15 Minutes children

Quick, get your tea finished and get the beers out, ■■■■■ and trailers is about to start.

I’m washing my hair.

mythbusters is on and that birds fit :sunglasses:

cant it wait ffs :unamused:

p.s i didnt edit this post because i spelt it wrong … honest :blush:

Quick, get your tea finished and get the beers out, [zb] and trailers is about to start.

■■■■ that’s a shame, I’m missing it :frowning:

I’m watching some grass grow at the moment, seems more interesting :wink:

cheers for the reminder mate,
gives me time to get my pj’s on and have a search for something decent to watch on netflix

Time for bed me thinks…0100 start tomorrow for Newcastle then Washington…will read all about on TN over the weekend :laughing: :laughing:

im watching it i need a bit of a laugh after a hard week :laughing:

im watching it just incase they save the world … god bless us all … :smiley:


He’s got to take a 33ft rigid round Piccadilly Circus!!! Scary bicuits him!!

( I Took 42ft coach there twice on sunday, survived)


He’s got to take a 33ft rigid round Piccadilly Circus!!! Scary bicuits him!!

( I Took 42ft coach there twice on sunday, survived)

shut ya face coach driving is for girls … :unamused:

I aint got any size 10 knickers but he can have my size 11 boot up his arse.


Oh no, the Westway has a traffic jam. Whatever next :unamused:

Lee the driver trainer is setting such a great example. :laughing: :laughing:

piccadilly CIRCUS how apt :smiley:

Lee the driver trainer is setting such a great example. :laughing: :laughing:

i’d have kicked him in the ■■■■■■■■ im afraid …

I’ll stick with listening to 6Music cheers. Friday nights are one of best, Tom Robinson followed by Tom Ravenscroft. Brilliant and a hell of a lot better than that tripe.

Lee the driver trainer is setting such a great example. :laughing: :laughing:

My Mrs noted that too :laughing:

thousands of pounds for six trips 7 miles in and out of london, FFS!

I actually feel for him…central London building site with crappy site entrance…Shudder… been there done it and dont wanna do it again!!! :blush: