5th wheel failure

Hey guys any info on 5th wheel failure ■■? follwing accident at work DAF truck

there are 3 bolts on the horseshoe, they come loose, and trailers can fall off.
ps. you can’t see them, as they are covered in grease.

It’s been discussed on here several times, I can’t be arsed searching for the threads though.

is this common fault to DAF trucks■■? as never happened to me before

is this common fault to DAF trucks■■? as never happened to me before

it’s not issolated to Daf. the fifth wheel could have come from several fifth wheel manufacturers who supply several truck manufacturers.
it’s down to poor maintenance, tight arsed bosses, drivers that don’t report faults, and drivers that don’t know something is faulty, so they can’t report it in the first place.

Ok thanks anybody know anymore about this please reply or if its happened to your self ■■

What did happen? and how

Ok thanks anybody know anymore about this please reply or if its happened to your self ■■

A lot of fifth wheels use a PTFE wearing ring which is fitted into the plate with screws. (centre of picture)

i once watched a tr fall off the back of a unit in one of our customers yard,we got the tr back on it`s feet and reattached only for it to nearly come off again.
we went through the coupling routine again but this time i went underneath to have a look,the bar that closes behind the pin had only come half way across so that when the tug test was carried out all appeared fine,but when the outfit started to corner the tr broke loose.
a few days earlier the same driver had lost his tr at a different customers yard when he reported it to the garage they said it was down to driver error :imp:

I once pulled the fifth wheel handle and the spring broke. It don’t half hurt when that happens .
That was a daf to. Yes i did end up on my ars :angry:

i once watched a tr fall off the back of a unit in one of our customers yard,we got the tr back on it`s feet and reattached only for it to nearly come off again.
we went through the coupling routine again but this time i went underneath to have a look,the bar that closes behind the pin had only come half way across so that when the tug test was carried out all appeared fine,but when the outfit started to corner the tr broke loose.
a few days earlier the same driver had lost his tr at a different customers yard when he reported it to the garage they said it was down to driver error :imp:

this is the very reason why i have a quick look with a torch to make sure everythings as it should be ie jaws fully around the 5th wheel

It’s where the dog clip is handy - if it won’t go in, there’s a problem.

Ok thanks guys really helpfull

Ok thanks guys really helpfull

What have you done? or was it a friend who did it? :wink:

i once watched a tr fall off the back of a unit in one of our customers yard,we got the tr back on it`s feet and reattached only for it to nearly come off again.
we went through the coupling routine again but this time i went underneath to have a look,the bar that closes behind the pin had only come half way across so that when the tug test was carried out all appeared fine,but when the outfit started to corner the tr broke loose.
a few days earlier the same driver had lost his tr at a different customers yard when he reported it to the garage they said it was down to driver error :imp:

But the dog clip shouldn’t go in unless the pin has gone all the way across. The only way to end up with that happening is to not bother checking the 5th wheel handle is where it should be - if the bar has only gone part way across, so has the pull handle as they’re connected.

Jessica’s Dad is the man to speak to, i remember his post about a major problem, (with a 5th wheel!) although it was a few yrs ago now.

This is what you get with a faulty 5th wheel!!! dont i no :confused: lucky no one was hurt in this, was down to broken springs, the safety clip was still intact but the arm had shot over the saftey clip!! my only saving grace was i had a witnesss who saw it all and also the saftey chain still in place pheeeeeeeeeeew :grimacing: and its resting place wad straight through a main gas line inside the unit as well. these have been posted before as well

do youknow what globby… i was looking in the photo forum yesterday at the last dozen oe so pages, and saw your original post about this, went to find it tonight to put a link up and couldnt see it. wish you’d written your post half hr earlier, would have saved 20 mins of my life! :wink:

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: What can i say kindle :wink: :wink:

sad thing is i remember the original post once i’d opened it, as i did a lot of those old posts. Cant remember where i went last week thou!