Given some of the perfectly good words that are on the censored list it might pay to clear the list completely and rewrite it.
Just a thought
Given some of the perfectly good words that are on the censored list it might pay to clear the list completely and rewrite it.
Just a thought
Hi tachograph,
I’ll have to stick with the answer I gave to zac_a because I need some input from the higher ups.
Sounds a bit like pulling the tacho fuse only to discover that it knocks out your ABS
It’s probably worth highlighting that Dieseldave isn’t some nerdy tech geek, programming the code from scratch out of a bunch of 1’s and 0’s, until it eventually creates the forum as we see it; the new format has given him a whole load of extra work to do in his already busy schedule. To the best of my knowledge, TN Forum Manager isn’t paid-for-40-hours-a-week-full-time job.
Those that continue to slag off the new-format forum for it’s various “shortcomings” , or feel personally insulted that they can’t write in their everyday “industrial language”, might want to take a minute to appreciate that it’s “one of our own” who is taking on the myriad tasks which, for other forms of social media, would be being dealt with by some geek who was coding Java, Python, and C++ et al, while at the same still learning to write “the cat sat on the mat” in crayon.
not so much the cat sat on the mat but more hello world
sorry couldn’t resist
Zac, you quite rightly highlight Dieseldave’s tireless role in TN2 and rightly point out that the senior admin management are not the same thing. Indeed, I had some very helpful telephone conversations with him when I couldn’t gain access to the new platform earlier in the year.
In posters’ expressions of disappointment & frustration at TN2’s development, however, I haven’t observed Dave’s position being singled out for criticism or attack. Indeed, the evidence is that they perceive the situation as you do. You may be preaching to the converted!
Good to know that others understand the reality of the new set up, but whether Dave gets singled out by name or not, I suspect many don’t appreciate the differences between TruckNet, Truck and Driver and DVV Media: Dave is the visible element of forum management and it is he who posts explanations, updates etc. so he’s the one that has to deal with all the disgruntlement
Dave is doing a d amn good job in difficult circumstances…and it’s much appreciated. There are not many ‘keyboard warriors’ on here who could have stuck with it as he has.
The spelling police have said DA MN. is not acceptable…without the space.
As a mod on another forum, I’ve always appreciated the time and effort Dave has devoted, as a volunteer.
I don’t know if Dave also has admin access, but I’ve got the impression that the “paid to do the job” people, up the ladder from Dave, are hiding behind him to dodge the complaints, allowing them to ignore the forum users.
Dave, I offer my thanks and appreciation for the work you put into this place. I do not envy your situation.
I’ve just fixed that one, … it’s clearly not a word that should have been included on the list.
Thank you sir. To be fair Dave, there are quite a few innocuous words(us Yorkshire lad know big words)on the list that could do with removing. But there are ways and means.
I’ve been quietly removing some of the sillier words that this Discourse platform had as ‘built-in’ so if there are any other words that you (reasonably!!) think shouldn’t be caught by the auto censor, then please let me know by posting them up so I can attend to them.
I’ve just fixed the Scunthorpe thing by removing a couple of wildcards from the auto censor.
The offensive four letter word in the middle of Scunthporpe remains on the banned words list though.
B4ll B4ggs and fark pig, d1ld0 face
Ball and baggs are OK or ball bag is OK too.
The other two words will be caught by the auto censor, but if typed in a post in anyother context than in this post would result in a Mod having a quiet word with the poster for dodging the auto censor because the rule is… just type it as you would normally, then leave the auto censor to do its work.
My comment above was designed to get people to suggest reasonable words that shouldn’t be caught.
is suck squeeze bang blow allowed now??
apparently so
The county of Cumbria and any mention of wild birds blue ■■■■, coal ■■■■ and great ■■■■…and ■■■■ in general.
(Eartha Kitts )
Just noticed the rugby position of hooker rhyming with cooker is also a no no.
And do not mention your ■■■■■ cat either.
This forum and this discussion has just become bizzare…it reminds me of the Monty Python woody and tinny words sketch.
Edit…see Cumbria has got a reprieve.
And there is no good reason for it. These words are all over the telly these days for goodness’ sake. I am a member of a French, English language, general forum. It is based more or less on the same format as this new forum, which is why I coped better than many when this one changed. There are no banned words there, you can say anything you like even though at least half the members are female and we know many kids read it too. But the result is that we hardly ever use real swearwords and then only in context to make a point. And of course we don’t have to hide towns like S cunthorpe and counties like C umbria. Are we adults to be treated like infants or should we be treated with common respect?
The core principles of a jet engine, intake, compress ,ignition, exhaust and thrust.
Ok the latest…
It looks like Cumbria has just been re.introduced…
Stop press hooker has been repreived.
Just looking forward now to a pair of great ■■■■ and a ■■■■■ to make an appearance.
Jeez is it just me?
How tf can anybody actually take this stuff seriously .