReeferBoy:
My “LIST” includes Agos Axors pulling containers, Maritime, Robert Wisemans and people carriers with Mr and Mrs , wearing matching " sports " jackets/jumpers and matching bad haircuts on top of a sour boat race.

and what the [zb] is wrong with maritime drivers?

don’t know, what is wrong with maritime drivers