I had the Myocardial Perfusion Scan with the ECG two weeks ago, a 2 day affair with two separate 3 hour visits to the hospital. The ECG part came back as fine, but there was no indication by the hospital as to whether there was a problem or not with the chest scans, as they need to be annalised by the DVLA Doctors, and again as of yesterday the DVLA claim not to have recieved the results yet. So just got to carry on waiting with an uncertain mind
Rang on tuesday and the results had finally been received and scanned onto the system, just rang this afternoon and the medical team are looking at results received at the end of October, so six weeks + two weeks for Christmas = sometime in Febuary…bugger
Christ Joe, what a nightmare you’ve had with them mate. I hope you have some good news next time you get hold of them.
All the best
Christ Joe, what a nightmare you’ve had with them mate. I hope you have some good news next time you get hold of them.All the best
Thanks BB but no good news yet, rang them on tuesday and much the same story, they are currently looking at results for tests that were put on the system on the 10th November, mine went on the system 14th December so looking at another 4/5 weeks
No,sorry.I can’t wish you good Luck
I have to push you to overthink if the Lorry has Priority against your Health for you.
You just getting older,and,im sure you like driving a new Lorry more then a old,the same is it with your Body and Soul.
If your Body starts settling down,preparing him for Retirement you have to go with him.Doing smaller Steps in Future,and leave longer.
No,sorry.I can’t wish you good Luck
I have to push you to overthink if the Lorry has Priority against your Health for you.
You just getting older,and,im sure you like driving a new Lorry more then a old,the same is it with your Body and Soul.
If your Body starts settling down,preparing him for Retirement you have to go with him.Doing smaller Steps in Future,and leave longer.
Cheeky [zb], how old do you think I am
I’m probably more fitter than 75% of the people currently behind the wheel of an LGV who would struggle to do 3 minutes on the treadmill test at a 0% incline, never mind the required 9 minutes at an average 12%
I did 12 minutes at an average of 14%
Anyway the purpose of the thread was to highlight to people the time it takes for the DVLA to respond to information they’re sitting on, and just by coincidence the first letter from them over this saga was dated 25th January 2011, 12 months ago today
Latest update, my results were assessed by an assessor on the 24th Jan, who decided he needed to pass them on to be looked at by a Doctor (FFS ), and as of Tuesday this Doctor is looking at results passed to him on 3rd Jan.
A guy I worked with took ill one day. His doc had no idea but thought it may be heart problems. It took the NHS twelve months to work out it was some gut infection, which by then had done plenty of damage and took a good six months to sort. So 18 months later, he’s fit and ready, but has no licence. DVLA say he needs confirmation he has no heart problem, which he never has had, it was a wrong diagnosis that mentioned his heart. His doc, who was the originator of this heart ‘problem’ wrote, but although he as qualified enough to start the DVLA to believe he had a heart condition, he isn’t qualified enough to stop it. He ended up having a check up by a top Harley street heart surgeon and even then, the idiots at Swansea took over 12 months to write a few letters and he even ended up having to go somewhere (not sure if it was Swansea or somewhere else) to see their medical panel. It ended up costing him 3 yrs wages, all because someone wrongly thought he had a problem.
A guy I worked with took ill one day. His doc had no idea but thought it may be heart problems. It took the NHS twelve months to work out it was some gut infection, which by then had done plenty of damage and took a good six months to sort. So 18 months later, he’s fit and ready, but has no licence. DVLA say he needs confirmation he has no heart problem, which he never has had, it was a wrong diagnosis that mentioned his heart. His doc, who was the originator of this heart ‘problem’ wrote, but although he as qualified enough to start the DVLA to believe he had a heart condition, he isn’t qualified enough to stop it. He ended up having a check up by a top Harley street heart surgeon and even then, the idiots at Swansea took over 12 months to write a few letters and he even ended up having to go somewhere (not sure if it was Swansea or somewhere else) to see their medical panel. It ended up costing him 3 yrs wages, all because someone wrongly thought he had a problem.
Jesus thats a scarey scenario, I’ve been on this job over twelve months now, not driven a truck on the road since March 5th 2011. I feel fit and healthy, but have other maladies not connected to the heart including some gut pains, although I’ve been assured that they shouldn’t affect any ECG readings . Hopefully the Miocardial Scan results will give me the all clear
Not good news again, the DVLA have finally looked at the scan results from last November and have decided I am ‘‘currently unable to meet the cardiac fitness requirements for vocational driving’’
No reasons given, so after a consultation at the GP and yet another referal to the Cardiac Surgeon who is trying to track down the scan results, I’m off on the quest to find out what is wrong FFS
If the Cardiac Surgeon is of the opinion I am fit to drive, the next step is to inform DVLA that we may appeal against the decision in the Magistrates Court, and they will take a re-look at the case…tick…tock…tick…tock
Big Joe:
Not good news again, the DVLA have finally looked at the scan results from last November and have decided I am ‘‘currently unable to meet the cardiac fitness requirements for vocational driving’’
No reasons given, so after a consultation at the GP and yet another referal to the Cardiac Surgeon who is trying to track down the scan results, I’m off on the quest to find out what is wrong FFSIf the Cardiac Surgeon is of the opinion I am fit to drive, the next step is to inform DVLA that we may appeal against the decision in the Magistrates Court, and they will take a re-look at the case…tick…tock…tick…tock
this is beyond a joke Joe ! wtf are they playing at ?! i understand you have got to be safe on the road but ffs surely it doesnt take this long to establish wether your fit or not ? this country is a joke !!
hope its better news next time bud
this is beyond a joke Joe ! wtf are they playing at ?! i understand you have got to be safe on the road but ffs surely it doesnt take this long to establish wether your fit or not ? this country is a joke !!hope its better news next time bud
Things have moved on pretty fast, well compared to recently .
After the DVLA refused to tell me or the the Cardiac Surgeon’s secetary the reason for the refusal, or send details of the scan I had to my Doctors, the chief man at Liverpool Broadgreen Cardiac unit rang Swansea himself and spoke to their wallers, and managed to weedle out of them where they thought the area of concern was on the chest scan. As a result I’m back into Broadgreen Cardiac unit next week for more Agioplasty (chest investigation work with stents where needed), and as long as the Cardio surgeon thinks he’s done something to improve things, we will hopefully start the reapplication all over again.
Well hopefully everything goes (A ok) for you this time joe
How long does the application take joe ? because time is draggin on
Be good to see you back on the road again mate
Well hopefully everything goes (A ok) for you this time joeHow long does the application take joe ? because time is draggin on
Several months no doubt, I’ll have to wait six weeks before they’ll organise an ECG/Treadmill, then it depends on how long it takes DVLA to look at those results
Thats rediculess ! do they not care that they are messing with people’s business’s and livelyhood ?
I hope your customers are still there when your back on the road joe
bunch of bloody pen pushers
Big Joe:
Well hopefully everything goes (A ok) for you this time joeHow long does the application take joe ? because time is draggin on
Several months no doubt, I’ll have to wait six weeks before they’ll organise an ECG/Treadmill, then it depends on how long it takes DVLA to look at those results
So went back into hospital for Agioplasty (chest investigation work with stents where needed) last tuesday, all tests and examinations came back as normal with no worsening of heart condition and all arterys and original stents remarkably clear, so no more stents needed .
Because no stents were fitted there is no need for the 3 month wait before ECG tests can be undertaken, and the surgeon has fired off a letter to DVLA stating his findings and his opinion, they being that the exercise ECG tests are throwing up false positive readings, and my condition and fitness exceeds the levels required to hold a class 2 licence .
Now got to …w…a…i…t… for the DVLA to respond
So went back into hospital for Agioplasty (chest investigation work with stents where needed) last tuesday, all tests and examinations came back as normal with no worsening of heart condition and all arterys and original stents remarkably clear, so no more stents needed .
Because no stents were fitted there is no need for the 3 month wait before ECG tests can be undertaken, and the surgeon has fired off a letter to DVLA stating his findings and his opinion, they being that the exercise ECG tests are throwing up false positive readings, and my condition and fitness exceeds the levels required to hold a class 2 licence .
Now got to …w…a…i…t… for the DVLA to respond
Spot on Joe !
hopefully you hear back from the DVLA quite quick and you can get them wheels turning again
only thing that puzzles me is why has it taken them so bloody long to suddently turn around and say that the ECG tests are throwing up false readings ? surely this should have been spotted earier on and all this unnecessary wasted time could have been prevented ?
They want sueing now for loss of earning’s due to not spotting this test malfunction earlier.
Other than that is great news Joe be good to see you back on the road mate
only thing that puzzles me is why has it taken them so bloody long to suddently turn around and say that the ECG tests are throwing up false readings ?
Its my Cardiac surgeon thats says they are false readings, and its a common thing, the DVLA bods just work to a crib sheet with six questions which they answer with information from the tests they’ve commissioned, just one question with a ‘No’ answer and its no licence.
Hopefully the opinion of someone who actually knows what he’s talking about will cut some ice and they’ll concede, if they still won’t after that and then its off to the Magistrates Court to challenge the decision.
Yet more bollox from the DVLA, despite having a letter in front of them from a learned Cardiac Consultant stating that my heart condition and fitness levels exceed those required for a class 2, they are after yet more information.
So far I’ve seen three specialist DVLA Doctors, two of them were trained by my Cardiac Surgeon, ■■■■■■■ crazy or what
Latest update is, well nothing yet. They have written to all the Doctors I’ve seen over the last twelve months and asked for all results and opinions so they can pass them onto the Medical Commitee for a decision it seems no single person at the DVLA will make the decision on their tod