15 Minutes children

may be their drivers who park in lay bys and industrial estates with no facility’s are good at holding in and don,t suffer from turtles head syndrome :laughing:

HEY mr Switchlogic, I have NEVER been actually convicted of anything so carefull where you tread I am litigious.

Someone else that’s as far up Dickos arse as Dicko is, maybe you live near an industrial estate, if you do please put up a sign saying we can use your loo.

I know I’m fairly new at this trucking lark and I don’t know everything yet, maybe when I do I can drive one of Eddies 2000 trucks, or was it 3000 last series, sorry I digress, how did the the 7.5t driver do a “blind-side reverse” in a RIGID?





Get your facts right mr zippo I have seen many of stobarts in laybys and industrial estates so much for a well run and professional company “NOT”

Stobby’s are a professional company,running well maintained kit,and showing the industry in a positive light.

unlike the rest of you,parking on industrial estates and defecating in carrier bags and throwing it over the wall.
YOU—MAKE—ME----SICK. :angry:

They may park on industrial estates and lay bys BUT have you ever seen them ■■■ in a bag?
go on answer me honestly.

Zippo Have you seen any driver ■■■ in a bag? Go on answer answer me honestly. If the answer is yes I think you may need to be the subject of a restraining order forthwith

HEY mr Switchlogic, I have NEVER been actually convicted of anything so carefull where you tread I am litigious.
BUT evidence is bounteously available, for example Immingham lorry park AKA little Poland.
And you NEVER see stobarts on Immingham lorry park.

You have never been “actually” convicted does that mean you have been up in front of a judge for lewd behaviour staring at truck drivers pooing in carrier bags??

I would like to lighten things up a bit by introducing a bit of poetry, to rase the tone so to speak.
Problem is I have started a poem but I just can’t finish it can anyone help?
Here goes.

There once was a trucker called ■■■, who liked to ■■■ in a bag.
He ran out of luck when the bag became stuck."…

Any takers?



I’ll stick with listening to 6Music cheers. Friday nights are one of best, Tom Robinson followed by Tom Ravenscroft. Brilliant and a hell of a lot better than that tripe.

It was good for my 20 minute drive to Crawley to drop some stuff off, then a quick trip to the pub for a 16oz steak. I hope my drivers mate* next week likes 6music, well he’s got no choice as I’m driving so my choice.

*basically someone who is going to show me how to do the paperwork for this job before I do it alone. Why he needs to be with me for the entire week away is beyond me but he better buy the teas.

Good man. If he doesn’t like it then just never ever speak to him again. Bit of radio trivia for you peeps, Tom Ravenscroft who’s on from 9 tonight is John Peels son.

John Peels collection is going to be available online soon.

radiotimes.com/news/2012-02- … ine-museum

Margrave of the Marshes

HEY mr Switchlogic, I have NEVER been actually convicted of anything so carefull where you tread I am litigious.
BUT evidence is bounteously available, for example Immingham lorry park AKA little Poland.
And you NEVER see stobarts on Immingham lorry park.

:laughing: Yo! Harpo.
So if you engage in litigation - did you appear in court to defend Eddies “Driver Trainer” when he went up a “One-Way Street” the wrong way■■?

Or was the Parking Fine he received payment in kind? Wouldn’t do to have a “Driver Trainer” of the saviour of Britain appear in court and destroy the manufactured image of St Eddie - now would it? :laughing:

I thought that…He must be some trainer, if he doesn’t notice road signs. ■■■. :unamused:

may be their drivers who park in lay bys and industrial estates with no facility’s are good at holding in and don,t suffer from turtles head syndrome :laughing:

o belive me they do well at leas i did when i was parked on the a9 near perth sainsburys bags are the best :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

BUT evidence is bounteously available, for example Immingham lorry park AKA little Poland.

Got to agree with you here chap, pulled in here other week, for my break, pulled sraight back out again, absolute disgrace, litter everywhere, due to bins never being emptied, full of Poles, Lithuanians, Romanians, menacing place, Christ knows what locals think who live in them houses…

As for the programme, I’m afraid I quite like watching it, I don’t think it does any harm whatsoever to our industry, if it keeps getting nearly 2 million viewers every week, then it can’t be a bad thing…

BUT evidence is bounteously available, for example Immingham lorry park AKA little Poland.

Got to agree with you here chap, pulled in here other week, for my break, pulled sraight back out again, absolute disgrace, litter everywhere, due to bins never being emptied, full of Poles, Lithuanians, Romanians, menacing place, Christ knows what locals think who live in them houses…

As for the programme, I’m afraid I quite like watching it, I don’t think it does any harm whatsoever to our industry, if it keeps getting nearly 2 million viewers every week, then it can’t be a bad thing…

Any video of all the rioters in Dublin? Lol :grimacing:

Dublin riots?

I thought that…He must be some trainer, if he doesn’t notice road signs. ■■■. :unamused:

Most " trainers " are just jumped up little adolfs who can’t handle the road anymore! :smiley: ooohhhh I’ve had me licence a few years I’ll join the stobart police! Hilarious they are haven’t got a scooby! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Dublin riots?

Didn’t they show that! :grimacing: think they’re on standby for next week to break the picket lines again! Easter soon isn’t it? They’ll be striking in Dublin for that surely! :grimacing: 1916 and all that! :sunglasses: :grimacing:

Mr dixons so-called fan page on the book of face, some of the comments are hilarious. !! :laughing: :laughing:

facebook.com/pages/Mark-Dixo … 6793860204

HA HA…The dix removed all of the abuse. Anyway…I’ll leave him alone now.

Fatboy slimslow:

Dublin riots?

Didn’t they show that! :grimacing: think they’re on standby for next week to break the picket lines again! Easter soon isn’t it? They’ll be striking in Dublin for that surely! :grimacing: 1916 and all that! :sunglasses: :grimacing:

No-one gives a ■■■■■■■■ about that stuff anymore. This is 2012 ffs.